USP Zdrowie starts a series of special lectures for pharmacists

In the interests of the safety and professional development of pharmacists, USP Zdrowie, under the patronage of the Supreme Chamber of Pharmacists and the Medical University of Gdańsk, launches a special series of lectures, Pharmacist’s Care for a Little Child, as part of a scientific and training meeting in June. The lectures will be available on the Created for Pharmacist platform.

Press Release

The restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic have also largely affected pharmacists, including preventing them from attending scientific conferences

and making everyday work with patients, including the youngest, difficult. In order to meet the needs of pharmacists, #wtrosceo o them and the youngest patients, USP Zdrowie has prepared a special educational program, Pharmacist’s Care for a Little Child.

As part of the education for MAs of Pharmacy, 4 lectures will be available, allowing you to get a total of 8 soft points. All materials are available on the platform.

Press Release

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