Useful properties and harm of Omega-6

Useful properties and harm of Omega-6

One of the classes of polyunsaturated fatty acids is Omega-6. They are of particular importance to the body due to their biological properties. More than 10 different acids are represented in this class. However, among them, linoleic and arachidonic are considered the most important. They are most effective in combination with omega-3 acids. Both classes are largely similar in structure, although they have significant differences. First of all, this is expressed in the structure of molecules, as well as in biological properties.

Omega-6s, like Omega-3s, are ingested through food. Their synthesis is impossible, therefore, with a lack of fatty acids, the likelihood of developing various diseases increases, and there is a deterioration in general health. Omega-6s are necessary for a person for several reasons. First of all, with their help, a normal level of cholesterol in the blood is maintained, which prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis. Fatty acids in this class improve the appearance of skin and hair. After all, omega-6s are involved in tissue regeneration. In addition, they have a positive effect on the functioning of many internal organs. In women, acids ease PMS and menstruation itself. Often these processes are accompanied by a deterioration in mood, depression, and abdominal pain. Omega-6 helps to avoid such unpleasant phenomena.

Influencing the skin, polyunsaturated fatty acids relieve inflammation in eczema. Irritation heals faster, symptoms of the disease become less noticeable. The presence of Omega-6 in sufficient quantities is especially important for people suffering from arthritis and obesity. These substances help to get rid of excess weight. They also reduce cravings for hard alcoholic beverages.

Huge harm omega 6

The tiny bird hummingbird flies at a speed of more than 80 km / h, and in order to collect nectar, she has to hover over a flower, making up to 100 wing beats per second. What distinguishes this amazing creature, for example, from a bear that has fallen into hibernation? Not only the size and level of physical activity. Both animals need a supply of body fat to sustain life. It is noteworthy that in the body of a hummingbird we will find omega-3 fatty acids, and in a bear – omega-6. Both substances belong to the class of polyunsaturated fatty acids, but their properties are very different. But what about man? What fatty acids do we have and what role do they play in the body? Let’s figure it out.

Omega 3 vs Omega 6: What’s the difference?

Scientists have found that omega-3 fatty acids predominate in the body of not very large animals and birds leading a “nimble” lifestyle. But bears, seals, walruses and elephants prefer to accumulate omega-6 deposits under the skin. Why is this happening, and what is the fundamental difference between these two types of polyunsaturated fatty acids?

Omega-3 molecules are very plastic and flexible. They act as ideal food for the fastest organs: the brain and heart, first of all. Omega-3 fatty acids make the blood thinner, make the heart beat quickly and rhythmically, the brain work clearly, the eyes see sharply and get used to the dark. Of course, a person really needs such acids. They speed up metabolism and make the organs of our body work smoothly.

Omega-6 molecules perform the exact opposite function: they make the blood thicker, slow down metabolic processes, and in case of excess, provoke the development of inflammation and tumors. Omega-6 fatty acids can do a good job for a bear in hibernation, but for a person in everyday life they are useless. It has been proven that people with an excess of omega-6 are more likely to develop heart and vascular diseases, cancer, arthritis, asthma and migraines. Women with high levels of omega-6 complain of menstrual cramps, polyps, and endometriosis.

What does science say?

Useful properties and harm of Omega-6

In 2006, a scientific work entitled “The Queen of Fats” was published, written by Dr. Susanna Allport. She devoted many years to researching the role of omega-6 fatty acids in the development of dangerous diseases in humans. Every year, the world community faces the problem of early mortality from oncological diseases more and more acutely. Dr. Allport was able to prove a direct link between the level of omega-6 in the body and an increased risk of developing tumors. The “bad” fatty acid has been linked to breast, prostate, and colon cancers, to name but a few of the documented cases.

A high level of omega-6 is directly related to obesity, and a large excess of weight with age inevitably leads to diabetes. It has also been found that omega-6 fatty acids adversely affect the functioning of the nervous system: they lead to postpartum depression and bipolar mental disorders. The obvious conclusion suggests itself: you need to reduce the content of omega-6 fatty acids in the body to a minimum. But how can this be done, and why is this question so frighteningly relevant in our time?

