Yeast is an effective fertilizer for garden crops, since the protein content in them reaches 65%. Feeding tomatoes with yeast will give plants the necessary organic iron, minerals and trace elements. Read about how to do it correctly in today’s article.
What are the benefits of yeast
In addition to the benefits described above, yeast is a good growth stimulant and a source of essential bacteria. Yeast feeding promotes the growth of the root system: the results of experiments have shown that substances that are released from yeast cells accelerate root growth by 10-12 days and increase them. Active growth of the root system contributes to the development of powerful and healthy greenery. Plants fed with a solution become strong and hardy. Seedlings fertilized with yeast in early spring tolerate picking better and stretch less. The use of the mass as a foliar top dressing has proven itself well.
Previously, gardeners used fertilizer mainly for potatoes and tomatoes that grow in open ground. Later it turned out that sourdough has a positive effect on seedlings of other garden crops.
Solution feeding is suitable at any stage of plant growth, but it is especially effective for seedlings, since during this period it is important to lay nutrients for growth and root development. Sourdough promotes abundant fruiting.
The preparation of a starter solution will be a godsend for vegetable growers who want to grow exclusively environmentally friendly products, without the addition of purchased preparations and mineral supplements. Tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers can be watered with this home fertilizer. This contributes to the maximum preservation of vitamins and saves you money.
Watering with sourdough turns the mulch into compost and thus nourishes the tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers throughout the summer.
Starter cultures are rich in nitrogen and phosphorus. Their only drawback is the absorption of potassium. But the mixture actively interacts with the soil, improving its structure and composition. To solve the problem with potassium, water the tomatoes with wood ash.
We make top dressing with our own hands
Use this recipe: stir 200 g of ordinary baker’s yeast in 1 liter of water. Before fertilizing, increase the volume of the mass to 10 liters. You can try placing 100 g of “raw” basic fertilizer in 10 liters of warm water, leave for a day. This recipe is also used: mix 10 g of dry yeast and 2 tbsp. l. sugar with 10 liters of warm water and leave for 2-3 hours. For feeding, this infusion is used in a ratio of 1: 5.
If you have a lot of seedlings, you can use the following recommendations: in a 70-liter barrel with mixed dry grass (1 bucket), add the remains of dried bread (0,5 kg) and half a kilogram of our fertilizer. Insist 1-2 days and use. Here is a recipe for feeding a tomato: 1 tbsp. l. not crude substance must be mixed with 2 tbsp. l. sugar, a handful of earth and 2 g of ascorbic acid. Let the mixture brew in 5 liters of water throughout the day. Do feeding in the following ratio: for 10 liters of water – 1 liter of infusion.
If you use a loose substance, then it must be diluted in a glass of warm water and infused for 2 hours, and then poured into a 10-liter bucket of water. You will see improvements in 2-3 days – the leaves will become glossy and shiny.
Nettle, as a natural nutrient, for the production of infusion received positive feedback from practicing vegetable growers. Grass can be used as mulch after fertilization. After insisting it for 2-3 days in sourdough, you get a lot of microelements useful for tomatoes.
After talking with experienced vegetable growers, you can hear feedback on the use of components. For example, not all gardeners use sugar, and someone is an adherent of the simplest recommendations. Black rye bread can be added to the sourdough as the main fertilizer.
The traditional recipe is as follows: take 1 kg of starter material (not in granules, but in briquettes – they are cheaper) and 5 liters of water. The liquid is brought to a temperature of 35 degrees to allow microorganisms to become active. Keep this solution for a day, then dilute it with half a liter in a ten-liter container with warm water. Ten buckets are enough to water 20 bushes of tomatoes or peppers.
The above recommendations can be applied to all nightshade crops.
How to fertilize
Top dressing should be done 2 times per season. Tomatoes can be fertilized more often by reducing the concentration of the mixture, for example, 4 times, but do not abuse it. Tomatoes can be fertilized a month after planting in the ground and in the middle of summer.
Use the prepared solutions only after the earth has warmed up. Top dressing should be carried out in summer or late autumn. Previously, it is not advisable to fertilize tomatoes in the ways described above, because the bacteria contained in the solution will not work in cold weather.
Before fertilizing, check the condition of the soil: it should be warm and moist, but not wet or dry. This environment will be most favorable for bacterial activity in solution. The weather is preferably sunny. Distribute the warm solution so that each plant receives half a liter.
It is most effective to feed the seedlings with yeast in the evening, since the sun warms the earth enough during the day. Use only fresh ingredients to prepare the mixture. It also doesn’t have to be old. The solution is suitable for plants after planting in a greenhouse. There are a lot of positive reviews about him on the Internet. The first time should be fertilized when buds are formed or flowering begins. If there was a landing from the greenhouse to a permanent place, then fertilizer must be applied after 20 days.
In the garden and in the greenhouse, combine the solution with ash. This element will not provide a complete fertilizer, but will complement the sourdough. When the growth of nightshades is inhibited or thin stems form on them, the ash will save the plants from these problems.
Video “Fertilizing tomatoes with yeast”
In this video, you will see whether it is worth fertilizing tomatoes with yeast and what needs to be done to get a rich, generous harvest.