Vaccines: contraindications and possible reactions in babies

Since the 1er January 2018, 11 vaccines are mandatory for babies French, instead of 3 previously! The first compulsory vaccinations must be carried out during the second month of our child. If the contraindications are rare, some side effects may appear following vaccination, such as rash, fever or sore throat. Fortunately, 64% of children have no reaction Noticeable Following Vaccination, Study Finds mpedia conducted in December 2019 with 890 families.

Children’s vaccination schedule: how many vaccines are required?

The first mandatory vaccines don’t appear until your baby’s second month. 11 vaccinations are mandatory for French newborns since January 1, 2018. Here is the list:

  • Diphtheria, tetanus, polio (DT Polio) : first dose at 2 months
  • Whooping cough : first dose at 2 months
  • Hæmophilus influenzae b : first dose at 2 months
  • PLEASE NOTE: the vaccines mentioned above exist in combined form.
  • Pneumococcus : first dose at 2 months
  • Hepatitis B : first dose at 2 months
  • Meningococcus C : first dose at 5 months
  • Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) : first dose at 12 months

In addition, the yellow fever vaccine is compulsory from 12 months for residents of the department of Guyana. Also recommended, without being compulsory and under certain conditions, vaccinations against tuberculosis (BCG) from one month, seasonal flu from 6 months, hepatitis A and chickenpox from 12 months, and finally against meningitis and meningococcal septicemia.

Vaccination record: what are the contraindications for newborns?

All vaccines are only contraindicated in the event ofmalignant infections (cancers, blood diseases) or neurological, chronic visceral diseases, immune deficiencies innate or the presence of protein in the urine (proteinuria).

Generally, when a first dose of vaccine has caused a significant reaction, the second injection is not given. In addition, the children allergic to egg white cannot be vaccinated against influenza, mumps or yellow fever, as these vaccines are all prepared from virus culture on egg white.

Finally, several temporary situations can possibly push the doctor to postpone the date of a vaccination by a few days: fever, nasopharyngitis, respiratory disease, outbreaks of kidney and skin diseases, allergies, attacks of heart or respiratory failure.

Fever, rash… what are the common side effects and how can I relieve my baby?

benefits rash may appear within hours or days of vaccination. They calm down with a compress of hot alcoholic water. A hard, painless lump may also persist for several weeks after the injection. Don’t worry, it will gradually disappear.

The Rashes are common after rubella vaccination and also go away on their own. After the BCG injection, the pimple may ooze: if it is summer, the sun and the fresh air help to heal; otherwise, protect the wound with a dry compress while waiting for it to heal spontaneously within a few days.

A feverish reaction may also occur a few hours or days after the injection, depending on the vaccinations. Calm your child to rest and ask your pediatrician for advice on whether your baby should stay home. From sore throat may appear after vaccination against mumps.

Le paracetamol or l‘ibuprofen are usually sufficient to calm the inflammation and pain. However, consult your doctor in the event of disturbing reactions after vaccination such as fever above 38,5 ° C that does not give way to paracetamol or ibuprofen, prolonged crying, and unusual symptoms or behavior.

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