Banana is one of the sweetest and most satisfying fruits available in the Russian latitudes. In this article, we will look at the main properties of this fruit, which gives us energy and even improves our appearance. Potassium source Potassium is a mineral that is essential for maintaining normal heart function and regulating blood pressure. Numerous studies have shown that foods rich in potassium help to normalize blood pressure. So much so that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration allows the banana industry to make a formal claim that bananas can reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke. The potassium in banana is very important for kidney and bone health. Sufficient potassium intake prevents calcium excretion through urination, which can lead to the formation of kidney stones. Rich source of energy Even with the advent of sports drinks, energy bars, and electrolyte gels (which are loaded with chemicals and dyes), you often see athletes eating bananas before or even during exercise. For example, during tennis matches, it is not uncommon to see players snacking on bananas between games. So, its widespread use among athletes is justified by the fact that a banana is a high-quality source of energy. Some people worry that eating a banana causes a spike in blood sugar, but studies show that the glycemic index of this fruit is about 52 per 24 grams of available carbohydrates (the less ripe, the less carbohydrates). Thus, bananas are great as a refresher during work, when you feel a drop in energy. Ulcer prevention Regular consumption of bananas prevents the formation of ulcers in the stomach. The compounds found in the banana form a protective barrier against hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Banana protease inhibitors eliminate a particular type of bacteria in the stomach that is involved in ulcer formation. Vitamins and Minerals Along with being high in potassium and vitamin B6, bananas are rich in vitamin C, magnesium and manganese. Also, they contain minerals such as iron, selenium, zinc, iodine. Skin health Even the peel of a banana can boast of its applicability. It is used externally in the treatment of conditions such as acne and psoriasis. Please note that in the case of psoriasis, some aggravation may appear, but after a few days of banana peel applications, improvements should begin. We recommend testing on a small affected area. Also, a long course of such applications is recommended – several weeks.