Vacuum abortion (mini)

Vacuum abortion (mini) is an artificial termination of pregnancy in the early stages (up to 6 weeks). This procedure is carried out if there is a delay in the menstrual cycle of no more than 21 days, ideally on the 14th day. It makes no sense to carry out the procedure earlier, since there is a possibility that the fetal egg simply does not get into the catheter, and a late procedure can provoke a number of serious complications.

A mini-abortion is the aspiration of the fetal egg through a special apparatus (vacuum suction). The device in the uterine cavity creates a negative pressure that separates the fetal egg from the walls of the uterus. For the procedure, the woman is given local or general anesthesia. A special catheter (cannula) is connected to the vacuum suction hose, which has a high level of flexibility and reduces the risk of damage to the walls of the uterus and other organs to zero.

Preparation before the procedure

In order to reduce all the risks of complications after an abortion, the gynecologist prescribes the following studies to the patient: a blood test for the Rh factor and group; blood test for HIV infection, hepatitis and syphilis; checking for urogenital infections; ultrasound examination; pregnancy test; general gynecological examination; smears to determine the state of the microflora in the vagina.

In order for the whole procedure to be successful, it is important: do not postpone it for later, a timely visit to the doctor is the key to success and minimal harm to the body.

The procedure is necessarily performed under the control of an ultrasound machine in order to see the location of the fetal egg as accurately as possible. Otherwise, it is impossible to absolutely guarantee the termination of pregnancy.

Mini-abortion algorithm

After the gynecologist has received the results of the tests, you can proceed directly to the procedure. The patient is comfortably placed on the gynecological chair in a standard position. The woman is given anesthesia. After that, the doctor performs aseptic treatment of the perineum and vulva. The gynecologist gently inserts a special spoon-shaped gynecological mirror into the vagina, which allows you to treat the walls of the vagina and cervix with antiseptics. The neck is fixed by using bullet forceps.

The doctor starts probing the uterus using a special probe. The cervical canal is not artificially expanded, the doctor inserts a plastic cannula from the vacuum suction into it. The procedure for aspiration of the fetal egg takes three to five minutes. After the woman is moved to the couch, a heating pad filled with ice is placed on the lower abdomen, and left to rest for two hours. Within four hours, the woman will feel normal and will be able to return to her normal work schedule again.

Benefits of vacuum abortion

Among the advantages of a mini-abortion it is worth noting:

  • the complete absence of consequences that can lead to infertility in the future;
  • the uterine cavity recovers much faster than after a standard medical abortion;
  • the procedure is carried out without the need to expand the cervix, therefore, its muscular apparatus is not damaged;
  • plastic flexible cannula does not damage the walls of the female genital organs;
  • vacuum abortion is performed without curettage, therefore, the walls of the uterus do not suffer;
  • duration of the procedure – up to 7 minutes;
  • both local and general anesthesia are assumed;
  • early pregnancy can be terminated without harm to the body.

Menstruation after vacuum abortion (mini)

A week after the mini-abortion, a woman may experience discharge with blood impurities, the intensity of each woman is different. Many women decide that this is menstruation, which is not a correct interpretation. Discharge after a vacuum abortion is the reaction of the uterus to injury (abortion), and the walls of the uterus thus respond to hormonal surges.

The real first menstruation will begin no earlier than in 1 month. In women who have already given birth, the recovery of the cycle can occur within 3-4 months, and in women who have not given birth, the cycle is restored within 7-9 months.

In order to prevent unwanted pregnancy after the procedure and in the next year and to restore the hormonal state of the woman, the gynecologist without fail prescribes the use of combined oral contraceptives. Their use must be started on the day of the procedure.

Possible complications and recommendations after vacuum abortion (mini)

Like all other methods of abortion, mini-abortion also has its own list of possible complications: hematometer (accumulation of blood in the uterus due to spasm of the cervical canal); progressive pregnancy (fetal egg did not get into the cannula); the formation of a placental polyp at the site of detachment of the fetal egg from the wall of the uterus; hormonal imbalance; psychological stress in women; inflammatory processes of the appendages and uterus.

If pain in the lower abdomen, fever and bleeding of a maroon or scarlet color are observed for a long period of time, you should urgently consult a doctor.

There are also contraindications for the procedure: chronic or exacerbated diseases of the appendages and uterus; the presence of infectious diseases in the pelvic area.

A month after the vacuum abortion, it is recommended to refuse sexual contact. It is also necessary to avoid overheating and hypothermia. It is important to refuse to visit the pool, saunas, baths, from taking hot baths (shower only). You need to see your gynecologist 14 days after the procedure in order to exclude manifestations of postoperative complications. The doctor may prescribe an additional passage of ultrasound diagnostics. Ultrasound allows you to exclude the presence in the uterus of a progressive pregnancy, a benign tumor or a placental polyp. Month – rest mode, without weights, physical exertion.

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