Vaccines: how to drain them?
Expert opinion proposed by Dr Scimeca, doctor, specialist in alternative and complementary medicine
Vaccination in principle was discovered by Jenner who had the idea of inoculating the vaccine virus (cow disease which consists of rashes resembling smallpox) to protect against smallpox which is almost always fatal. The name of vaccine and vaccination comes from this ancestral “vaccine”.
It will be Pasteur who will develop the vaccine against rabies (another fatal disease) in the XNUMXth century. Since then, vaccination has allowed fight effectively against a large number of serious diseasesincluding the terrible poliomyelitis that ruins a life through paralysis and the resulting muscle atrophy.
Vaccines get bad press these days. The public sometimes has the impression that laboratories strive to manufacture vaccines against everything. While certain specific vaccines can debate (and everyone will be able to defend their opinion), the principle of vaccination should not be blamed and it would be quite harmful to public health to throw everything away.
Wisdom is in thinking, taking sound advice, discerning and not the systematic refusal of everything.
The matter has been further complicated by the addition in a good number of vaccines of substances which make it possible to increase immunization. These adjuvants have been suspected of causing side effects. Foremost among these:aluminum. This metal is extremely toxic to neurons (cells of the nervous system) and its role in several degenerative diseases of the brain has been suspected.
One possible solution is to drain each vaccination by some homeopathic granules systematically used before and after.
We will take thuja 9CH, 5 granules in the morning and Silicea 9CH, 5 granules in the evening, the five days preceding and the 5 days following each vaccine.
For vaccines containing aluminum, a preparation may be added over a period of two weeks before the vaccine. We will take alumina 4CH (homeopathic medicine prepared from diluted and energized aluminum) 5 granules in the morning and Bauxite 4CH (aluminum ore), 5 granules in the evening, during the two preceding weeks.