Vaginal dryness – causes, symptoms, treatment

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Vaginal dryness is a discomfort in the intimate area that negatively affects the quality of everyday life, due to the lack of moisture in the vagina, at its entrance and in the vulva area. Vaginal dryness can be the result of hormonal changes of various causes, but it can also be a symptom of troublesome diseases – including intimate infections. How is vaginal dryness manifested? What can help with vaginal dryness?

Vaginal dryness – symptoms characteristic

Vaginal dryness, i.e. insufficient hydration of the vagina and vulvais a serious health problem. For some women, however, it can be so embarrassing that they decide to hide it even from their doctor. This is a big mistake – restoring the proper level of hydration of the intimate areas is very important for the comfort of everyday life and sexual activity.

Why is it so important? In healthy women, the vagina produces mucus that moisturizes the vagina. Its most important roles include protection against pathogenic microorganisms and their multiplication, as well as enabling sexual intercourse (it is at the moment of arousal mucus is produced in the greatest amount).

Disturbing changes in the amount of mucus may therefore lead to greater susceptibility to various types of intimate infections and have a negative impact on sexual life, which becomes simply painful. It’s also worth remembering that vaginal dryness can be both a symptom and a cause of vaginal disease. Certainly, this problem should not be underestimated.

It is very important to properly care for intimate areas. For daily hygiene, try the soothing intimate hygiene gel Vianek, which contains natural ingredients that do not cause allergies or irritation. Choose also BIO intimate hygiene gel with Propolia BeeYes propolis, which soothes and moisturizes the intimate area at the same time.

Also read: When sex hurts

Vaginal dryness – symptoms

What should worry us? The most characteristic symptom of vaginal dryness is the feeling of insufficient moisture in the intimate zone. Other common complaints that may indicate vaginal dryness include:

  1. burning and itching around the vagina;
  2. vaginal bleeding unrelated to menstruation, which may result from trauma to the vaginal mucosa;
  3. pain in the intimate area that occurs during and / or after sexual activity, but also when walking, cycling or wearing tight clothes;
  4. feeling of pressure and throbbing in the vagina;
  5. yellow or green discharge visible on underwear;
  6. feeling of frequent urge to urinate;
  7. frequent intimate infections caused by insufficient hydration of the intimate areas.

Moisturizing properties have Dermoxen intimate gel, which is worth using every day as part of the care and hygiene of intimate places.

See also: Vaginal discharge (discharge) – what are they? Causes of vaginal discharge

Vaginal dryness during menopause

Vaginal dryness is a problem most often faced by women over 45. This is due to the fact that estrogen levels drop in the perimenopausal period. As a result, the vaginal walls become thinner, less flexible and moisturized. Vagina is thus more sensitive to various types of stimuli – even contact with underwear can be unpleasant. Sometimes it can also bleed because the walls of the vagina are so thin and dry that they become extremely sensitive and prone to injury.

Vaginal dryness after menopause is hormonal and is quite common. At this stage of life, atrophic vaginitis (Vaginitis) is observed in women, and insufficient vaginal lubrication is one of its symptoms (apart from irritation, itching, pain during intercourse or bleeding after intercourse). These ailments do not go away on their own, and may even increase over time.

For vaginal dryness, try Femintim – a gel for women, which is currently available on Medonet Market at a promotional price.

Find out more: Atrophic vaginitis – when and why?

Vaginal dryness – other causes

However, problems with vaginal dryness do not only affect menopausal women and may also appear at an earlier age. What can cause problems with insufficient lubrication of the vagina and vulva in this situation? The most common reason for this appears to be hormonal changes in the bodywhich may have a variety of backgrounds, including:

  1. pregnancy, childbirth, puerperium and breastfeeding;
  2. taking medications, especially hormonal drugs, diuretics, antidepressants and antibiotics;
  3. invasive treatments such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy, mainly used in the treatment of cancer;
  4. use of hormonal contraception;
  5. some metabolic disorders (e.g. diabetes);
  6. excessive stress;
  7. alcohol abuse;
  8. smoking cigarettes or other tobacco products;
  9. intimate infections.

