Vaccinating people 70+. Some signed up earlier. «We went in just after midnight and we made it».
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From today, from 70 a.m., people over 19 can sign up for COVID-XNUMX vaccinations. There are queues in front of clinics, tens of thousands of people try to call the hotline – often to no avail. There are information that there are no appointments in clinics. Meanwhile, it turns out that some of them managed to register after midnight. How it’s possible?

  1. People over 22 years of age can sign up for vaccinations from 70 January at XNUMX am
  2. Some people managed to enroll earlier, after midnight. Mrs. Anna: We did not believe it would be possible, but it did
  3. Michał Dworczyk: two events had to coincide. First, that the PESEL number and the data of the person have already been entered into the system. And that this person or someone close to him attempted to register before six o’clock
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

“We did not believe it would succeed, but we did it”

Friday, January 22, 2021 is the first day of vaccination registration for people over 70 years of age. Seniors can sign up for vaccinations from six in the morning. Theoretically. As it turns out, some people managed to sign up earlier, after midnight.

One of such people is Mrs. Anna and her friend. The woman registered her father for vaccination (in Warsaw). A friend signed up my mother (in Krakow). – We figured we would try at midnight, although there were announcements that the registration starts at six in the morning. We didn’t really believe it would succeed, but it did – says Anna in an interview with Medonet.

  1. How to sign up for the COVID-19 vaccination? [WE EXPLAIN]

The woman entered the e-registration page exactly one minute after midnight. – I was able to log in and find a date for my dad. Immediately after that, the system crashed. My colleague did not manage to register my mother right away. He tried to call the hotline, but to no avail. When he finally succeeded, he heard that registration starts at six in the morning.

Anna’s friend, however, was persistent. After 30-40 minutes, he managed to enter the system and enroll my mother for a vaccination. Texts and e-mails confirming the scheduled vaccination dates soon followed.

  1. Seniors alert: you cannot sign up for vaccination through the hotline. Authorities: it’s natural, unfortunately

Anna’s dad got the date on March 12 (at the National Stadium), my friend’s mom will get vaccinated on February 24. – We were really lucky – admits Ms Anna. – Seeing what is happening, however, I am afraid of what will happen with the vaccinations of the more numerous age groups – he adds.

Why did some sign up earlier? Dworczyk: two events had to coincide

How did it happen that it was possible to register for the vaccination before the announced start of registration? In the TVN24 program “One for One” the case was explained by the head of the prime minister’s office and the government plenipotentiary for the National Szczepień Program, Michał Dworczyk.

“I don’t know if you know, but the system was running before six in the morning.” There are those who registered their parents and grandparents, e.g. at 2.30, 4.30 – said the program leader directly. What was Michał Dworczyk’s answer?

From midnight, PESEL numbers for people over 70 were entered into the system. As a result, some people could actually, at least theoretically, have been registered earlier – said the government plenipotentiary for the National Vaccination Program. As he emphasized, data of about 2,7 million people are entered.

#Let’s talk about Vaccine

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When asked why citizens did not know about it and were informed that it was possible to register from six in the morning, he explained that only some of the people who had already been entered into the system could register. – Entering 2,7 million PESEL numbers into the system does not take half an hour, but only a few hours. Therefore, from six in the morning, the entire group of people over 70 is active in the central registration system.

As Dworczyk emphasized, two events had to coincide. – First, that the PESEL number and the data of the person have already been entered into the system. And the fact that this person or someone close to him made an attempt to register before six o’clock. – I am convinced that people who registered earlier are isolated cases – he said in the program “One on One”.

Let us remind you that in Poland, vaccination of people aged 70+ will start on January 25.

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