Kalina – medicinal wild-growing plant. In the old days, it was ranked as a special plant that can cure any disease. In the modern world, viburnum is actively used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking.
It is hardly possible to meet a person who would not know about the medicinal qualities of viburnum. However, they are not the only advantage of this plant. With some knowledge, you can heal not only with berries, but also with juice, bark and inflorescences.
General benefits
1. Strengthens the immune system.
Vitamin A, which is part of viburnum, strengthens the immune system, increases resistance to infections and diseases. Kalina has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, improves metabolism, renews cells, thereby slowing down the aging process.
Treats ARVI, sore throat, bronchitis and other infectious diseases. The fruit has anti-inflammatory properties, supports immunity and speeds up the healing process.
2. Renews cells.
Vitamin C, which is part of the viburnum, promotes cell regeneration, removes excess cholesterol from the body. In addition, it reduces the risk of blood clots and prevents the development of allergies.
3. Improves metabolism.
Vitamin E takes an active part in metabolism, prevents the destruction of cell membranes. The use of viburnum prevents the development of vascular atherosclerosis.
4. Promotes proper digestion.
Thanks to the content of vitamin K in viburnum, it is possible to improve the digestion process, activate brain activity and thereby improve mental abilities.
Vitamin K has a positive effect on the heart and muscular system. Viburnum juice is simply necessary for people suffering from gastritis, stomach ulcers, and liver inflammation. The juice promotes the production of gastric juice and has a calming effect on the body.
5. For blood vessels and heart.
Those who have problems with the heart and blood vessels should use a decoction of viburnum. In addition, the broth perfectly treats hypertension, angina pectoris. Kalina improves heart function and lowers blood cholesterol levels, cleans blood vessels.
Also, hypertensive patients need to introduce viburnum into their diet. The berry normalizes blood pressure, but this is possible only with its regular use.
There is evidence that a large number of men die of stroke every year. Unfortunately, no one is immune from such a fate and it is not always possible to detect health problems in the early stages. For the prevention of problems, in particular, for strengthening the cardiovascular system, viburnum berries and its juice are indispensable.
6. Restores the nervous system.
For neurological disorders, it is simply necessary to use viburnum. Viburnum substances help with migraines, reduce the level of nervousness, fight insomnia. Viburnum also regulates blood pressure and metabolism, restores the nervous system.
7. Treats skin rashes.
Viburnum juice helps heal wounds and cuts. Kalina perfectly helps with eczema, allergic dermatitis. Viburnum containing vitamin PP helps to increase the elasticity and strength of the skin. Vitamin PP has an excellent analgesic effect.
8. Useful for the treatment of the kidneys.
Viburnum has a diuretic effect. Therefore, it is advisable to introduce it into your diet for pyelonephritis, cystitis and diseases of the urethra.
9. It is necessary for bowel problems.
Kalina perfectly fights constipation, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, the constant use of viburnum removes toxins and harmful substances from the body.
10. Treats hemorrhoids.
Viburnum decoction trays do an excellent job with hemorrhoids and prevent its further appearance. They also act as anti-inflammatory agents and relieve pain.
11. Cleans the liver.
Nowadays, fast food is very common. It may be delicious food, but there is no benefit from it. Such food has a negative effect on the functioning of the liver. To cleanse it of the negative effects of junk food and alcohol, you need to use viburnum. It perfectly cleanses the liver, removes toxins and toxins from the body.
12. Other benefits.
Nutrients are found not only in the fruits of the viburnum, but also in its juice. So, drinking juice helps with the following ailments:
- Treats ovarian cysts.
- Normalizes blood pressure.
- Treats bronchial asthma.
- Heals wounds and cuts.
- Soothes the nervous system.
Benefits for women
13. Prevents female diseases.
Regular consumption of viburnum tea helps prevent the occurrence of many female diseases. Tea is especially recommended for the prevention of cystitis.
14. Useful for mastopathy.
Fresh berries treat mastopathy and prevent the disease from recurring.
15. Helps with uterine bleeding.
Kalina has an excellent hemostatic quality. Therefore, a decoction of viburnum is recommended for use with ectopic pregnancy, profuse bleeding during the menstrual cycle.
16. Reduces the duration of menstruation.
To shorten the duration of the menstrual cycle, you must take a decoction of viburnum three times a day. You need to start taking it on the first day of the cycle.
Skin Benefits
17. Eliminates oily sheen.
When used systematically, masks made from viburnum berries help to get rid of the oily sheen of the skin, cleanse and narrow the pores.