In some cases, however, vaginal dryness may be due to other factors. It happens that it has to do with an improperly balanced dietcontributing to significant deficiencies of the key micro- and macrolutrients for the functioning of the organism.

It also happens that mucus secretion disorders are related to completely mundane issues, such as the use of perfumed hygiene products (intimate hygiene fluids, liners, sanitary napkins) or washing underwear in unsuitable, irritating liquids for washing or rinsing. Vaginal dryness can also be caused by allergies, including allergic reactions to condoms, pads or inserts.

For vaginal dryness, use DermoXEN HYDRA moisturizing vaginal pessaries, which you can find at an attractive price on Medonet Market. In turn, for everyday care, we recommend a gentle intimate cleanser with blueberry and Anthyllis marigold extracts.

Vaginal dryness in pregnancy and in the postpartum period

Insufficient vaginal lubrication during pregnancy results from significant hormonal changes taking place in the mother’s body during this period. Vaginal dryness usually occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, and may be caused by a stinging sensation in the vagina at first. Usually, this ailment – with the development of pregnancy – spontaneously disappears.

Usually, this problem does not require special treatment, but it should always be consulted with the gynecologist who is conducting the pregnancy. Vaginal dryness may be a symptom of an intimate infection, potentially endangering the health of the fetus.

It also happens that vaginal dryness appears after childbirth – during the puerperium. The body then returns to the state it was in before pregnancy, and the hormonal balance takes place enormously. The production of estrogens drops significantly, while the level of production of prolactin – a hormone responsible for lactation – increases. As a result, the degree of vaginal lubrication may decrease significantly, which is manifested mainly by burning, itching and general discomfort of the intimate areas.

The anti-inflammatory and soothing effect is provided by Bioherba Natural Intimate Hygiene Gel, which you can safely use for everyday hygiene of intimate places.

Vaginal dryness – diagnosis

How to Treat Vaginal Dryness? First of all, it is extremely important to determine the cause of this ailment. Therefore, it is very important – and unfortunately not obvious to all women – it turns out honest and open conversation with the gynecologist. When consulting with a specialist, you should carefully describe your problems and experiences – only then will it be possible to make a correct diagnosis. During a medical interview, it is worth remembering to outline the widest possible picture of your ailments – such issues as e.g.

  1. other diseases and ailments that we struggle with and which may disturb the physical balance of the body;
  2. our mental state, including stressful or anxiety-inducing situations and other psychological problems;
  3. problems with sexual activity;
  4. significant changes in the life situation (moving, divorce, illness of a loved one, etc.);
  5. medications (including over-the-counter and dietary supplements);
  6. life habits and the general lifestyle we lead (amount and frequency of movement, amount of sleep, etc.).

Vaginal dryness should always be consulted with your doctor. It is a symptom not only hindering your intimate life. It can also contribute to the development of inflammation or be part of a more complex problem that requires diagnosis and treatment.

In the case of vaginal dryness, it is worth reaching for a lubricant that will help you moisturize for a long time. In this case, it is worth choosing an agent that is safe for condoms. We also recommend a vegan lubricant for women, which can be used for irritations of the mucous membranes of the intimate areas.

Vaginal dryness – treatment

The methods of dealing with the problem depend on what is causing your vaginal dryness. If an intimate infection is involved, it is necessary to treat it – usually antibiotic therapy is used for this purpose. If your vaginal dryness is due to your hormonal contraceptive use, you may need to switch to another agent.

However, women in perimenopause are often prescribed products to relieve the symptoms of vaginal dryness, which contain hormones (vaginal creams or pessaries). For patients who cannot or do not want to use hormones, preparations that do not contain them may be a satisfactory alternative. The North American Menopause Society recommends using non-hormonal products for vaginal dryness in the first place [i]. Only when they turn out to be ineffective or insufficiently effective, hormone therapy should be started.

