Vagina – characteristics, structure, functions, diseases [EXPLAINED]

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The vagina, or vagina, is part of a woman’s reproductive system. In addition to its procreation function, the vagina is also a key area for women to experience sexual pleasure. Although the anatomy of the vagina looks the same in all women, the shape and size of the vagina may differ from woman to woman. The slight differences in the structure of the vagina and its appearance are completely natural.

Scabbard – appearance

The vagina is also the vagina, i.e. parts of a woman’s genitals that cannot be seen from the outside. Importantly, the appearance of the vagina changes with the age of the woman. Changes in the appearance of the vagina are often associated with, for example, difficult childbirth. Typically, when we say vagina, we refer to the vulva, which is the outer part of a woman’s genitalia. The vulva includes the labia minora and greater, the opening of the urethra, the pubic mound and the clitoris.

Importantly, the appearance of a woman’s external genitals may vary, and this is perfectly normal, and therefore stands out four types of vaginal structure:

  1. type 1 – means small labia larger and smaller. This type of vagina is also called a stomata or a Barbie. The genitals are hardly visible, and the small labia are so small that you cannot see them under the large ones;
  2. type 2 – means small labia majora and labia minora. This type is also called a butterfly. It happens that the inner labia stick out, but they do not affect the health or comfort of a woman. However, if they are so large that they rub against the underwear, it can be a cause of great discomfort for a woman. Some ladies also treat them as an aesthetic defect that causes mood drops. Today, operations to reduce the labia are already possible;
  3. type 3 – large labia majora and small labia minora. This type is known as a muffin. The larger lips are large and fleshy, and the small ones are completely invisible;
  4. type 4 – labia asymmetric. In this type, both the smaller and larger lips can be asymmetrical. This type is quite popular with women.

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Vagina – functions

The vagina has many important functions in a woman’s body:

  1. procreative function – a penis is inserted into the vagina during intercourse, vaginal ejaculation can lead to fertilization;
  2. the vagina produces large amounts of mucus during the fertile days to facilitate fertilization;
  3. the vagina is the last section of a woman’s genital tract – it is through the vagina that a child is born in the case of a natural delivery (as opposed to a caesarean section);
  4. providing pleasure from sexual intercourse. Due to the large number of nerves and rich blood supply, the vagina is very sensitive, making it the most erogenous area of ​​a woman’s body.

Scabbard – construction

The vagina is the end of the woman’s reproductive system. Typically, the length of the vagina is between 6 and 8 cm and the width of the vagina is 2-3 cm. The vagina is made of very flexible fibers, which is important during childbirth. The vaginal walls stretch, allowing the baby to get out.

The vaginal lining is the mucosa that produces mucus – the mucus facilitates sexual intercourse and is also a natural protective barrier.

The internal structure of the vagina it is quite complicated. Its walls are approx. 3 mm thick and consist of three flexible layers. These are:

  1. outer membrane;
  2. muscle membrane;
  3. the mucosa that lines the inside of the vagina (it connects to the others).

In addition, the mucosa has two layers, that is, the lamina propria and the epithelium. The shape of the scabbard resembles a flattened cylinderwhere you can easily distinguish between the front and rear walls. The higher (closer to the uterus) the shape of the vagina changes and begins to resemble the letter H due to the pronounced side walls. At the very top of the vagina is the vaginal vault, and then there is the uterus.

The vagina is the link between the uterus and the vulva. It can be said that the vagina is a type of tube. During your period, your monthly blood flows out of your vagina. In women who have never had sexual intercourse, there is a hymen in the center of the vagina.

The entrance to the vagina is located in the so-called the vestibule (part of the vulva) next to the opening of the urethra. The labia are located around the entrance to the vagina. Interestingly, in the 5th month of fetal life in girls, the hymen begins to form right after entering the vagina.

The hymen is the fold of the mucosa that separates the vestibule from the inside of the vagina. Initially, this membrane completely closes the entrance to the vagina, but with time an opening appears in it.

Good to know!

