Useful properties of watermelon, how to lose weight on a watermelon diet

Useful properties of watermelon, how to lose weight on a watermelon diet

Both tasty and healthy, and helps to lose weight, and … Yes, watermelon is more than just a summer treat.

Striped berry season is in full swing, hurray! There are probably few people who do not like watermelon. And those who still do not know that it is a berry. But the watermelon hides a lot of secrets. It has so many useful properties and varieties that you are simply amazed – and this is in addition to the fact that on a watermelon diet you can easily and pleasantly lose weight. How to choose the perfect watermelon – ripe, sweet and without nitrates, already wrote. And in our today’s selection – 10 extra reasons to buy it right now.

We usually eat fresh watermelon. Less often – in salt. This is how they entertain themselves in Astrakhan – they salt watermelons for the winter. We also know how to make jam and compotes from crusts. But the omnivorous Chinese will give us a hundred points ahead, they have long been accustomed not to leave any waste at all after drinking a watermelon. They dry and fry the seeds, eating them as a light snack, and pickle the crust, stew, salt and generally treat it as a separate vegetable.

Ripe watermelon – juicy red, with sugary seeds. And not only. Sly breeders, in an attempt to surprise gourmets, have managed to bring out seedless watermelons with yellow and even creamy pulp. In general, there are more than 1200 varieties of berries in the world. I wish I could try everything!

The watermelon is round. Well, or oblong. Was. Now it is also square. The cunning Japanese are tired of the fact that the watermelon now and then strives to roll off the table. And about 30 years ago, they figured out how to make it more sustainable. The experience of the enterprising Japanese was later adopted by Great Britain, the United Arab Emirates and Brazil.

It turned out that growing square watermelons is quite simple. The watermelon ovary was placed in special translucent boxes. The fruit grew and took on the appropriate shape.

But that’s not all. Now they have learned to grow watermelons in the shape of a heart, a triangle and even a human face.

And watermelon also has mystical properties – not a single Vietnamese New Year goes by without a striped one, since this berry symbolizes good luck. Various interpreters of dreams also sing the praises of watermelon. It turns out that if you eat a juicy ripe watermelon in a dream – this is a favorable sign, it says that good luck accompanies you, there is order in the house, everything is fine in love, materially too.

If a lonely person sees a watermelon in a dream, then soon he will meet a new love. And for women in a relationship, such a dream promises replenishment in the family. And even a broken watermelon is good. After all, such a dream means that soon all debts will be returned to you.

Watermelon contains a lot of folic acid, therefore it is very useful for pregnant and lactating women. It also contains a lot of vitamin A, magnesium, antioxidants, carotene. It turns out that watermelon “works” as an anti-cancer agent that preserves youth and improves vision. And also as a diuretic.

If you grind the watermelon pulp into a gruel, you get an excellent base for face masks. Add olive oil and a mask for dry skin is ready. For oily – a little honey or cottage cheese.

Besides, watermelon is a good natural antidepressant.

Thirsty? Take the watermelon. It is 92 percent water, which means that it can easily cope with the task of quenching your thirst. In addition, it contains a mix of salts – potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, which are able to maintain the required level of moisture in the body for a long time and significantly reduce the likelihood of dehydration. But don’t forget about the diuretic effect. If you gobble up a good portion of watermelon, you will have to move from toilet to toilet.

Such an interesting discovery was made by scientists about ten years ago. Watermelon contains lycopene and beta-carotene, which are beneficial for the prostate. And also the amino acid citrulline, which is converted in the body into arginine, which stimulates the work of the cardiovascular system. And if problems with potency are caused by impaired blood flow, watermelon can work here too.

“Since watermelon possesses diuretic properties, it should not be carried away by people suffering from disorders of the genitourinary system and having kidney stones. Otherwise, its use can cause movement of stones and renal colic.

The risk group also includes those with heart problems.

In general, so that there are no misunderstandings, I advise you to first eat a small piece before a watermelon meal and see how the stomach will react to it. If painful sensations appear, then it is better to give up the berries. “

Irina Volga, Natalia Evgenieva

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