Vaginal dryness gels. Is it worth using them?
Vaginal dryness gels. Is it worth using them?Vaginal dryness gels. Is it worth using them?

The embarrassing problem of vaginal dryness can cause many unpleasant consequences. There are many reasons for this – it can occur due to taking contraception, as a result of menopause, but most often it is associated with disorders of female sex hormones – estrogens. It is estimated that up to 30% of women suffer from this ailment. Although there are many causes, they are most often associated with hormonal disorders or infections. However, there are special lubricants available on the market that will quickly help get rid of the problem!

Vaginal dryness is most common in perimenopausal women between the ages of 45 and 55. Then the intercourse starts to hurt, accompanied by sensations such as itching, burning, recurring infections. However, young patients of gynecological offices also complain about this ailment – it happens as a result of using contraception or the wrong intimate hygiene agent.

The easiest way to eliminate this unpleasant symptom, regardless of the cause, is to use moisturizing intimate gels:

  1. The best results are brought by regular use, e.g. before bedtime.
  2. Use those that can be bought at the pharmacy, i.e. from the most reliable source. You don’t risk causing an allergic reaction, they are certified and safe.
  3. Before first use, do an allergy test – every body reacts differently. It is best to use the gel on a small area of ​​the skin and observe its reactions.
  4. Gels of this type are a good alternative because they work locally, do not cause side effects and are easy to use. You can apply them both on the labia and in the vestibule of the vagina.
  5. If you are prone to frequent allergies, use fragrance-free, natural products.
  6. Lubricants will reduce the risk of abrasions and damage to the epithelium, the risk of intimate infections and will improve the quality of sexual intercourse. They will also reduce the possibility of pain during sex.
  7. Some gels have hyaluronic acid in their composition, which will improve the structure of the vaginal epithelium, and thus – its elasticity and thickness. The skin will also regenerate more easily.
  8. These types of agents have virtually no contraindications, apart from being allergic to any of the ingredients.

One of the most important elements of caring for the intimate parts of the body is proper hygiene in these places. Choosing the right cleaning agents is not without significance here. It is best to choose preparations for intimate hygiene with a pH close to physiological, i.e. 4,5, and containing chamomile extract, oak bark or hyaluronic acid.

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