The device for vacuum massage in our time is very often used in cosmetology and physiotherapy practice, due to its obvious effect in dynamics. There are a huge number of different devices for vacuum massage, which differ in their functional and technical characteristics, but they all have a similar principle of operation.
The apparatus for vacuum massage consists of special suction cups (maniples), which are used to influence the soft tissues of the human body. There is another type of apparatus – roller vacuum massagers. In addition to standard suction cups, they are equipped with built-in massage rollers. The principle is simple – the suction cup “tightens” the skin area, which helps to improve blood circulation in the affected area and destroy fat deposits. And the additional massage effect of the rollers enhances the effect of the procedure.
Vacuum massage is a method of non-invasive mechanical massage performed using a mechanical device. The device lifts the skin by sucking it into special suction cups. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out, blood flow increases and the appearance of the skin area improves. In the late 1970s, this therapy was introduced to treat traumatic and burn scars.
Types of devices
Modern devices for vacuum massage can be controlled by a specialist using an intelligent programming panel, which makes it possible to set various types of effects on the patient’s body. On this panel, you can control the force of impact, rotation mode, frequency, but the direct movement of cans through the human body is carried out by a specialist who does this procedure.
Also in our time there is special equipment for vacuum massage, which is equipped with a suit that is designed specifically so that the maniples can move smoothly over the human body, which, in turn, reduces the pressure of the roller, and at the same time does not reduce the effect of the procedure.
Devices for vacuum massage may differ in their characteristics. For example, there are devices with the ability to process tissues in a complex way, which can significantly expand the indications for using this method. Devices for vacuum massage are divided into two large groups, depending on the presence of rollers.
The first type of devices – vacuum – are equipped with reservoirs that create a vacuum, similar to cans. The principle of the procedure that they carry out is very similar to massage using a non-device vacuum cupping method, and the only difference is that air is supplied and removed using an automatic pump. These devices are easy to use and have a compact design, so they can be used both in a beauty salon and at home. Although the professional special equipment that is used in beauty salons has large dimensions. With its help, you can program the productivity of exposure to vacuum, which includes adjusting the ratio of injury and vacuum power. During a traditional massage, you can easily independently adjust the intensity of the effect on human soft tissues. Also, after hardware vacuum massage, bruises or red spots will not occur if it is performed by an experienced specialist.
The second category of devices has a complex effect with the help of not only vacuum, but also rollers. These devices contain maniples, which are containers with built-in rollers. The effect of the procedure lies in the fact that with the help of lymphatic drainage, which is achieved with the help of rollers, fats broken down by vacuum are more actively excreted by cells. The second type includes microcurrent devices, which also contain maniples with rollers, but they also have the ability to act on the deep layers of the skin, thereby activating their regeneration and self-cleaning. These devices act to eliminate the signs of aging, figure correction, but they do not work to eliminate cellulite.
How to choose a device for vacuum massage?
There are many criteria for choosing equipment for hardware vacuum massage. Below are the most basic ones.
Number of nozzles
This indicator directly affects the effectiveness of the procedure. There is equipment that makes it possible to act on deeply located fat lobules. This effect is achieved using suction cups with applicators. The effectiveness of the procedure can be significantly increased if the alternate change of different nozzles is used. They are divided into the following types:
- roller – have the ability to enhance local blood circulation and lymph circulation, have an anti-cellulite effect;
- special nozzles for gentle action, which are used for sensitive and delicate skin, have a relaxing and soothing effect;
- nozzles for muscle massage – their principle of operation is similar to traditional manual massages;
- nozzles for acupressure – used to achieve a relaxing effect.
Source of power
The choice of power source can also have some nuances. If you choose a device that works from the network, it will be more reliable and durable, and its use will not be limited to battery charge. But even devices that run on batteries have some advantages – they are smaller in size and easy to transport.
The presence of a handle
Some devices for vacuum massage look like a vacuum container, which is equipped with a control panel, and some have a handle. The second option is conveniently used to massage hard-to-reach places such as the back of the thigh, or the infragluteal fold.
Appliance power
This parameter is defined in bars. An effective procedure is considered to be carried out using a device with a power of 800-900 mbar (0,8-0,9 bar), the highest power is 1 bar.
Principle of roller rotation
Depending on the nozzles used, massage devices can have a different principle of rotation of the rollers, they can be with built-in rollers with forced rotation, as well as with rollers that are not forced to rotate. If the rollers are forced to rotate, then a programmed servomotor is built into them, which rotates them. This is very convenient, because during the procedure, the specialist can only guide and hold the suction cup, the speed of which depends on the speed of rotation of the roller. Such a device can only move on a dry surface, that is, on a special suit that is included in the kit. For massage in humid environments, that is, in oil, cream, gel, you can use a device with maniples, the rollers of which cannot be forced to rotate. During this procedure, the patient’s soft tissues are processed at a speed that the specialist himself sets.
Vacuum mode
Most vacuum massagers, which have rollers that are not forced to rotate, include additional cup nozzles in their set, designed for massage, which is performed with a pulsed vacuum supply. Pulse vacuum can be used for patients with increased pain sensitivity, for example, if the patient has swelling of the dermal layer, hematomas, during the rehabilitation period after plastic surgery, as well as for massaging loose and sagging skin. All other models of devices work with a constant supply of vacuum.
Ability to adjust the intensity
A very useful built-in feature of vacuum equipment is the ability to change the vacuum force manually. The presence of this function allows the massage specialist to regulate the intensity of exposure on certain parts of the body, and can also make it possible to avoid causing discomfort to the patient, since vacuum procedures for the patient can be both low pain and high, depending on the number of procedures performed, the presence of edema and neglect of cellulite. A specialist with experience and in the presence of high-quality equipment can make the passage of these procedures for the patient as comfortable as possible.
Availability of consumables
The availability of consumables may vary depending on the type of equipment being used. Replaceable modules and air filters are often subject to replacement, their cost may differ for different types of equipment for vacuum massage.
Air filter type
Protective air filters for vacuum equipment can be removable or fixed. The first can be easily removed from the device and cleaned with ordinary running water. Stationary filters cannot be cleaned – they need to be changed every 1-1,5 years.
Parts of the machine that must be replaced
Removable parts for vacuum massage devices must be replaced approximately every 100 sessions. The cost of these replacement modules varies by manufacturer and model.
Additional options
Vacuum massage devices can be both monofunctional and provide an opportunity to carry out various other procedures, for example, RF therapy, massage with infrared radiation, cold laser, cavitation. Also, vacuum massage of human soft tissues can be combined with various physiotherapy procedures. And very often such a complex effect significantly increases the effectiveness of massage.