In young girls and women, the hymen usually only partially obstructs the entrance to the vagina, and it is broken during the first intercourse, but this can even happen with the application of a tampon. It also happens that the entrance to the vagina is not fully opened until the first time you give birth.

The vagina on the outside can be of a different color – from pink, through purple, to light brown. The differences in the color of the vagina on the outside are completely natural and determine the individual beauty of a woman, they should not be a cause for concern. The situation is different when the vagina on the outside has a strong red color, and this color is often accompanied by pain, itching or discomfort. The appearance of such symptoms may signal an infection and you should consult a gynecologist as soon as possible.

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Vagina – vaginal discharge

The specific smell is due to the anatomical structure of the vagina and its function in the female body. The vagina produces a protective secretion that includes cervical mucus, bacteria (Lactobacillus) and cells from exfoliated vaginal epithelium. There are also lactobacilli in the vaginal mucus, the function of which is to maintain the acidic reaction of the intimate areas.

The smell of the vagina is therefore due to the function of the vagina – The mucus produced by the vagina is designed to protect a woman’s genital tract against infections.

However, it is worth remembering about proper vaginal hygiene – it happens that the smell of the vagina becomes unpleasantly intense – usually it is a symptom of a disease or a signal that you should take care of the proper level of hygiene of the intimate area. In the case of intimate close-ups, it is worth reaching for a water-based lubricant, which will additionally moisturize the vagina. In case of irritation of the mucous membranes of the intimate areas, we recommend a vegan lubricant for women.

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Vaginal hygiene

Proper vaginal hygiene is very important. Vaginal hygiene is important not only for aesthetic but also health reasons. Improper vaginal hygiene is the main cause of infections and inflammation of the female genital tract.

The vagina should be washed daily, and during menstruation, women should wash themselves several times a day. Remember to use the right cosmetics to maintain an acidic vaginal environment. Do not wash the vagina with body soaps and shower gels, it is better to buy a suitable liquid for intimate hygiene. You should also not overdo it with too zealous intimate hygiene – you can lead to too frequent washing to disturb the balance of the bacterial microflora.

In order to maintain proper vaginal hygiene, you can use the COMED vaginal and rectal irrigator for enema, which in the set has separate tips for both treatments, which guarantees safety and convenience of use.

An alternative to traditional liquids can be Feminam herbal intimate hygiene oil with natural plant extracts. We also recommend BIO intimate hygiene gel with Propolia BeeYes propolis. Do you want to check what other intimate hygiene gels we have in the Medonet Market offer? Check.

During menstruation, you should remember to change sanitary napkins and tampons regularly. Especially too long use of one sanitary napkin leads to the multiplication of harmful bacteria.

An alternative to traditional pads and tampons are reusable Loffme products. They are made of a special breathable and hypoallergenic material that inhibits the growth of fungi and bacteria responsible for unpleasant odors. One insert or reusable sanitary napkin replaces even several hundred traditional inserts. At Medonet Market you can order sets of reusable sanitary napkins and reusable sanitary napkins and panty liners or individual ecological sanitary pads, panty liners and Antibacterial panty liners.

Epilation of intimate areas is also important. It is imperative to use clean razors or hair removal devices, and the use of devices that may have been used by other people is dangerous to your health. Depilation should take place in clean conditions, before and after depilation, remember to thoroughly wash your intimate areas.

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Vagina – aesthetic treatments

Vaginal aesthetic treatments are usually limited to pubic hair removal. However, this is not important for maintaining vaginal hygiene. This action has the opposite effect, because the pubic hair traps germs and protects the vagina from abrasions. Hair in the bikini area, however, is a matter of aesthetics for many women, and most women choose to epilate.

Hair can be removed with a razor or wax. There are two methods of bikini hair removal. Hair can be removed partially (so-called French epilation) or completely (so-called Brazilian epilation). It is worth remembering that these methods are quite painful and their choice depends mainly on the individual pain resistance of each woman. Regardless of which method you choose, epilation is performed on clean, freshly washed skin, and the tools should always be disinfected.

