Useful tools for the home

If you are about to make repairs, then it is at such moments that there is an urgent need to rent or purchase smart machines that will help us strip, strip, cut, grind and mount electrical wiring.

Thanks to the use of special devices, repairs are much faster, better, and, therefore, the result of our work will not disappoint us.


One of these home assistant machines is a grinder, and if correct, an angle grinder.

Useful tools for the home

We will proceed from the fact that we do not choose a professional tool that is more powerful, more difficult to operate and more expensive in terms of price. Let us dwell on the choice of a grinder for domestic use.

A household grinder has a smaller size and power compared to a professional tool, work functions available to everyone. The tool is simple in design and is relatively inexpensive.

Let’s take a closer look at household grinders.

As a rule, these are instruments with one handle, but some have an additional handle substitution, which is very convenient if you are left-handed.

The tool weighs about one and a half kilograms and is easy to hold during operation.

The power of household grinders varies 0,8 – 1,5 Feet kW. Operates from a standard power outlet. But there are analogues that run on batteries, but more on that below.

Useful tools for the home

Idling speed from 7 thousand revolutions per minute, which is quite enough for domestic work.

Bulgarians, as a rule, are equipped with additional ventilation holes in the most heated areas, which significantly prolongs their operation.

Since the tool is quite traumatic, manufacturers introduce a protective cover coding to prevent improper installation.

There are models with adjustable speed operation, but at home this is not a fundamental point. The diameter of the disc in household grinders is from 125 mm to 150 mm.

Useful tools for the home

In stores, you can choose a cordless angle grinder.

Its advantages lie in the fact that if you work in hard-to-reach places and cannot always use an extension cord, then such a model is just a godsend.

Two accumulators give the chance to operate the tool for four hours.

It has a spindle lock, free access to the brushes, a case for transportation, a working circle of 125 mm.

If you have chosen the mark tool DeWalt (USA), the warranty for it is three years.

Useful tools for the home

While domestic producers give only a year.

The only thing to keep in mind is that the weight of such a tool is higher, about 2,9 kg.

If you are sure that you can hold a three-kilogram tool on weight for a long time, you can safely purchase a battery version.

Two-handed grinders can also be used at home. They differ in characteristics.

Useful tools for the home

Motor power can vary from 960 to 2200 Tue The disc diameters in the kit can be as 125 mm, so 230 mm. The stroke frequency varies within 1500-10000 rpm.

The ability to control the speed allows you to perform grinding work with the highest quality.

Two-handed machines are great for construction and repair work, they are compact, convenient, well balanced, ergonomic.

The peculiarity of these designs is that they weigh twice as much as one-handed machines.

See also:

Useful tools for the home

Other grinders

Standing apart is the type of grinders for processing concrete surfaces using grinding cups.

Useful tools for the home

If you are going to work concrete walls, for example, after installing electrical wiring, be sure to choose a tool equipped with a synchronous brushless motor. All debris and dust will clog the engine and the casing will not save here.

Useful tools for the home

As a result, you will have to constantly replace brushes, interrupt work, which will make the operation of the tool expensive, and also greatly damage the nervous system.

When working with a grinder, much attention must be paid to the disks.


  • abrasive discs. They are used for cutting pipes, hard materials or grinding surfaces;
  • cutting discs;
  • fan disks. This is a fiberglass carrier plate, used for platter, low noise, cold grinding application, low iron and chlorine content. Suitable for unified grinding work.

Useful tools for the home

Pay attention to the diameter and thickness of the disks, the larger the disk, the deeper the hole that you will make with your tool.

Each grinder has limitations on the diameter of the disc. If you know for sure that you will cut powerful metal supports, then it is better to do this with a wide disk.

Most models have the function of regulating the speed of rotation of the disks. You need to remember that RPM is inversely proportional to disk size.

That is, the larger the disk, the lower its rotation speed. It is forbidden to ignore the maximum set standard, this leads to tool failure, and sometimes injury.

Useful tools for the home

See also:

Useful tools for the home

If you decide to use an angle grinder at home, then you need to study the instruction manual, assemble the tool correctly, be sure to put protection on, based on which hand you have working.

Do not save and buy goggles, and when doing work, move away from yourself, be careful about the length of the cord, and most importantly, take your time.

Read on the topic – what tool should an electrician have.

Only by observing the necessary security measures, you will achieve the result you need.

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