Useful properties of eggplant. Video
Eggplants were cultivated many centuries ago and since that time have been successfully used in cooking, preparing both independently and as part of many dishes. But, despite all the usefulness of this vegetable, it has a number of contraindications to use that are worth knowing about.
Useful properties of eggplant: video
Ripe fruits of a rich blue or milky white color (and there are also such varieties of eggplant) consist of fiber, which supplies carbohydrates to the body, as well as a small dose of proteins, fats and organic acids. Also, dry matter is a source of vitamins of group B, PP and C, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus and more.
100 g of the product contains about 24 calories, therefore this vegetable is perfect for those who follow the figure.
Useful properties of eggplant
Regular consumption of properly cooked eggplants promotes the elimination of excess fluid, as they have diuretic properties. Fiber normalizes the intestines, freeing it from toxins and preventing the processes of decay. For patients with anemia, eggplants will help improve blood formation, thanks to the potassium they contain, they will strengthen the heart muscle, tone the blood vessels, and maintain the elasticity of their walls. This is an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and high blood pressure. It is believed that they also combine excess fats consumed with food, and do not allow them to be deposited in the form of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. With gout, the benefit of eggplant is to accelerate the excretion of uric acid salts, making it easier for the disease. Nutritionists recommend using them for people with obesity, but not fried, so the beneficial properties of eggplants are multifaceted, and it is necessary to prepare these vegetables in season.
To get the maximum benefit from eggplants, they should not be fried. When cooked in any other way, eggplants do not lose vitamins
Eggplant is one of the few vegetables that contain oxalates. With their increased concentration in the blood, an exacerbation of existing diseases of the gallbladder and kidneys may occur. Also, crystallization of oxalates can lead to the formation of stones and sand in the kidneys, so a proper diet cannot be based on their regular use. Their occasional use in food is also permissible for these diseases. Since the composition of eggplants contains iron, they should not be consumed simultaneously with foods containing calcium, since it simply will not be absorbed, otherwise the vegetable is not only tasty, but also healthy. You don’t need to cook overripe eggplants, even if you peel them first. In their composition, there is an excess of the substance solanine, which can provoke poisoning. This is where the harm of eggplant ends, opening up space for a flight of culinary imagination.
It is also interesting to read: toxicosis during pregnancy.