Useful properties of cucumbers

 The nutritional value

Cucumbers are known for being incredibly low in calories, only 16 calories per cup, and have no fat, cholesterol, or sodium. Plus, one serving of cucumbers is only 1 grams of carbs—enough to give you energy without the annoying side effects! Cucumber is also beneficial due to its relatively high fiber content, which, combined with 3 gram of protein per glass, makes cucumbers a good fat burner.

It is important to note that although cucumbers do not contain many vitamins and minerals, one small serving will provide you with almost all the vitamins and nutrients you need in small doses.

Eating one cup of cucumbers provides vitamins A, C, K, B6 and B12, as well as folic acid and thiamine. In addition to sodium, cucumbers contain calcium, iron, manganese, selenium, zinc and potassium.

What does this mean? Although cucumber does not break records in terms of nutrition, it perfectly replenishes your supply of vitamins and minerals.

Why cucumbers are good for health

Due to its high water content, cucumber is good for external use – it can be used to cleanse the skin, apply over the eyelids to reduce puffiness under the eyes. Cucumber juice helps with sunburn. But the water content of cucumbers is also good when taken internally, helping to rid your body of toxins that can make you sick.

While cucumber is not a super fat burner on its own, adding cucumber to a salad can boost your daily fiber intake and aid in weight loss. Cucumber skins are an excellent source of dietary fiber, which may relieve constipation and protect against certain types of colon cancer.

One cup of cucumbers, containing 16 micrograms of magnesium and 181 mg of potassium, may help control and reduce high blood pressure.

Another important property of cucumbers that often goes unnoticed has to do with 12% of the daily vitamin K requirement found in just 1 cup. This vitamin helps build strong bones, which can reduce the risk of osteoporosis and arthritis.


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