In a healthy diet, everything should be fine: both products, and the regime, and balance, and calorie content. And there must be snacks in it. Without this “brick”, a harmonious system will not last long and certainly will not bring the desired fruits. What is it, the perfect snack? What products are best suited for it? How to snack properly? We understand everything in order together with the experts of the company “Semushka”.
Snack on schedule
First of all, it is important to determine the mode. Two full-fledged snacks 2-2. 5 hours after the main meals are the optimal combination. If there is an urgent need, you can add a light snack after dinner. But not later than 2 hours before bedtime. This way you will keep your appetite in check: you will stop overeating at lunch and dinner, nibbling during the day and making night raids on the refrigerator. In this mode, the metabolism is most optimal. And most importantly, the body will stop putting extra calories in reserve and will begin to obediently burn them.
Vital signs
If you get in shape at a rapid pace, you can’t do without counting calories. Remember, the nutritional value of a standard snack should not exceed 250 kcal. But in addition, it is important to take into account the glycemic index (GI) of the products consumed, that is, their ability to increase blood sugar levels. Comprehensive tables with the desired values are easy to find on the Internet. The lower the GI, the lower the sugar level and the calmer the appetite. To put him to sleep completely, snack slowly, repeatedly chewing each piece of food. Saturation will come much faster, and the body will not send a signal to the brain asking for a supplement.
Conflicting feelings
It happens that even after a snack, a nagging feeling of hunger makes itself felt. Most often, this feeling is deceptive, and behind it lies only thirst. Just for such cases, always keep a bottle of clean drinking water without gas at hand. This will not only solve the problem with pseudo-hunger, but also further boost the metabolism. To finally understand the feelings, nutritionists recommend a simple test. Imagine broccoli. If you do not want to eat it at all, then it is an imaginary hunger, not a real one. Drink some water, take a few deep breaths, and find something to distract you.
Dried fruits as a selection
Remember, a snack always consists of one, at most two products. It should be moderately satisfying, rich in fiber and well balanced. All these qualities embody the dried fruit “Semushka”. In addition, they are rich in essential glucose and fructose for the brain, as well as micro – and macronutrients that improve digestion. Dried apricots, plums and figs will make a great snack. The main thing is not to get carried away: 5-6 fruits for one serving will be enough. Each bag contains large and mature fruits. They have retained the original aroma and rich natural taste. So these dried fruits satisfy your hunger in no time.
Walnut Kaleidoscope
Nuts “Semushka” meet all the requirements of a proper snack. In addition, it is a real vitamin and mineral bomb. They are rich in vitamins of group B, E PP, as well as sodium, potassium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium. Nuts also contain a huge amount of dietary fiber, the most valuable omega-3 fats and amino acids. This rich composition creates a pleasant feeling of satiety and supports the normal functioning of the digestive tract. It is recommended to eat no more than 30-40 g of nuts per snack. Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and cashews are a priority. Try not to go beyond the daily norm and remember the golden rule of a healthy diet: a little good.
Treat yourself with your own hands
Energy bars are a win-win snack. Especially if you cook them at home. Here again, dried fruits and nuts “Semushka”will come to the rescue. We take 200 g of dates and dried apricots, 50 g of dark raisins and dried cranberries. Remove the seeds from the dates, steam them together with dried apricots in steep boiling water for 15 minutes, whisk in a puree with a blender. Add 100 ml of apple juice, 1 tsp of cinnamon and simmer on low heat for 5 minutes. Pour 300 g of oat flakes on a baking sheet with parchment paper and brown for 10-12 minutes in the oven at 180°C. Mash roughly 50 g of cashews, hazelnuts and almonds with a rolling pin. Mix fruit puree, raisins, cranberries, ruddy oatmeal and nuts, add 2 tbsp. l. honey, knead a thick plastic mass. We form bars from it and send them to the oven at the same temperature for about 15 minutes. A snack for all occasions is ready!
And let things wait
In any case, do not give up snacking at work. Even in the most busy schedule, you can always find 5 minutes to throw a little useful fuel into the body. Take plastic containers with light vegetable salads with you. Give preference to any varieties of cabbage, sweet peppers, carrots, beets, tomatoes and cucumbers. A portion of cottage cheese casserole or dietary vegetable fritters is quite acceptable. Do you prefer sandwiches? Then prepare them properly. Dried rye or grain toast, a slice of boiled white meat, a few circles of tomatoes and a leaf of juicy salad is an ideal option.
A satisfying journey
If you have a long road ahead of you, do not heroically starve to your destination. Drinking yogurt or kefir smoothie in a thermos is quite a practical option. The main thing is that fermented milk drinks are natural, unsweetened and without any additives. You can prepare a sandwich with tuna or turkey, vegetable rolls in thin pita bread, diet oatmeal cookies or dried fruits and nuts “Semushka”in advance. Convenient bags made of kraft paper with a sealed zip lock easily fit in the bag. They keep the products fresh for a long time and will not allow them to crumble. With them, you can eat delicious and healthy food in any place and at any time.
Keep your mouth shut
No matter how great the temptation, some snacks should be excluded from the diet categorically. The black list includes chips, salted crackers, crackers, corn sticks and other popular snacks. Such a dry ration causes dehydration of the body and hurts the liver. Pies with fillings and sweet rolls, especially from yeast dough, can provoke fermentation in the intestine. In addition, these are the most harmful carbohydrates, which burn rapidly and cause a stronger outbreak of hunger. Chocolate bars, candies, and cakes have the same effect. In addition, they guarantee extra folds at the waist.
The right snack should be considered, moderate and timely. Only then will it benefit the body. Dried fruits and nuts “Semushka” are ideal for this role. These are natural products of excellent quality, which have everything to quickly and permanently satisfy your hunger, feel a surge of fresh energy, and most importantly, combine business with pleasure.