Vaginal cleanliness test – what is it? What is the importance of the vaginal flora?

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Vaginal cleanliness testing – in proper conditions, each woman’s vagina contains acid-forming Lactobacillus (mainly L. acidophilus, L. fermentum, L. plantarum, L. delbrueckii, L. rhamnosus). They are a type of bacteria which, by producing an acidic environment, protect the female genital tract against the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms, i.e. other bacteria, fungi.

What is a vaginal cleanliness test?

Vaginal cleanliness test (vaginal biocenosis) is a test that is performed to assess the bacterial flora and detect possible infections and inflammations. This test is of great importance especially in pregnant women, because the risk of intimate infections increases due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, and, secondly, ignoring the inflammation in pregnancy may pose a threat to the baby (premature birth, miscarriage). It is performed three times during pregnancy, which is the standard of perinatal care. The test involves taking a vaginal smear during a gynecological examination, using a special cotton swab or stick after inserting a speculum into the vagina. The material taken from the vagina and the area of ​​the urethra is placed on a slide and sent to the laboratory. The examination is painless.

Note: The test will be most reliable when at least 48 hours are performed after the last intercourse. The use of vaginal preparations is also contraindicated three days before the examination.

What is the importance of the vaginal flora?

Under normal (physiological) conditions, the female reproductive tract up to the cervix is ​​an environment in which there is a large number of microorganisms that play a very important role in it (they create a biocenosis). The most important element of this biocenosis are lactic acid rods referred to as Doderlein rods or Lactobacillus rods (L. plantarum, L. fermentum, L. rhamnosus, L. delbrueckii, L. acidophilus). They populate the vaginal epithelium, while preventing the entry of pathogenic strains, e.g. Corynebacterium, Streptococcus, Peptostreptococcus, Enterococcus, Bacteroides, Porphyromonas, Gardnerella, Ureaplasma. If there is normal flora in the vagina, these pathogens cannot adhere to the epithelium. In addition, thanks to lactobacilli and their abilities, it is possible to decompose glycogen into lactic acid, which by acidifying the vaginal environment creates a hostile place for pathogenic strains. Lactic acid sticks additionally produce hydrogen peroxide, which prevents the growth of anaerobic bacteria. Therefore, any disturbance of the physiological flora of the vagina, which is so important for the body, leads to the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria and the formation of various types of vaginitis and vulvitis.

The normal vaginal flora is influenced by:

  1. uncontrolled intake of antibiotics that destroy the flora and facilitate the settlement of fungi and bacteria,
  2. lack of proper personal hygiene,
  3. disturbed hormonal balance of the body (e.g. pregnancy, menopause, sexual cycle),
  4. sexual habits (number of sexual partners).

Partial destruction of the physiological flora can occur even under the influence of too intensive hygiene (especially when washing is done with soap that has an alkaline reaction). It can be said that there is constant competition between the physiological flora and pathological microorganisms for a place on the vaginal mucosa. The study of the biocenosis shows who is the winner of this race.

You can irrigate the vagina once in a while, but never immediately before the test. Appropriate devices should be used for irrigation. One of them is the Femina Irrigator for vaginal hygiene, which you can buy on Medonet Market.

Vaginal cleanliness test – what is the test?

Vaginal biocenosis (vaginal cleanliness testing), often referred to as vaginal cleanliness testing, vaginal flora testing, or vaginal smear, answers two fundamental questions: Is there vaginal inflammation? What is the type of inflammation (e.g. bacterial, fungal, etc.)? The test can be performed in women of all ages, also during pregnancy.

Vaginal biocenosis is performed if:

– Itching, burning in the area of ​​the vagina and / or vulva, or vaginal discharge – it is necessary to diagnose inflammation.

– You are being treated for inflammation of the vagina or vulva – to confirm the effectiveness of the therapy.

– You have noticed pain, burning while urinating, painful pressure on the bladder – these are symptoms of inflammation of the urinary tract, often accompanied by bacterial imbalance in the reproductive tract.

Note: You can do a vaginal cleanliness test without a doctor’s referral.

Vaginal cleanliness test – how to prepare for the test?

Special preparation is not required to perform the biocenosis. However, a few days before the vaginal cleanliness test, do not use vaginal medications or take any form of antibiotics. You should also avoid sexual contact in the 48 hours preceding the examination. Remember that it is also not performed during vaginal bleeding. If you are using any vaginal treatment or contraception, inform your doctor about it before the examination.

Vaginal cleanliness test – how is the examination performed?

Examination of the vaginal biocenosis is performed by a gynecologist. To do this, you need to remove your clothes from the waist down and make yourself comfortable on the gynecological chair. It looks similar to the Pap smear test. The gynecologist uses a thin wire (loop) or cotton swab to take a swab from the vagina (exactly from the posterior vaginal fornix). After collecting the material, a smear is made on the slide and the preparation is stained with the Gram method. In addition, the doctor measures the pH of the vagina and sometimes performs a odor test or culture to grow gonorrhea, fungi, or other pathogens. The material is assessed according to the vaginal cleanliness rating scale.

Taking the material for testing is painless. However, if you have inflammation of the vagina, vulva or urinary tract, you may feel a little discomfort. The examination takes a few seconds. The material obtained from the patient is then carefully examined under a microscope, thanks to which it is possible to determine whether there are pathological microorganisms in the vagina. After the test is done, you can return to your daily activities.

Vaginal cleanliness test – analysis of results

Below you will find the results that can be obtained in the study along with their brief interpretation.

Grade I Numerous acid-forming sticks are present in the smear. The picture is correct.
Grade II In the smear, apart from numerous acid-forming rods, individual bacteria and white blood cells (leukocytes) are present.
Grade III Single or complete absence of bacteria from the physiological flora, a large number of pathological bacteria and white blood cells (leukocytes).
Stage IV No acid-forming bacilli, numerous pathological bacteria and white blood cells (leukocytes) and fungi (e.g. yeasts) or vaginal trichomes present.

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Text: lek. med. Matylda Mazur

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