The offer of Medonet Market includes Florakcid vaginal globules with hyaluronic acid, which have a moisturizing effect.


In aesthetic medicine offices, treatments are increasingly available to stimulate vaginal cells to produce mucus. Usually they are stimulated with a laser or injections with hyaluronic acid or plasma. As a result, the blood supply to the vaginal mucosa improves and the vaginal walls become more flexible. The production of collagen in their area also increases.

Lubricants: globules, gel and cream for vaginal dryness – what should you know about them?

Po specifics of moisturizing the vagina can be used ad hoc, regardless of the cause that causes excessive dryness. Numerous lubricants – such as moisturizing gel, moisturizing globules, vaginal dryness cream, and vaginal moisturizers – are available over the counter in pharmacies and work well as a topical to relieve vaginal dryness.

In the case of vaginal dryness, we recommend, for example, DermoXEN Vitexyl strongly moisturizing vaginal gel, which you can buy at at a promotional price.


If you are struggling with vaginal dryness, avoid lubricants from unreliable, untested sources, such as online auctions and sex shops. They can contain various types of irritants that, instead of helping, can harm you further. Also, do not use other preparations, such as body oil or fatty foods. Just bet on pharmacy products with a confirmed composition and all the necessary approvals.

Lubricants differ in composition and method of application – three main groups can be distinguished among them:

  1. water-based lubricants – the most delicate, but also the fastest drying, and therefore requiring repeated application after a short time;
  2. silicone based lubricants – more durable than the water ones, you can use condoms with them, but do not use them when using silicone sex toys;
  3. oil based lubricants – they usually contain petroleum jelly and are fortified with vitamin E, but be aware that they can cause latex cracking, so it is risky to use them together with a condom.

What to look for in the composition of lubricants? For many women, the best support turns out to be preparations containing hyaluronic acid, lactobacilli, lipids and glycogen. They moisturize the vagina, have a soothing effect and improve the microbiological environment of the vagina.

Examples of lubricants that are suitable for women are the following: the neutral water-based lubricant for women Nude Pjur, the Überlube silicone lubricant in a glass bottle, and the Med Repair Pjur regenerating lubricant with hyaluronic acid.

It should be remembered that if vaginal dryness is the result of changes in the hormonal balance, moisturizing and soothing agents are only effective. support function (e.g. during sexual activity or exercise) but do not remove the source of the problem. While the cause of vaginal dryness is specific and tangible, the primary focus should always be on healing it, and lubricants should be used as local support.

If not vaginal dryness, then what?

Symptoms associated with vaginal dryness may indicate not only problems with moisturizing the intimate areas. Intimate bacterial or fungal infections may be suspected in the event of dryness, itching, pain, vaginal discharge, or a change in the color and smell of vaginal discharge. Some non-specific symptoms may be a clue about the occurrence of venereal disease – the more so as infections from this group are not always accompanied by skin changes.

Remember about proper intimate hygiene, which will help prevent unpleasant ailments. For everyday use, you can use, for example, Intimate hygiene gel for women and girls Strong Protection DermoXEN PROTETTIVO, which contains vitamin B and hyaluronic acid, perfectly moisturizes and protects against irritation.

In the case of sexual problems such as pain during intercourse or even the inability to have full intercourse, it is worth excluding diseases such as dyspareunia (pain of various nature during intercourse) or vaginismus (muscle spasms around the vagina and pain that prevent intercourse). These types of ailments have a variety of causes, including mental ones, and therefore may require consultation with a sexologist.

Read also:

  1. Vulvodynia – chronic pain in the areas of the female genitalia
  2. Vaginal probiotics – characteristics and indications
  3. Menstrual disorders – it does not have to be a symptom of menopause

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