Cherry plum is a fruit tree reaching a height of 10-13 m in the southern regions, 4-5 m in the middle lane. It has from one to several trunks, sometimes it takes the form of a shrub.
The crown of the tree is rounded, less often pyramidal, thickens with improper care. The trunk of the tree reaches a thickness of 50 cm, it has prickly shoots of red-brown color.
A powerful root system penetrates 10-12 m deep on loose fertile soils, from 2 m and deeper – on dense loams. The radius of the root system reaches 10 m, going beyond the projection of the tree crown. Root shoots are formed extremely rarely, only after damage to the roots.
The cherry plum leaf has an oblong-rounded shape, the color is dark green, in some varieties it is red-brown. Cherry plum buds are highly awakened, so overgrown twigs can appear even on skeletal branches.
The cherry plum fruit is a rounded or oblong drupe, there are flattened specimens. The fruits have a pronounced groove, visually dividing the fruit into two parts. The weight of the fruit of wild varieties is 3-6 g, in cultivated varieties and hybrids, its weight reaches 60 g. The pulp of the cherry plum fruit is juicy, its consistency is watery or cartilaginous, the color of the pulp is pink, yellow, green, red. The color of the peel varies from light yellow to almost black. There may be a wax coating on the fruits. The stone is almost always poorly separated from the pulp, in hybrids it can be separated more easily.
When ripe, the fruits may crumble. The main ripening period for cherry plum in the middle lane is mid-July-early September.
What does cherry plum look like?
In place of the snow-white flowers of the cherry plum, green fruits of an oval, slightly pointed shape are gradually formed. Filled with juice, ripening, they grow up to 2-3 cm in diameter, become round. Depending on the variety, cherry plum fruits can be yellow, orange, pink, dark purple.
All varieties of cherry plum are divided into early ripe and late. In the first case, ripening occurs from mid-November to mid-July, in the second – from late July to mid-September. The skin of ripe fruits is thin, the flesh is soft, very juicy, sweet or slightly sour in taste. The color of the skin and flesh is almost always the same. In the center of the fruit is hidden a small bone with a bitter core.

What does cherry plum taste like?
According to some housewives, cherry plums are not as sweet as plums. This is not entirely true – some yellow varieties may lack the bright flavor that is characteristic of most fruits, but their flesh has a subtle, pleasant sweetness.
Inhaling the aroma of cherry plum fruits of red and purple varieties, a fruity bouquet with honey notes is clearly felt. The pulp combines all possible flavor nuances – from very sweet to berry-spicy.
Gardeners discover the main secret of large, sweet, fragrant, juicy, soft cherry plums – regular watering. Drought adversely affects the taste of fruits. Sufficient water supply, even during short rains, has a positive effect on the formation and maturation of cherry plum.
Useful properties of cherry plum
Medicinal properties of cherry plum:
Regulates blood pressure;
It is a mild laxative;
Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
Helps to cure cough, eliminates sore throat, as it is a natural antiseptic;
Masks with cherry plum pulp eliminate age spots on the skin of the face and body;
Strengthens general immunity.
Cherry plum fruits can be included in the diet of diabetics, children and the elderly, it will not harm them. Cherry plum rarely causes allergic reactions, so it can be eaten in moderation for those who suffer from a predisposition to allergies.
7 useful properties of cherry plum
Cherry plum can be used both after full ripening and not in a ripe form. Jams and jams, spirits and compotes, sweet and tart sauces, sour soups and mashed potatoes are traditionally prepared from it. Someone likes to eat berries straight from the tree, someone likes it as part of fruit salads. Regardless of the method of eating cherry plum, the body receives a lot of nutrients and undeniable benefits. Let us dwell on some properties of cherry plum, proven by science.