18. Has a whitening effect.
Those who dream of lightening the skin or getting rid of freckles should lubricate their face with the pulp of fresh viburnum berries. It is necessary to do the procedure until the desired results appear.
19. Good for aging skin.
Lotions from a decoction of viburnum berries help to rejuvenate the skin, hide fine wrinkles.
20. Helps with acne and acne.
Regular use of the viburnum mask treats acne and teenage acne. It is also useful to make lotions from a decoction of berries on problem areas of the skin.
21. Moisturizes the skin.
Massage with viburnum berries gives the skin a healthy look. It becomes silky smooth. Usually, such rubbing should be carried out in a bath, so that later you can steam the body well.
22. Body scrub.
Viburnum seeds are considered an excellent natural body scrub that exfoliates and renews keratinized skin.
Hair Benefits
23. Eliminates dandruff.
Viburnum-based masks help get rid of dandruff and restore the natural shine of the hair. Viburnum nutrients penetrate deep into the scalp, restoring the natural balance of micro and macro elements. The skin is nourished and hydrated, as a result of which dandruff disappears.
24. Stimulates hair growth.
Regular use of viburnum strengthens the hair follicles, prevents hair loss and promotes rapid hair growth.
Benefits for men
25. Increases immunity.
Numerous studies have shown that men’s immune systems function less well than women’s. For this reason, it is important for a man to maintain immunity and make sure that it does not deteriorate. Viburnum will help with this. Regular use of viburnum, even in small quantities, has a positive effect on the immune system, protecting the body from all sorts of infections.
26. Heals the genitourinary system
Kalina perfectly treats many male diseases. Prevents the risk of developing prostate and prostate cancer. Also, the use of viburnum increases the libido and sexual activity of a man.
Harm and contraindications
Despite the fact that viburnum benefits the body, not all people can use it.
1. Pregnancy.
The main contraindication for introducing viburnum into the diet is pregnancy. Berry juice contains substances that are considered analogous to female hormones. And the excessive content of these substances can provoke the formation of pathologies in the fetus and lead to premature birth.
2. Low pressure.
Viburnum is not recommended for people with low blood pressure because it has blood pressure lowering properties. As a result, the pressure can drop excessively, which hi to serious consequences.
3. Chronic kidney disease.
It is undesirable to abuse viburnum for kidney disease, as well as for people with high acidity of gastric juice. Viburnum juice exacerbates stomach diseases. Therefore, for people with high acidity, preparations from viburnum are contraindicated.
4. Arthritis.
Viburnum-based juices and teas are contraindicated in gouty arthritis due to their high purine content. They cause increased salt deposition in the joints.
5. Enuresis.
Since viburnum has strong diuretic properties, it is not recommended to use it for people suffering from enuresis.
6. Diabetes.
Viburnum berries contain a large amount of invert sugar, so it is undesirable for diabetics to use viburnum.
Chemical composition of the product
Nutritional value of viburnum (100 g) and the percentage of the daily value:
- The nutritional value
- Vitamins
- calories 26,3 kcal – 1,85%;
- proteins 0 g – 0%;
- fats 0 g – 0%;
- carbohydrates 7 g – 5,47%;
- dietary fiber 0 g – 0%;
- water 0 g – 0%.
- And 2500 mcg – 277,8%;
- S 82 mg – 91,1%;
- E 2 mg – 13,3%.
Viburnum is a terrific berry that we’ve seen has a range of health benefits. She is able to cure and prevent many diseases.
However, one should not forget about the possible side effects. And most importantly – take into account the contraindications so as not to aggravate existing diseases.
Useful Properties
- Strengthens immunity.
- Renews cells.
- Improves metabolism.
- Promotes proper digestion.
- It has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and the heart.
- Restores the nervous system.
- Treats skin rashes.
- It is useful in the treatment of the kidneys.
- Helps with bowel problems.
- Treats hemorrhoids.
- Cleans the liver.
- Good for skin and hair.
- Good for both men and women.
- Has other benefits.
Harmful properties
- Contraindicated in pregnancy.
- Reduces blood pressure.
- Cannot be used for chronic kidney disease.
- Not recommended for arthritis.
- Not recommended for enuresis.
- Not recommended for diabetes.
Additional useful information about Kalina
How to use
Viburnum can be eaten both separately and can be used to make delicious meals.
1. Drinks.
As a rule, for the preparation of drinks, viburnum is mixed with rose hips, raspberries, cherries or lingonberries. These drinks can be drunk regularly as a preventive measure.
