Useful properties of green tea


The TU for tea indicates all the sanitary norms and rules that must be observed in the process of its manufacture. It turns out that tea must be produced according to certain standards. And why? Today we will tell you about it.

Historians believe that the word “tea” comes from the Chinese word “cha”, meaning “young leaf.” And tea is called tea leaves that have already undergone heat treatment. There is a legend, according to her, tea came from the age of the saint, who cut them off so that they would no longer fall asleep during prayer.

According to another legend, tea was discovered by one of the Chinese emperors, to whom leaves fell into boiling water while making tea. The resulting drink was to his taste.

Most tea is consumed in Japan and China. There they not only drink it, but study its properties, and also use it in the production of cosmetics and medicines.

Tea is an evergreen shrub native to Asia. For the manufacture of any kind of tea, the leaves of the same tea bush are used. The resulting tea depends on the degree of fermentation. The healthiest variety is green tea, which has not been processed.


Mate tea, which is native to South America, is very fashionable now.


• Eliminates fatigue,

• Relaxes,

• Saturates.

• Improves memory

• Stimulates the immune system.

Mate is rich in vitamins B, E and C. Thanks to the choline it contains, it lowers cholesterol levels. Mate leaves are used for the production of extracts used in cosmetology, because mate moisturizes, disinfects, reduces inflammation, relieves pain, tones and regenerates.

In order to obtain green tea, raw materials are subjected to oxidative processes, obtaining a drink with a special aroma and taste. But, despite the processing, the final product still has all the beneficial properties inherent in it by nature.

When produced according to TU, tea goes through several stages, such as steaming, drying, curling, sorting and packaging.

Tea contains over 300 different substances. Dried tea leaves, which have been processed according to TU for tea, have a more complex composition. The composition may vary. It depends on where and how the tea bush grows.

Tea extracts are used in the production of cosmetics. They give creams sun protection, anti-cellulite and anti-aging effects.

In medicine, tea is used externally in the form of an infusion. It relieves swelling and inflammation, fights bacteria, and stimulates. He is treated for blepharitis and burns.

For cosmetics, teas from the uppermost young leaves are used, since there are more extracts in them.

Tea contains a lot of vitamin P, which helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, eliminates swelling and inflammation, and reduces capillary fragility.

Tea is the leader in the content of catechins, which have antioxidant, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic properties. They prevent the development of heart disease, regulate sugar, fight viruses, disinfect, improve digestion and improve microflora.

Tea polyphenols are used in cosmetics as preservatives and stabilizers. Extractive substances interact with hyaluronic acid in the human body, positively affecting mature skin.

The theotanine in tea fights bacteria, and the catechins fight tooth decay.

Tea contains an analogue of caffeine, theine, which acts more gently.

Tea also contains a lot of alkaloids and purines. Purines in green tea are bad for gout.

Since theine stimulates cellular metabolism, it is often added to body shapers.

Scientists have discovered 17 amino acids in tea, which are used in compounds to produce natural fragrances.

During fermentation, the amount of water-soluble proteins in tea increases by almost 15%. In cosmetics, they play the role of biostimulants that moisturize and prevent moisture from evaporating, which is very beneficial for the skin.

Tea essential oils act as an antiseptic, reduce inflammation, stimulate immunity and heal wounds. Due to their ability to quickly penetrate tissues, they facilitate the penetration of other beneficial substances.

The pigmentation of tea depends on the content of carotene, chlorophyll and xanthophyll in it. These substances, in turn, also have many valuable properties. They treat burns, ENT diseases, infections, wounds, and increase immunity. Due to their deodorant properties, they are added to deodorants, pastes and elixirs.

Tea is rich in B vitamins, nicotinic and ascorbic acids. Thanks to this, tea is useful for hair loss, it strengthens blood vessels, and also promotes weight loss and eliminates cellulite.

Of inorganic substances, tea contains magnesium, iron salts, sodium and manganese. Of the trace elements in tea, there is a lot of potassium, phosphorus, fluorine, copper, iodine and gold.

Of the organic acids in tea, oxalic, malic, citric and others are present. Penetrating into the body, these acids enhance collagen synthesis, moisturize, eliminate inflammation and act as powerful antioxidants.

Enzymes help the tea go through the fermentation process, releasing oxygen in the process. They have antioxidant properties and enhance redox reactions.

There are more pectins in high grade tea. Combining with acids and sugars, they form iron compounds. For the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and weight loss, green tea pectins are added to various dietary supplements. The stabilizing properties of pectins are manifested in dry tea.

The amount of carbohydrates in tea is inversely proportional to its freshness and high grade. Tea sugars have a moisturizing effect, which is why they are often added to cosmetics.

Due to its rich composition and many beneficial properties, green tea is used in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. But this is possible only if all the specifications of the TU for tea were observed during the manufacture.

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