Uterine polyps – what is the treatment like?

The doctor detected a uterine polyp in me.

It heals me with hormones, but I have never read about such a method of treatment, only about the surgery to remove the polyp. It is true that the pain in the lower abdomen has passed, but I am still bleeding (non-stop, every day, more than before treatment). I have the impression that I unnecessarily agreed to the pills. What should I do? Will the bleeding stop, is hormone treatment a good solution, won’t it make my condition worse?

~ Joasia

Polyps are a common condition in a woman’s reproductive system. They can appear in the cervical canal and then they are visible during examination in the speculum or in the uterine cavity and then they can be suspected after the ultrasound scan and painful and profuse menstruation. Treatment should consist of removing the lesion under short general anesthesia with curettage of the cervical and uterine cavity. The material is then submitted to the histopathologist for evaluation. The result after 14 days is the basis for a final diagnosis and then, if necessary, as to the need for further hormonal treatment.

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