2. Viburnum with honey.
This well-known product is an excellent source of vitamins. To prepare it, you need to take equal amounts of natural honey and viburnum with seeds, mix everything and let it brew for two weeks in a dark place.
3. Juice.
To prepare the juice, you will need to collect the fruits of the viburnum after the first frost. The juice can be boiled or infused.
4. Kissel.
You can make delicious and very healthy jelly from viburnum. It has an unusual taste. In order to remove the bitter aftertaste, you can add a little raspberry or strawberry to the jelly.
5. Jelly.
To make jelly, you will need clarified viburnum juice. After its preparation, you can portion the jelly into sealed packages. Jelly is considered a favorite treat for children.
6. Visible.
From viburnum they cook not only tasty, but also healthy jam for the winter. Jam is an excellent filling for pies and pancakes.
7. Tea made from viburnum flowers.
Already pouring boiling water over the viburnum flowers, you will feel an unusual aroma, and the taste of tea is unlikely to leave you indifferent.
8. Coffee.
Delicious and healthy coffee is prepared from ground viburnum seeds.
How to choose
- You need to buy only fresh fruits.
- Since viburnum is usually bought frozen, the freshness can only be determined visually.
- If all the berries are whole, and their color is bright, this indicates their high quality.
- The freshness of the product is also evidenced by the pleasant smell of berries.
- When buying fresh berries, make sure they are all ripe. There should be no green berries.
- The berries should not contain any extra impurities.
How to store
- Fresh viburnum should be stored in brushes.
- Place the berries in a ventilated food container and refrigerate, or hang the berries by twigs in a cool place, such as on the balcony. In such conditions, viburnum can be stored for several months.
- If you do not have the opportunity to store berries on the balcony, the best option would be to process them.
- In city apartments, the easiest way to store berries is frozen.
- Kalina feels great in the cold and at the same time retains all its nutritional properties.
- Before sending the viburnum to the freezer, the berries must be thoroughly rinsed, remove excess leaves and twigs. Dry on a towel. When all excess moisture has drained off, viburnum can be packaged in sealed packages or use special bags for freezing.
- It is necessary to distribute in a container such an amount of viburnum that you will need when using it.
- For a dry way of storing viburnum, you need to put the brushes with fruits on a baking sheet and dry the berries at a temperature not higher than 60 degrees. In this case, an oven is ideal. Do not close the door tightly, otherwise the berries may crack and all the juice will flow out of them. You need to dry the berries within 40 minutes. Then let them cool down and pack them in sealed packages.
The story of
Locations of viburnum distribution: Europe, Asia, Russia, North and Central America, North Africa. Viburnum grows where a temperate climate prevails. Kalina has been known for many centuries.
Even in Ancient Russia, breast cancer was treated with her juice. As a medicine, Kalina was announced in 1925. The plant received its Slavic name for the color of the fruit.
Viburnum is a tall, branched bush. As a rule, it reaches a height of 2-4 meters. Viburnum shoots are usually bare, occasionally ribbed, greenish, and in some cases have a red tint. The leaves are dark green, their length is 10 centimeters.
Kalina became widespread not only in Russia, but also in southern Europe, Asia Minor, North Africa. In the steppe regions, the plant is extremely rare.
How and where is it grown
Viburnum is a small deciduous shrub. Almost all types of it are shade-tolerant. Viburnum blooms from May to June. The fruits ripen at the end of September.
The berries are not afraid of frost, so they can safely be on the branches all winter and not lose their beneficial properties. Viburnum is propagated by cuttings, seeds and layering. The average life span of a shrub is 50-60 years.
Viburnum is grown everywhere, as it easily tolerates prolonged droughts and severe frosts. The viburnum bears its first fruits in the sixth year of life, and reaches the peak of fruiting by the age of 12. The plant prefers fertile and moist soil.
Viburnum is very effective during flowering, ripening of fruits, as well as in autumn, when the leaves acquire beautiful yellow and red colors.
Interesting Facts
- To date, more than 150 varieties of viburnum are known.
- Some varieties are poisonous.
- Kalina is a symbol of girlish beauty.
- In ancient times, the bride’s head was decorated with viburnum berries.
- Viburnum is considered a magical plant.
- The viburnum shrub has great energy potential. The energy of viburnum manifests itself in full measure from August to September.
- In addition to viburnum with edible berries, there is also its exclusively decorative relative – viburnum “Buldenezh”. It blooms with white flowers, collected in large globular inflorescences.
- The history of viburnum goes back to ancient times. The plant is mentioned in a huge number of fairy tales, songs and jokes.