using amber oil and powder

😉 Greetings, dear readers! Thank you for choosing this site! The article “Healing properties of amber” contains basic information about amber, its healing properties. Amber powder and oil. There is a video at the end of the article.

What is amber

Amber is essentially a fossilized natural resin, not a stone. Even undergoing the fossilization process (fossils), it still contains active compounds.

Succinic acid is a substance with which a key part of its healing properties is associated. It is a natural element found in all kinds of living things. It has been used as a dietary supplement and a natural vaccine for many centuries.

A 2013 study found a link between succinic acid and stress reduction in mice. The results show that succinic acid has an anxiolytic effect (sedative effect).

It is believed that among the beneficial properties of succinic acid are anti-inflammatory effects, fighting free radicals, relieving stress and pain. Baltic amber is distinguished by a high concentration of succinic acid (3-8%). It has a variety of colors (from pale yellow to dark orange).

Traditional amber is in the middle of the color spectrum. However, samples of the highest quality are transparent and may contain inclusions from vegetable oils or insects. In addition to yellow, you can find green, but such amber is often artificially created.

Another feature of amber is that it has electromagnetic activity. When rubbed, it is charged with organic energy and produces negative ions that have a positive effect on the body (another stone with this property is tourmaline).

The ancient Greeks called it “electron”, a derivative of the word “electricity”.

The origin of amber

To understand the origin of amber, you need to go back millions of years in time. 45 million years ago, pine trees in the Baltic region and in the Scandinavian countries produced resins that gradually hardened and petrified. All this has been happening for many thousands of years.

using amber oil and powder

Gradually, these resins spread from pine forests to coastal areas, and from there they fell to the bottom of the sea, where they also fosilized (fossil). Much later, amber was brought to the surface by glaciers and remained there for many years.

In confirmation of this fact (that this process took place many thousands of years ago), the seekers discovered jewelry made from Baltic amber dating back to long before our era.

The “sun stone” has been used for centuries to treat disease. People living close to the Baltic Sea mined amber stones from the shore and used them for “magical powers”. It was found that in ancient times, amber resin was crushed into small pieces and used as a pain reliever.

Apart from the regions of the Baltic Sea, amber was found in other countries as well. Archaeologists have unearthed many beautiful amber fragments in tombs dating from around 2000 BC.

The fact that amber artifacts and jewelry have been found in various locations around the world suggests that they were also used for trade.

Insects were found in most of the amber items found. In all likelihood, such a resin was believed to have magical properties, since it was formed in hunting amulets and was worn to bring a safe and rich hunt.

Amber jewelry was found in Egyptian tombs, including the tomb of Tutankhamun. Medieval philosopher and physician Ibn Sin Avicenna described the healing properties of amber in his writings. The Sun Stone can be found in Russia, Poland, Great Britain, Italy and Germany.

Why amber is useful

It is used to produce jewelry that provides irreplaceable health benefits. When the sunstone is worn on the body, it warms up and releases succinic acid, which is absorbed by the skin. This stimulates the activity of the thyroid gland, decreases the production of saliva in infants and subside pains.

The healing properties of amber reduce pain in osteochondrosis, pharyngitis, arthrosis. Wearing medicated jewelry can alleviate feelings of anxiety and help fight fatigue.

The release of succinic acid and the sedative effect help with angina, abdominal cramps, teething of milk teeth, skin rashes. Normalizes the work of the heart, liver, kidneys, intestinal tract, joints and much more.

using amber oil and powder

Some women claim that wearing an amber necklace has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. The healing properties of amber manifest themselves over time (not at one time).

In addition to physical health, amber has a beneficial effect on the state of the psyche, activating a person who wears it, a feeling of health and healing. The “Sunstone” balances emotions, cleans the mind and removes negative energy from the body.

It is useful for relieving nervous tension, overcoming phobias and anxiety. Allows you to ease stress and depression, creates a more positive outlook on everyday life.

Targeting the sacral chakra means this powerful stone can help boost your creativity. Amber is one of the most excellent, natural methods to protect yourself from negativism and mental ailments.

Recommended for diseases associated with the spleen, liver and other abdominal organs. The “sun stone” should be worn during and at the end of the disease. This will help alleviate the condition and boost the renewal of strength and vitality.

For babies and children

The benefits of amber stone for children were known even before the Second World War. For example, amber pearls were put on children in Germany to strengthen them and make teething of milk teeth less painful. In Lithuania, gums were massaged with amber to relieve toothache.