Where does the dangerous omega-6 fatty acid come from?

In the last twenty or thirty years there have been global changes in the global food industry. This super-profitable business is run by monopoly companies. They set standards for raising livestock, and these standards are extremely simple: you need to feed livestock with the cheapest feed in order to reap the maximum benefit. It is extremely unprofitable to drive herds to natural pastures so that animals graze on fresh green grass. It is much more reasonable to feed the cattle with corn and other cheap grains. Raised on such a diet, animals become a source of a dangerous omega-6 fatty acid that accumulates in their bodies throughout their lives.

The same can be said about fish. When fish is caught from its natural environment – ocean, sea, river – its meat contains only useful omega-3 fatty acids. And when fish are artificially reared in special ponds and fed with grain, a dangerous product is obtained with a high content of omega-6. This is not to mention the problem of antibiotics, which are present in meat, fish, milk, and eggs of industrial production.

What conclusion can we draw? Those who monitor their health can be advised to choose farm meat and dairy products on store shelves. Unfortunately, it costs much more than the factory one. There are more radical ways to solve the problem. If you are overweight, have a bad heart, high cholesterol and omega-6 fatty acids, it makes sense to switch to a vegetarian diet.

Is an excess of omega-6 fatty acids dangerous?

Useful properties and harm of Omega-6

If there is a shortage of polyunsaturated fatty acids, this can have various negative consequences for the human body. But isn’t too much of them harmful?

Indeed, fatty acids are not only beneficial. Their excess can be harmful to human health and lead to the following consequences:

  • increased viscosity and blood clotting;

  • As a result, there is a risk of thrombosis. People with higher amounts of omega-6 fatty acids in their bodies are at higher risk of heart attack and stroke. 

  • deterioration in the functioning of the immune system;

  • In this state, the body is more susceptible to various diseases. Often they become chronic. 

  • the occurrence of malignant tumors.

The development of cancer is one of the most serious consequences that an excess of Omega-6 leads to. It is still completely unclear what causes tumors, but the excess of the amount of fatty acids required by the body can contribute to their appearance.

The ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 in foods

Omega-6s are most beneficial when combined with Omega-3s. In Sweden, the ratio of omega-6 to omega 3 (5:1) is recommended, and in Japan (4:1). It is necessary to restore the balance in order to avoid the negative effects of excess or lack of these substances in the body. When there is too little omega-3 acids, the body completely switches to omega-6, resulting in a feeling of drowsiness and lethargy.  

There are several points of view on what should be the number of these elements. Most scientists believe that the ideal ratio of Omega-6 and Omega-3 is 2:1 or 4:1, respectively (for reference, Eskimos consume omega-3 in a ratio of 1 to 1, and have the lowest death rate from cardiovascular diseases on the planet ). You can achieve it by changing your diet. In this case, the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in various products should be taken into account.


Omega-3 content, mg

Omega-6 content, mg

Linseed oil (1 tablespoon)



Sunflower oil (1 tablespoon)



Sesame oil (1 tablespoon)



Corn oil (1 tablespoon)



Canola oil (1 tablespoon)



Olive oil (1 tablespoon)



Chia seeds (30 g)



Flax seeds (30 g)



Sunflower seeds (1 cup)



Sesame seeds (1 cup)



Pumpkin seeds (1 cup)



Walnuts (1 cup)



Nuts almonds (1 cup)



Pecans (1 cup)



Wheat (1 cup)



Rye (1 cup)



Oats (1 cup)



Lentils (1 cup)



Beans, raw (1 cup)



Chickpeas, raw (1 cup)



Green peas, raw (1 cup)



String beans, raw (1 cup)



Lettuce, fresh (1 bunch, 360 g)



Spinach, fresh (1 bunch, 340 g)



Dandelion greens, fresh (100 g)



Arugula, fresh (100 g)



Apple, raw (1 pc.)



Banana, raw (1 pc.)



Strawberries, fresh (100 g)



Carrots, raw (100 g)



What foods contain Omega-6?

Useful properties and harm of Omega-6

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