Useful lemons: how the tea kills vitamin C

Lemons have a very wide culinary use, but primarily they are extremely useful. And you should develop a daily habit of drinking water with the addition of their juice. So including lemon juice in your daily diet, you will quickly feel the positive changes and at the same time lose weight.

Because the human body cannot produce vitamin C, so it must be supplied with food. And lemons contain 53 mg of this substance per 100 g

Lemon juice has antibacterial properties – moms and grandmothers were right, when gave us tea with lemon during a cold. But, unfortunately, they often made the serious mistake of mixing the juice with hot liquid.

At a temperature of 70 degrees Celsius, it causes the loss of vitamin C also known as ascorbic acid. Thanks to the high content of this compound lemons have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

It is the best to consume lemon in the form of fresh lemon juice. Lemon “feels bad” when in contact with light and air losing its beneficial properties, so cutting into slices, it will bring much less benefit than freshly cut.

About the benefits of lemon juice

  • A diet rich in vitamin C increases the body’s resistance in periods of increased incidence of colds and flu.
  • Lemon juice supports the secretion of bile and has a positive effect on the liver.
  • Vitamin C is necessary for collagen synthesis in the body, so lemon juice should be used for people who take care of proper condition of the joints.
  • It is believed that vitamin C and other antioxidants in lemons can limit the growth of cancer, especially lung, but not all studies confirm this.
  • Many people drink lemon juice during the recovery diet, drinking warm water and add it on an empty stomach. This cocktail improves digestion and gives a greater feeling of satiety than pure water.
  • Lemon juice is not acidic food the body, on the contrary it helps to maintain the acid-alkaline balance of the body.

Useful lemons: how the tea kills vitamin C

Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency:

  • bleeding gums,
  • deterioration and loss of teeth,
  • swelling and soreness of the joints,
  • immunosuppression
  • slower wound healing and Union of bones,
  • a longer recovery from illnesses.

To drink Lemon juice in its pure form, of course, is not possible. And we do not always have the time to wait until the tea cools to add a lemon. But you can easily prepare healthy and delicious lemonade. Simply cut the fruit into wedges, sprinkle with a little sugar and leave for a while, then pour cool water. You can also add leaves of fresh mint. It’s a real drink of beauty, health and good physical shape.

More about benefits а lemon water watch in the video below:

Drink Lemon Water for 30 Days, the Result Will Amaze You!

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