Useful properties of cherries
Cherry is one of the most famous and useful plants for humans. It has a wide range of medicinal properties and is second only to strawberries in terms of the amount of useful substances. Vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, B9 (folic acid) are very successfully combined in cherries with such trace elements as magnesium, cobalt, iron, which together help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent the development of anemia and increase immunity.
The presence in the fruits of the biologically active substance coumarin reduces the risk of thrombosis and reduces blood clotting. According to the results of recent studies, it became known that sour cherries contain ellagic acid, which blocks the growth of cancer cells. And this is very important for the prevention and treatment of cancer. In addition to these substances, organic acids, tannins, anthocyanins, enzymes, pectins, sugars (fructose and glucose) were found in the plant.
Composition and calorie content
Calories 50 KKal
- Fats:
0,3 g
- Proteins:
1 g
- Carbohydrates:
12,2 g
- Water:
86,1 g
- Ash:
0,4 g
- Cellulose:
1,8 g
Vitamins (in 100 g): | Quantity | %RDN |
Beta-carotene | 770 mcg | 15% |
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) | 10 mg | 11% |
Minerals (in 100 g): | Quantity | %RDN |
Bor | 125 mcg | 179% |
* Lead | 14,2 mcg | 142% |
Silicon | 41 mg | 137% |
Rubidium | 77 mcg | 77% |
Vanadium | 25 mcg | 63% |
Chrome | 7 mcg | 14% |
Molybdenum | 10 mcg | 14% |
Cobalt | 1 mcg | 10% |
Copper | 100 mcg | 10% |
Nickel | 15 mcg | 10% |
Full chemical composition ➤
Other important connections:
Phytosterols — 12 mg (22% of RDI)
Purine — 6 mg (5% of RDI)
Other useful properties of cherries:
Cherry fruits contain many useful macro- and microelements, various vitamins, which are very important for a healthy body. Due to the presence of anthocyanin, which is contained in the pulp of berries, they are easily absorbed by the body. A substance – coumarin – will help to slightly reduce blood clotting, to avoid the formation of blood clots or blockages of blood vessels. Due to the combination of cobalt, iron, magnesium, calcium, folic acid and other useful elements, berries are used to treat many diseases.
Cherry fruits favorably affect the body’s metabolism, remove toxins, salts, radiation and excess cholesterol. The juice squeezed from these fruits increases appetite, quenches thirst and will be an excellent medicine for mental disorders, arthritis, colds, as an expectorant and constipation.
More recently, scientists have found that due to the content of ellagic acid, daily consumption of cherries in certain doses inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Another name for cherry fruit is heart berry. P-vitamin-active substances, pigments and ascorbic acid increase the tone of capillaries, strengthen blood vessels, reduce high blood pressure, increase immunity and make the body less susceptible to negative environmental factors. Doctors recommend that people who have problems with the heart or blood vessels include a small amount of cherries in their daily diet.
After chokeberry, red currant and pomegranate, cherry ranks fourth in terms of the amount of coumarin, which is contained not only in the fruits, but also in the leaves of the tree.
Do not forget about the toxic substances contained in the berries – amygdalin. When this substance is combined with gastric juice, a chemical reaction will begin, as a result of which poisonous acid begins to be released in the stomach, which adversely affects its work. In very small doses, amygdalin is used as a medicine for kidney stones and gout.
Cherry stone features
Hydrocyanic acid in cherry pits. Cherry pits contain about 40% fatty oil with a high iodine number and amygdalin, which is very dangerous in the presence of the amygdalase enzyme (which is found in cherries), as it can lead to poisoning. During heat treatment of pitted cherries (when cooking jams or compotes), amygdalase loses its activity and amygdalin is not split into its constituent components, one of which is hydrocyanic acid, a strong poison.
In small quantities, of course, the seeds from the pits of cherries are not dangerous and are good for gout. They need to be rubbed and applied to sore spots.
How to grow cherries from seed. For further boarding the stones are selected from large and well-ripened berries. They should be washed immediately or kept in water for several days, changing it daily. Then the bones are dried and mixed with wet sand at the end of summer, leaving them in boxes for storage until October (in a cool room). In autumn, the seeds are sown in pre-prepared grooves 2-3 cm deep.
In the spring, after the sun warms up, friendly shoots appear. Seedlings grow quickly and in the first year reach a height of 40-50 cm. In autumn or next spring, seedlings are planted in a permanent place.
Removing pits from cherries
Cherry is used both as a medicine and as a delicacy. Often compotes, jams, pies are made from it, fruits are frozen for the winter. Much nicer in winter, defrosting the berries, eating them without choosing the seeds. After all, when removing them from the berries, it is very important to keep the cherry whole, not to crush it.
There are several ways to help extract the seeds from berries:
improvised means (hairpins, pins, paper clips);
bone separator;
pitting machine.
The first method
The first method involves using what is at hand or just the hands themselves. The berry is squeezed with the fingers of one hand, and with the other hand, with the help of a pin, paper clip or hairpin, the bone is pulled through the place where the stalk is attached, and pushed out of the berry. This method requires a certain skill, because without it the work will move very slowly.
Also, instead of improvised means, you can use a nail, with which the bone is hooked in the same way and removed from the cherry. The disadvantage of this method is that all hands will be stained with juice.