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Vagina – erogenous spheres

The vagina is very much innervated, which gives the woman a lot of pleasure. According to some experts, there is one special place or point on the surface of the vagina, the stimulation of which is a source of amazing sensations. The so-called the G-spot is to be on the anterior wall of the vagina. It is very sensitive and can lead a woman to a very intense orgasm.

The G-spot is most easily felt with your fingers as it has a slightly thickened structure. G-spot stimulation is much easier in backward positions, such as doggy style, as the penis mainly rubs against the front wall of the vagina.

However, it is often much easier to bring a woman to orgasm by stimulating the external organs of the woman, especially the clitoris. The clitoris is the most erogenous area of ​​the female body and is most easily aroused. Many women also enjoy stimulating the U-point, which is the opening of the urethra.

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The vagina and childbirth

Childbirth greatly affects the appearance of the vagina. The estrogen secreted during it makes it even more stretchy than usual, all in order for the baby to come into the world more easily.

After childbirth, the vagina is looser and returns to its previous shape after about 2-3 months. The appearance of the vagina after delivery is also influenced by possible cracks or cuts in the perineum and how it was sutured afterwards.

Vagina – sexual intercourse

The vagina changes both before and during sexual intercourse. During it, mucus is secreted, which ensures an appropriate slide. During sex, the vagina becomes better supplied with blood, its walls relax, and the vagina becomes larger. An orgasm, on the other hand, causes contractions to appear at the entrance to the vagina. During sex, we may also experience certain symptoms that should worry us. These are:

  1. vaginal dryness;
  2. burning sensation and swelling in the vaginal area;
  3. pinching;
  4. The vagina may also be too tight and prevent full penetration.

The quality of sexual intercourse can be positively influenced by training the Kegel muscles, i.e. the muscles of the pelvic floor. The exercises can be performed using accessories known as geisha balls:

  1. Teneo Uno geisha balls – an improved version;
  2. Teneo Duo geisha balls – an improved version;
  3. progressive Ami Je Joue geisha balls of various shapes and sizes;
  4. kulki gejszy Pretty Love Kegel Tighten Up III;
  5. Luna – replaceable Lelo geisha balls (set of 4).

Vagina – diseases

Vaginal diseases are quite common, most of them caused by bacterial infections, fungi, protozoa and viruses, as well as various injuries. Intimate infections are often a consequence of inadequate hygiene, which should be understood as both its lack and excess.

Among the most common vaginal diseases must be replaced:

  1. bacterial vaginosis;
  2. vaginal mycoses;
  3. vaginal tumors;
  4. vaginal trichomoniasis.

Symptoms of vaginal diseases are usually an unpleasant odor and an altered color of the mucus and pain in the lower abdomen. The itching and burning of the vagina as well as redness of the intimate area should also be alarming. If inflammation occurs, a visit to the gynecologist is necessary, as even minor but untreated infections can lead to serious complications. Women also often complain of vaginal dryness.

Vaginitis develops when the bacterial flora of the vagina is disturbed, e.g. during intercourse, miscarriage or due to inadequate hygiene. Inflammation occurs more often when we share towels, sponges, go to the swimming pool or use the public toilet.

The risk of developing vaginitis also applies to women who have multiple partners, have undergone gynecological procedures or have an IUD.

The diagnosis of vaginitis is based on the history taken, the gynecological examination and the smear taken. The treatment introduced depends on the diagnosis made.

Vaginal dryness reported by some women means that the vagina and vulva are not moisturized enough. It can be both a cause and a symptom of many vaginal conditions. A woman usually experiences burning and itching. Dryness also makes intercourse difficult for a woman. Vaginal dryness is often the result of disturbed estrogen levels.

If you suffer from vaginal dryness, order the DermoXEN Vitexyl Strongly Moisturizing Vaginal Gel, which is recommended for this type of problem.

The treatment implemented depends on the diagnosis. For example, if dryness is a consequence of an infection, it should be treated and the proper bacterial flora should be restored, if it is a consequence of contraception, change to another drug, and vaginal dryness during menopause is minimized with hormone replacement therapy.

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