Vaccinations before traveling to South America – when and what to get vaccinated for?

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A trip to South America is associated with the risk of contracting various exotic diseases to which we are not immune. These diseases can seriously threaten our health and even life. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out specific preventive vaccinations. When preparing for the trip, it is worth finding out what vaccinations and when should be made.

South America is a popular travel destination today. This continent tempts with a different culture, climate and landscape. Choosing to this part of the world, however, you should prepare properly for such a trip. Preventive vaccinations are an important issue.

What vaccinations are compulsory before going to South America?

The only compulsory vaccination before going to South America is vaccination against yellow fever, i.e. yellow fever. However, this vaccination is compulsory in selected South American countries. Currently, only French Guiana is on this list. In other countries, this vaccination is only recommended.

Due to the compulsory nature of yellow fever vaccination, a certificate is required when going to South America. This vaccination should be confirmed in the International Certificate of Immunization, i.e. yellow booklet. This is a prerequisite for entry into a country where this vaccination is compulsory.

Good to know: Find out what you know about vaccinations!

What vaccinations are recommended before going to South America?

The following vaccinations are recommended in South America:

  1. vaccination against yellow fever;
  2. vaccination against tetanus and diphtheria;
  3. vaccination against hepatitis A;
  4. vaccination against hepatitis B;
  5. vaccination against typhoid fever;
  6. vaccination against poliomyelitis, or Heine-Medin disease;
  7. rabies vaccination.

It is also worth remembering to plan your immunization well in advance. It happens that in order to gain full immunity, it takes a few or a dozen days or several doses at an appropriate time interval. Vaccinations should start at least 6-8 weeks before departure. The travel medicine doctor will assist you in arranging an individual vaccination program. He will interview us, determine the appropriate vaccinations and plan the next dates for their implementation.

What are the costs of immunization before going to South America?

While immunization is often a necessity before traveling to another continent, many people are discouraged by the cost of immunization. The costs are not low, and it is worth emphasizing that these are not only the costs of the vaccines themselves.

First, it is necessary to visit a travel medicine doctor. A visit to this specialist is unfortunately not reimbursed, which means that we have to pay for it privately. The cost of such a consultation, depending on the facility, ranges from PLN 50 to PLN 120. We should also remember that vaccinations for various tropical diseases are also not reimbursed, which means that we bear their costs ourselves. Their prices vary, of course, so it is worth comparing their prices in different establishments.


Vaccinations are primarily a matter of our safety during the trip. That is why it is so important not to give up the vaccinations recommended in a given country. In addition, when deciding to travel around, check which vaccinations are recommended in each country.

In addition, some institutions also require payment of a vaccination book in the amount of about PLN 10-15. The record is important because it is there that the vaccinations are recorded.

What is the prevention of malaria?

Malaria is a serious infectious disease that is transmitted by mosquitoes. Prophylaxis consists in preventing mosquito bites by wearing long-sleeved clothes, wearing mosquito nets, or using mosquito repellent preparations. Another way is to use anti-malarial drugs. There are several drugs that work in this way in Poland. Usually, it is the travel medicine doctor who helps in choosing the right preparation. The choice depends on which country we are going to, how old we are, whether we have allergies and chronic diseases. Medicines are always applied according to the doctor’s instructions and usually started before departure in order to maintain prophylaxis throughout the stay and shortly after returning.

What should I know about the polio vaccine?

Polio is a serious viral disease caused by a virus from the Picornaviridae family. This disease is also known as Heine-Medin disease and spinal palsy. In its course, asymmetric paresis appears, as well as flaccid skeletal muscle paralysis. The disease is transmitted through the alimentary and droplets. Contact with an infected person or with objects contaminated with secretions, e.g. from the nose or throat, is often enough.

There is inactivated poliovirus in the polio vaccine. The vaccine should not be administered to people who are hypersensitive to neomycin, streptomycin and polymyxin B. The vaccine is administered in 3 doses at intervals of one or two months. If we were vaccinated against polio as a child and 10 years have passed since then, the vaccination will have to be repeated (booster vaccination). The effectiveness of the vaccine is very high and reaches almost 100%.

The price of the polio vaccine is about PLN 70-120.

Check: When not to vaccinate a child? Contraindications to vaccinations

What should I know about the yellow fever vaccine?

Yellow fever is a mosquito-borne disease. The symptoms of yellow fever include fever, weakness, headache, nausea, chills, and yellowing of the skin. However, the disease may develop asymptomatically. In severe cases, the disease can lead to gastrointestinal bleeding, liver and kidney damage, and even death.

Vaccination against yellow fever is compulsory in French Guiana, therefore it is required to enter the vaccination in the WHO yellow book (it is a condition for entry into the country).

The live, attenuated yellow fever virus is contained in the vaccine. A contraindication to vaccination is an allergy to egg proteins, immunodeficiency, immunosuppressive treatment and neoplastic diseases. Also, children under 9 months of age should not be vaccinated.

