
Valery Podoroga, one of the most famous modern Russian philosophers, is trying to formulate the patterns of development of the literary tradition, which he defines as “other literature”.

Valery Podoroga, one of the most famous modern Russian philosophers, is trying to formulate the patterns of development of the literary tradition, which he defines as “other literature”. “Others” are perhaps the most complex, strange and contradictory authors of Russian literature. The second volume of materials on analytical anthropology is devoted to the first decades of the twentieth century — writers and poets of that era. Bely’s prose and the theory of the Big Bang, Platonov’s cosmic tongue-tied tongue and «optical machines», Kharms’ «Cases» and the paradoxes of corporeality are fascinating, but not entertaining reading. Before an attentive reader, the book opens the veil of one of the greatest secrets of creativity — the secret of the birth of brilliant texts.

Cultural Revolution, 608 p.

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