Uterine prolapse – what treatment is possible?

I am looking for advice on uterine prolapse, whether it is necessary to remove the uterus or maybe just a ligature.

I am 51 years old, after 5 deliveries, the children weighed from 3,5 kg to 5,1 kg. My doctor says it’s the main cause. I have no bladder problems. Please reply. ~ Alice

It is true that prolapse of the reproductive organ is often associated with multiple births and the strain on the abdominal press over a long period of time. e.g. by carrying. The procedure depends on the degree of this reduction or loss. With a slight reduction or contraindications to surgery, vaginal rings can be used to raise the reproductive organ. When using them, however, one should remember about increased hygiene, removing the disc in the toilet, because leaving the disc in the vagina for a long time, especially when it is atrophied, may lead to pressure ulcers. The most common surgical procedure involves the removal of the uterus and the fixation of the vaginal stump from the abdominal side. A less radical procedure is vaginoplasty without opening the abdominal cavity.

Read also: Static disorders of the reproductive organ

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