Vaccination is given in one dose at least 10 days before departure. There is no need for booster vaccinations and vaccination is very effective. Protection lasts up to 20 years.

The price of the vaccine is about PLN 170-220.

What should I know about the typhoid vaccine?

Another name for typhoid fever is typhus. It is an infectious disease of the gastrointestinal tract, caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhi (gram-negative bacteria). The source of infection can only be a person, and the infection occurs as a result of contact with the urine or feces of the sick person or the carrier. It is enough, for example, to consume food or water infected with feces. Symptoms of the disease are rash, various stomach ailments and fever.

Vaccination is safe and well tolerated. They are administered in one dose intramuscularly. It should be given 2-3 weeks before departure. A booster vaccine should be given after approx. 2 years. The vaccine contains the purified capsular polysaccharide of the bacteria. The vaccine should not be given to children under 2 years of age. Its effectiveness is approx. 50-80%.

The price of the vaccine is about PLN 190-250.

Check: Vaccinations – facts and myths

What should I know about the rabies vaccination?

Rabies is a deadly disease that comes from animals. Its course is always acute and, if left untreated, it always leads to death. Encephalitis develops during the course of the disease. Rabies develops as a result of a viral infection, which usually occurs as a result of being bitten by a sick animal. Infection can also occur when mucous membranes or damaged skin come into contact with the animal’s saliva.

Vaccination against rabies is recommended for people traveling to South America. The vaccine contains killed rabies viruses, which makes it completely safe. Hypersensitivity to neomycin, streptomycin and polymyxin B or eggs is contraindication to vaccination.

The vaccine is given in three doses every 7 days. A supplementary dose should be given after about one year. It is very effective (98-99%) and gives protection for 5 years. Its price is about PLN 120-180.

What should I know about the hepatitis A vaccine?

Hepatitis A is very common. Other names for this disease are dirty hands disease or food jaundice. Its rapid development is influenced by poor sanitary conditions in a given country.

The vaccine is very effective and safe. The first dose of vaccination should be given two weeks before departure. It gives protection for one year. The second dose should be administered approximately 6-18 months later. Thanks to this, you can get protection for many years.

The vaccine contains an inactivated virus. It should not be given to children under 1 year of age and people who are hypersensitive to neomycin. The vaccine is given in a single dose at least 2 weeks before departure, while a supplementary dose should be given after 6-12 months. No booster vaccines are needed. The vaccine will protect you for many years.

The price of the vaccine is about PLN 160-240.

Good to know: What should you know about post-vaccination fever?

What should I know about the hepatitis B vaccine?

Hepatitis B is a disease of the liver that leads to carriage, cirrhosis, or malignant tumors. The infection can even occur at the beautician or hairdresser, so it is worth getting vaccinated against hepatitis B before going to South America.

The purified surface antigen is included in the vaccine. There are no contraindications for the administration of the vaccine. The vaccine can be administered in three doses (0, 1, 6 months schedule). According to a different schedule, the vaccine is administered in four doses (schedule 0, 1, 2, 12 months) and according to the so-called a very fast 4 dose schedule 0 (day of dosing), 7 days, 21 days and 12 months.

The effectiveness of the vaccine is very high, after three doses it is even 97-99% and gives immunity for many years.

The price of the vaccine is about PLN 60-96 for one dose.

What do I need to know about vaccination against traveler’s diarrhea?

Cholera is a serious infectious disease, the main symptom of which is catarrh of the small intestine, or diarrhea. Its other name is travelers’ diarrhea. The disease is caused by cholera. The most common infection occurs through the ingestion. It takes a short time to develop and spread very easily.

There is live, attenuated bacteria in the vaccine. It should not be given to children under 2 years of age and people suffering from acute gastroenteritis. The vaccine is administered in two doses, at least 7 days apart. Take the second dose at least 7 days before departure. The vaccine is 85% effective and provides protection for 2 years for adults.

The price of the vaccine is about PLN 200.

What do I need to know about the diphtheria and tetanus vaccine?

Diphtheria and tetanus are serious infectious diseases that can be fatal. Diphtheria is caused by coryneform diphtheria. The disease leads to laryngitis and can cause difficulty breathing. Diphtheria can damage the heart and nerves. In turn, tetanus is caused by the tetanus rod. It secretes a very strong poison that leads to strong and long-lasting muscle contractions that can even lead to bone fractures. As a result of the disease, nerve damage, convulsions and consciousness disturbance occur.

Vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus gives protection for 10 years. After this time, repeat them. The vaccines are taken in one injection. Included in the vaccine is diphtheria toxoid, which is given in vaccines together with tetanus toxoid. There are no contraindications for its administration. For people who have been vaccinated in the past, one dose of the vaccine every 10 years is sufficient. If we have never been vaccinated, the vaccine should be administered according to the schedule 0 (day of the first dose), 1, 6-12 months. The vaccine is very effective. Its price is about PLN 30-90.

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