Useful educational toys, children’s goods store Arbeon
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A little baby needs not only food, care, love and care, but also development. And here games and toys, of which a great many are sold today, will come in handy. When buying, it is better to focus on the age of the child, then the toys will not be scattered around the house without work, but will be interesting and entertaining for the little person and will serve for developmental purposes.
The baby’s first toys are rattles. At the age of about two months, the child already concentrates attention on them and observes a new bright object with interest, turns his head towards the sound. Rattles can be of different modifications, the first ones are lighter in weight, with one semantic center and a calm sound; as you grow, you can buy more complex and louder ones. Special music mobiles for the crib will also come in handy. They will perfectly serve for the earliest acquaintance of the child with the world of the game, they will be able to attract his attention for a sufficiently long time, while the mother goes about her business.
When the child grows up and becomes more interested in the world around him, sounds, learns to roll over and grab objects, at this stage it will successfully serve developmental mat. It is bright, multi-textured, with several developmental elements, attracts attention, develops tactile and auditory sensations of the baby.
Toys with light and sound for a six-month-old baby are a real delight. He can look at the blinking colored lights for a long time, listen to sounds by pressing the buttons, joyfully and wonderfully feel and taste and burst into joyful laughter. This is the first acquaintance with the colors and sounds that objects and living things can make.
Closer to the year, the time comes for other educational toys – pyramids. The kid will love stringing bright rings. This lesson develops fine motor skills, color perception, and gives the first idea of size.
For the same purpose, there are also special toys with holes of various shapes, into which figures are inserted. After a year, the child will be happy to do them. Moreover, this is a good reason to acquaint the kid with the concept of form, and at the same time to develop fine motor skills and logical thinking.
Favorite toys for children of all generations. How wonderful it is to watch the first attempts of the kid to build a tower, how patiently he puts one element on top of another. It’s better to get soft cubes first. Then you can buy plastic or wooden ones. On the edge, by the way, images of animals, numbers, letters of the alphabet can be applied.
There are a great many of them today. Bright, colorful made of natural materials, they develop motor skills (if these are special labyrinths), introduce you to the world of fairy tales and reality. And they just delight.
A real space for the imagination of the child. Start with kits with large part sizes but fewer parts. Then you can buy kits on a larger scale. The main advantage of constructors is that they not only develop, but also keep the baby occupied for a long time.
Another means of developing hand motor skills, eyes, logical thinking, the ability to relate objects. As a rule, with the help of such puzzles you can create an image of an animal, a car, or your favorite characters from books and cartoons. For the smallest ones, you can buy soft puzzles with large elements, then wooden or plastic ones.
And so that pyramids, balls, dolls, trains, rattles and other children’s items are not scattered around the apartment, special baskets and containers for storing toys will help. They will interest the kid with bright colors, images of their favorite characters and animals and will be the first manual to help teach the child to clean up the mess on their own after the game.
The most important thing: any toy and game is a reason for the baby to communicate with mom and dad, for closer contact
Try to tell and explain to the child more in the process of playing everything that you do, everything that you see and hear, name colors, shapes, elements. And even if he still does not know how to talk and repeat after you, he will certainly memorize information and fill his picture of the world with new concepts and skills. All this will definitely bear fruit.
We grow and develop together!
You can buy educational toys, as well as many other products for mothers and babies in stores. “ARBEON”As well as website
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In the Krasnooktyabrsky district: st. Eremenko, 44, tel. 52-01-72
In the Krasnoarmeysky district: st. Fadeeva, 35, tel. 52-01-74