1 Relieves symptoms of hemorrhoids, helps with constipation
100 grams of cherry plum contains at least 1,4 grams of fiber. The peel consists of soluble and insoluble plant fibers. It has been established that the fruit pulp contains a lot of pectin, which belongs to soluble fiber. In the gastrointestinal tract, pectin is not digested, but actively absorbs water, changing its structure to a gel-like one. Such transformations help to make the feces softer and facilitate bowel cleansing in case of constipation. Soft stools reduce pressure on the rectum, which can greatly relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
2 Is a natural probiotic
Insoluble pectin fibers are not affected by specific digestive enzymes. Fermentation occurs in the large intestine, resulting in the release of valuable substances necessary for the vital activity of beneficial intestinal bacteria. A high population of beneficial bacteria ensures the full absorption of nutrients, inhibits the growth and development of pathogens, heals the mucous membrane of the large intestine. Regular consumption of cherry plum helps maintain healthy digestion.
3 Helps in Weight Loss
According to nutritionists, cherry plum is one of the best fruits that can help you lose weight. There are only 100 kilocalories per 40 grams of cherry plum, and of the total amount of nutrients, fat is slightly less than 1%. The insoluble fibers of pectin react with the fat that enters the body with food and reduce its intestinal absorption. Cherry plum satisfies hunger well and maintains a feeling of satiety for a long time. Nutritionists explain the controlling effect on the gastrointestinal tract with a high fiber content.
4 Improves the cardiovascular system, lowers cholesterol
It is known that fiber is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system and the reduction of “bad” cholesterol (LDL). The cherry plum pulp has a high concentration of powerful antioxidant compounds that inhibit the mechanism of fat oxidation, thereby providing a preventive effect on cardiovascular diseases.
The study of the composition of the fruits of different types of cherry plum showed that dark varieties (red, red-violet) contain anthocyanins, which give the skin and pulp a characteristic color. Multiple studies in both laboratory animals and humans have proven that anthocyanins suppress the activity of pro-inflammatory markers and free radicals that harm the cardiovascular system.
5 Protects immunity
A large amount of vitamin C was found in cherry plum. Depending on the variety, its concentration can range from 10% to 20% of the recommended daily amount. Surprisingly, unripe fruits contain several times more vitamin C than ripe ones.
Vitamin C is a substance that combines anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which are important for maintaining the body’s defenses. The mechanism of suppression of inflammatory reactions serves as a regulator of immunity and the main protective factor against severe chronic diseases.
The results of several studies suggest that different types of immune cells use ascorbic acid for their own activity. In other words, with its help, immune cells implement an immune response to a particular pathogen. Regular consumption of cherry plum fruits forms protection against respiratory infections, strengthens the body. It is important to remember that unripe cherry plum contains citric acid in excess, which negatively affects the digestive system and can provoke:
Acid reflux.
Exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcer of the stomach.
Stomach upset.
This is especially true for people suffering from high acidity, stomach diseases.
6 Provides the body with antioxidants
The study of the composition of cherry plum showed that varieties of different colors have their own set of useful antioxidants. Yellow cherry plum contains a lot of carotenes, while purple and red cherry plums are an excellent source of anthocyanins. The brightly colored flesh of red-violet, dark varieties contains almost as much antioxidants as the skin of the fruit. To obtain the maximum amount of valuable substances, it is recommended to use fresh cherry plum. Any heat treatment, even the most gentle, reduces the level of nutrients in the fruit.
Observations have shown that the regular intake of antioxidants contained in cherry plum into the body has a positive complex effect on the body:
Improves skin condition.
Maintains visual acuity.
Improves memory, helps in learning.
Protects against the development of diabetes.
Has a calming effect.
Suppresses the inflammatory process.
Prevents the development of cancer, obesity, type II diabetes.
Improves the condition of the cardiovascular and nervous system.
7 Improves appetite, provides the body with energy
Connoisseurs of traditional medicine recommend cherry plum to stimulate appetite, increase overall tone. 100 g of ripe fruits contain more than 10 grams of natural sugar, which means they can serve as an excellent source of energy. In overripe fruits, the process of fermentation of sugars is started, due to which a mild laxative effect is obtained.
Among other nutrients, it is important to note the high content of provitamin A, which is concentrated in pigmented antioxidant carotenoids. In its structure, this substance is the same as in the yellow varieties of carrots, tomatoes and yellow watermelons.
[Video] Cherry plum – a magical fruit that solves all health problems: