Vaginal burning. The causes and treatment of intimate infections

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Vaginal burning is a bothersome female ailment that, if left untreated, can lead to serious and difficult to treat diseases. Vaginal burning makes it difficult for women to function daily and also negatively affects the quality of their sex life. Is vaginal burning always a sign of intimate infections? What are the causes of vaginal burning and how can I deal with it?

Vaginal burning – causes

There can be many causes of vaginal burning. Gynecologists most often indicate that the causes of vaginal burning are:

  1. Vaginal mycosis – mycosis is the most frequently indicated disease, which manifests itself with vaginal burning. Vaginal mycosis is usually accompanied by swelling, redness and itching of the vagina and vulva. In ringworm, vaginal burning usually worsens after intercourse or before menstruation.
  2. Venereal diseases – sexually transmitted diseases often manifest themselves as persistent vaginal burning. The most frequently mentioned venereal diseases are: genital herpes, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and chlamydiosis. If you suspect a venereal disease, pay attention to the texture, color and smell of the vaginal discharge.
  3. Vaginitis – Inflammation is another cause of vaginal burning. Burning becomes noticeable especially when urinating.
  4. Allergic reaction – vaginal burning may appear in case of hypersensitivity to some ingredients of intimate hygiene cosmetics. An allergic reaction can also be triggered by perfumed sanitary napkins or deodorants.
  5. Use of drugs – a burning sensation in the vagina may be a reaction to medications you are taking. Antibiotics disrupt the bacterial flora, which can multiply protozoa, yeasts or other bacteria and viruses.
  6. Use of contraception – vaginal burning can be caused by hormonal contraception or the use of spermicides, caps or vaginal disks.

To maintain the vaginal microflora at an appropriate level, use N ° 1 QueenBiotic – a probiotic preparation for women, which you can now buy at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Also check: The most common venereal diseases – what can you catch?

If you feel a burning sensation during sexual intercourse, you can reach for a warming lubricant with cinnamon to keep your intimate parts moist. On the other hand, women struggling with vaginal dryness can choose the Woman Aqua Pjur water-based lubricant or a vegan lubricant that enhances sensations – it can be used for irritations of the mucous membranes of intimate parts.

Vaginal burning – other symptoms

Vaginal burning is usually not a symptom of its own. It is accompanied by ailments such as stinging in the vagina, itching, unpleasant smell and redness. Vaginal discharge is a very common symptom of vaginal burning. It is worth taking a closer look at them, because their color, texture and smell can direct the doctor to make the correct diagnosis.

Vaginal burning – treatment

Medicines for vaginal burning are usually prescribed by your doctor. Therefore, if the burning sensation persists for several days and hinders everyday functioning, you should make an appointment with a gynecologist. Depending on the diagnosis made, the doctor may prescribe antifungal or bactericidal drugs. Much of the vaginal burning medications is applied topically, but sometimes your gynecologist may prescribe a drug to be taken by mouth.

You can also do the Intimate Infection Home Test – pH TEST yourself, to determine the environment in your vagina. It will then be easier to choose medications for vaginal burning.

Medicines for vaginal mycosis are also available in pharmacies, which you can buy over the counter. Usually these are probiotics that contain lactobacilli and support the natural flora of the vagina. These drugs are most often sold as vaginal preparations, gels or tablets. You can also buy over-the-counter medications for vaginal mycosis. These are preparations whose active ingredients are clotrimazole, azoles or nystatin. We recommend, for example, Dermoxen BACTOR antibacterial vaginal globules.

Remember to take care of your intimate hygiene using appropriate cosmetics, e.g. Vianek soothing intimate hygiene gel or Feminam herbal intimate hygiene oil, which you can buy at Medonet Market. To avoid skin irritation and reduce the risk of intimate infections, choose the Green Lab intimate cleansing cream for skin cleansing. The Herbapol VAGOFIX women’s rinse in Krakow also has a soothing effect on irritations, as well as:

  1. Intimate hygiene gel with oak bark extract,
  2. Calendula intimate hygiene gel.

Read about other female ailments:

  1. Vaginal dryness – the most important questions and answers
  2. Bad vaginal odor – what could it mean?
  3. Inflammation of the appendages – symptoms, treatment

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