For pets

Amber is valuable not only for humans, but also for animals. Amber necklaces are used as a remedy for flea and tick problems in pets. Special amber collars work by electrifying animal hair. This makes it possible to destroy fleas and other parasites.

In addition, the amber collar dissipates a specific odor. When heated from the body of the animal, it acts as a tick and flea repellent. Although it takes a little longer for a noticeable effect from amber collars, they are a natural remedy that will not harm your pet.

Amber jewelry and health

To take full advantage of the decoration, you need to make sure that you are using real Baltic amber. It is usually raw and not polished, since other species do not contain succinic acid in such concentrations.

You can put a piece of natural amber in a pocket next to the problem area or make a piece of jewelry that can be worn all the time.

Also, when wearing amber jewelry, they should be in contact with the skin. This is essential for the release of succinic acid. The longer the amber lasts (is worn), the more benefits you can get.

using amber oil and powder


Place the necklace on the part of the body where you want to direct all the healing effect. For example, if you want to improve thyroid function, then you need to wear a necklace around your neck. There are no studies on the mechanism of action and effectiveness of amber necklaces in thyroid dysfunction.

But many people say they cut back on their medication after they started wearing the amber necklace. After all, nothing stops you from trying!

Safety instructions (for children)! Amber necklaces carry a risk of suffocation in children or the risk of stones getting into a child’s mouth! These dangers can be avoided by placing the necklace on the child’s ankle and wearing a sock. If your child wears a necklace around his neck, do not leave it unattended and take it off while sleeping.

Amber bracelets

Besides necklaces, there are bracelets. Many people say they use them to relieve pain in arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome.

To achieve the desired effect, the bracelet should be in contact with the skin of the wrist for as long as possible, even at night. If the pain is severe, you can wear two bracelets. Wearing a bracelet (necklace) or other amber accessory is beneficial when:

  • migraines and headaches;
  • prevents the development of kidney stones;
  • discomfort in the neck and shoulder;
  • tendonitis;
  • menstrual cramps;
  • hypertension;
  • increased tissue sensitivity;
  • restless legs syndrome;
  • orthodontic therapy and others.

How to use amber

Always wear this “sun stone”. The easiest way is to use it as a decoration.

When you buy first one stone or crystal to wear on your own (alone), and as soon as a person realizes its energy and influence, then he can combine it with other stones.

The combination of crystals and stones helps to extract the maximum beneficial properties, allowing you to focus all your energy on solving a specific problem. To enhance your creativity, you can combine it with stones:

  • yellow apatite (Yellow Apatite);
  • Orange Creedite
  • orange carnelian;
  • golden yellow labradorite;
  • Brazilianite;
  • Libyan Desert Glass.

To boost energy and financial success, you can combine it with other sun split stones:

  • yellow sapphires;
  • vanadinite (Vanadinite);
  • Golden Rutilated Quartz;
  • chalcopyrite;
  • цитрин (Citrine Crystals);
  • аметрин (Ametrine);
  • yellow apatite (Yellow Apatite);
  • Golden Yellow Labradorite

For a stronger healing effect, you can combine it with magnetite.

Amber oil

In addition to jewelry, the “sun stone” is used for massage in the form of powder and oil.

using amber oil and powder

The oil has exceptional medicinal properties. It is used to treat various traumatic skin lesions and minor burns. Amber oil is a natural antiseptic, has wound healing and antiviral effects. It is quickly absorbed into the skin, making it supple. Oil used:

  • for acne;
  • hair care (masks);
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • gives energy;
  • improves skin elasticity;
  • moisturizes the skin.

Amber powder

Powder (powder) can be useful in the treatment of diseases of small blood vessels (capillaries), thyroid gland. To improve the health and appearance of hair. Dust (powder) is applied to problem areas of the skin.


  • inflammatory skin diseases (erosion, abrasions, ulcers);
  • herpes;
  • areas of redness of the skin;
  • increased sweating;
  • eliminates itching;
  • degreases, drying the skin surface;
  • anti-inflammatory agent;
  • sorbs microbes;
  • promotes healing of inflammatory processes.

What sign of the zodiac is amber suitable for?

It is easy to guess that the bright “stone of the Sun” is suitable for the signs of the elements of Fire: Leo, Aries and Sagittarius. But most of all – to the fiery Lions. Products made from ancient resin will help these signs conserve energy and protect against energy vampires. 

Other representatives of the zodiacal constellation, except Taurus (the power of the Earth), can safely wear amber.


In this video additional information: the healing properties of amber.

Amber treatment

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