It is likely that a new type of vaccine against COVID-19 will soon be widely available, which will look like “drops in the nose.” How is the nasal form different from the injection? Let’s figure it out with an expert.
Perhaps soon we will have a choice: not only how to get vaccinated against coronavirus, but also how. New forms of vaccines are planned to be produced in an intranasal form – that is, the drug will be dripped into the nose of the patient. Naturally, any choice, whether it be a drug or a form, requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor. In the meantime, together with a specialist, we will try to understand how this form of vaccine differs from the “traditional” one.
Why are intranasal vaccines so much more convenient and easier?
- The procedure requires less serious training on the part of the medical staff.
- Psychological factor: the injection causes negative emotions for many, which cannot be said about “drops in the nose”.
Is this vaccine more effective?
“With regard to the coronavirus specifically, the intranasal vaccine has a particular advantage,” explains our expert, immunologist Svetlana Bozrova. – When the vaccine enters through the nose, it affects both the general immunity and the local one. Systemic immunity is also developed throughout the body (as from a vaccine that was injected through a syringe), and local – in the lungs and mucous membranes. And in the case of COVID-19, this is very important! After all, the main place of his “military actions” is the respiratory tract. This way we get additional protection.”
Does it differ in how it works?
According to the principle of action, intranasal vaccines do not differ from those that are used now and are injected. The mechanism of work is the same, but the way it enters the cells is different, through susceptible cells of the mucosa. But for the same reason, the same side effects are possible, since they are associated with the activation of immunity throughout the body, the specialist says.
Are vaccines of this type used for other diseases?
In medical practice around the world, there are already registered and tested vaccines for intranasal use, mainly against influenza, says Svetlana Bozrova.
When will intranasal vaccines appear in polyclinics?
According to some reports, we are already starting to test the internasal form Sputnik Light. All over the world, such types of vaccines are still only the first stage of testing. This means that in the very near future, new forms will not be available to the public – first they will have to go through a cycle of serious checks.
“Clinical trials usually go through 4 phases,” the expert explains. “After the second drug, you can bring it to the market, but it’s better to do it after the third.”
Why get vaccinated against COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has gripped the entire world. And it seems that the virus does not intend to disappear by itself. And the only effective means of combating the pandemic was and remains mass vaccination. So the world once defeated smallpox, cholera, tetanus and other dangerous diseases.
“Please take care of your health,” the expert urges. “Because getting sick is often much more difficult than experiencing some side effects after vaccination.
Let people who do not have the opportunity to be vaccinated for health reasons live a quality and prosperous life. If you get vaccinated, then those who suffer from severe allergies or autoimmune diseases have a higher chance of not getting sick. And possibly save a life.
In addition, it is necessary to reduce the burden on health care. If you get sick, you raise it. And if not, doctors will have a chance to pay attention to those who really need this help.”
About expert
Svetlana Bozrova – Immunologist, Candidate of Biological Sciences with a degree in Biotechnology, employee of the Laboratory of Molecular Mechanisms of Immunity of the Institute of Molecular Biology named after A.I. Engelhardt RAS. Her