Rosehip syrup, prepared on the basis of fruits, is widely used as a remedy. It is sold in any pharmacy, but it can also be prepared at home. Rosehip syrup is used to solve many health problems. But in order for the medicine to be beneficial, it is necessary to take it correctly and take into account the existing contraindications. Therefore, you should study the properties and read the instructions for use.

The high content of vitamins C and P allows the use of syrup as a prevention of hypovitaminosis
Composition of rosehip syrup
Like fruits, this healing drink is characterized by a rich chemical composition. Its use has a positive effect on the work of internal organs and human systems.
Natural medicine contains:
- vitamins of groups B, C, PP, A, E, K;
- a complex of micro and macro elements;
- organic acids;
- tannins;
- monosaccharide, disaccharide;
- saturated fatty acids;
- antioxidant components.
This chemical composition allows the use of this medicine to prevent the development of beriberi.
What is it used for and what is useful rosehip syrup for the human body
The high content of useful components for human health makes it possible to use rosehip syrup for medicinal purposes.
This tool helps:
- improve blood circulation;
- normalize the functioning of the immune system;
- activate metabolic processes;
- quickly restore spent forces;
- slow down the aging process;
- increase stress resistance;
- strengthen blood vessels, improve their elasticity;
- normalize sleep;
- remove toxins and bad cholesterol from the body;
- improve the functioning of the digestive system.
It is also recommended to use this medicine as a diuretic and choleretic agent. It has also been proven effective in preventing the formation of malignant tumors.
General indications for the use of rosehip syrup for adults:
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- scurvy;
- obesity;
- arthritis;
- cold, flu;
- problems with the organs of vision;
- nervous disorders;
- violations of the liver.

This medicine gives a charge of vivacity and energy.
What is useful rosehip syrup for women
This healing remedy also benefits the female body. Helps slow down the aging process of the skin, eliminates pigmentation and reduces the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. Regular use restores the elasticity of the epidermis, enhances regeneration processes. Also, this tool activates the metabolism, which allows you to use it for weight loss.
Use during pregnancy helps fight toxicosis, prevents swelling, improves the general condition of a woman and normalizes blood pressure.
What is useful rosehip syrup for men
The use of this remedy, as well as natural fruits, is justified against a decrease in libido and erectile dysfunction. Efficiency is due to the ability to improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Rosehip syrup is also needed to improve the quality of sperm, as well as sperm motility.
The use of natural medicine is the prevention of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland. It also helps in the treatment of prostate adenoma.
What is it used for and what is useful rosehip syrup for children
Benefits natural medicine and children’s body. Its use allows you to increase the immunity of the child, and thereby reduces the likelihood of developing colds and infectious diseases. It is also recommended to give to children during an acute lack of vitamins (during the cold season). Its use helps to replenish the supply of useful components and prevent the development of beriberi.
At what age can you give rosehip syrup to children
Experts recommend starting to give syrup to children from the age of three. By this age, the child’s digestive system is already able to perceive it, which reduces the likelihood of developing allergies to a minimum.
How to take and drink rosehip syrup for adults, children
Before using rosehip syrup, it is necessary to study the instructions for its use for adults and children. After all, like any other medicine, it must be used in doses so as not to harm health.
How to dilute rosehip syrup with water
Syrup should be taken diluted. To do this, it is necessary to dissolve the daily norm, depending on age, in 100 ml of water at room temperature and carefully move. This will reduce the burden on the digestive organs.
It is also worth knowing when to take rosehip syrup before or after a meal to benefit from it. According to the instructions, the medicine should be drunk two to three times a day after the main meal.

The syrup is a concentrate
Rosehip syrup for immunity
To maintain immunity, it is recommended to drink rose hips in courses 2-3 times a day for three to four weeks, and then take a break for a month.
Permissible dosage:
- adults – 1 tbsp. l.;
- children 3-6 years old – 0,5 tsp;
- 6-12 years old – 1 tsp;
- older than 12 years – 1 st. l.
Rosehip syrup for the liver
Rosehip syrup, as a choleretic agent, also helps with liver problems. The medicine eliminates inflammatory processes in the body. To do this, you need to take three times a day, drinking 30 ml at a time. Reception is carried out until the unpleasant symptoms are completely eliminated, but not more than three weeks.
Rosehip syrup for cough
This remedy also helps with coughing. It promotes mucus discharge and speeds up the healing process. In this case, you need to take the medicine three times a day for adults, 2 tbsp. l., and for children 1-1,5 tsp, depending on age.
Rosehip syrup for pancreatitis
Despite the beneficial properties, the use of natural medicine for pancreatitis is not recommended. This is due to the high sugar content. For treatment, it is better to use a decoction or tea based on the fruits of this plant.
Rosehip syrup for HB
The use of a natural remedy in moderation during lactation is justified. In this case, it stimulates the production of breast milk, improves its quality. Permissible dosage – twice a day, 1 tsp.
How to make rosehip syrup at home
You can prepare this healing remedy yourself at home. To do this, you will need to prepare high-quality raw materials and strictly observe all stages of the technological process.
Rosehip syrup recipe:
- Wash and lightly dry 1 kg of ripe rose hips.
- Grind them until smooth with a blender.
- Transfer the mixture to an enameled pan, pour water so that the liquid completely covers the berries.
- Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat.
- In a separate container, mix 1 kg of sugar and 1,5 liters of water.
- Bring to a boil and add to the boiled rose hips.
- Boil the mixture for 20 minutes.
- Remove from heat, cool slightly and remove impurities.
- Pour the resulting product into glass bottles, close with lids.

Store your own syrup in the refrigerator.
Contraindications to the use of rosehip syrup
Rosehip syrup has not only useful properties, but also contraindications. Therefore, before using the syrup, you need to familiarize yourself with them so as not to unwittingly harm your health.
Cannot be used when:
- gastritis;
- stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
- thrombophlebitis;
- endocarditis;
- increased blood coagulability;
- kidney problems;
- individual intolerance.
This medicine should be used with caution in people suffering from diabetes mellitus, hypertension. Since in this case, the health benefits and harms of using rosehip syrup can be equivalent.
Rosehip syrup is used as a general tonic, as well as for the treatment of many diseases. When used properly, it benefits the body and helps build resistance to pathogens. But it should be understood that a natural medicine is not a panacea for all diseases and can only be used as an addition to the main treatment, which will speed up recovery.