Urostomy – what is it?

A urostomy is a skin-cutaneous fistula performed in the case of problems with urine output in the course of certain diseases of the urinary system. Urostomy involves the passage of the urinary tract through the abdomen, bypassing the urethra and bladder. This is the name for a stoma that is made between the urinary tract and the skin. Their purpose is to allow the outflow of urine from the urinary tract when it is for some reason hindered or impossible in a natural way. A urostomy may be a connection between the kidney, ureters, or bladder.

What is a urostomy?

Urostomia allows urine to drain outside the patient’s body in cases where this is not possible naturally (through the urethra).

Urostomy is performed in a variety of ways, and the choice of method depends on where the fistula is to be located. Urostomia it can be made by inserting a catheter into the bladder through the abdominal wall. Or it may be that the ureter is led outside. Urostomia it is also a catheter that is inserted into the ureter. You can also do a urostomyby inserting the drain directly into the kidney, bypassing the bladder.

Urostomia it can be temporary or permanent.

In what cases is a urostomy performed?

Urostomy is performed when urine cannot flow naturally. This can happen as a result of an illness or injury within the urinary tract.

Indications for execution urostomii (temporary or permanent) are as follows:

  1. the presence of stones in the ureters or kidneys,
  2. injuries and neoplastic diseases of the bladder or ureters,
  3. injuries and narrowing of the urinary tract that may occur as a result of radiotherapy,
  4. condition after removal of a prostate tumor when the urethra has been damaged,
  5. birth defects related to the structure and functioning of the urinary tract,
  6. tuberculosis of the urinary tract,
  7. cystotomy, i.e. a suprapubic-bullous fistula,
  8. nephrostomia.

Check how life changes after prostate tumor removal

Types of urostomy

Urostomia it is a fistula that is produced during an operation. It could be:

  1. Open urostomy – incontinence. This type of urostomy includes a ureterocutaneous fistula, which is usually a permanent urostomy, consisting in bilateral anastomosis of the ureters with a fistula on the abdomen or anastomosis of one ureter with a fistula on the abdomen – in this way, urine is drained directly from the kidney. Another type of open urostomy is the permanent anastomosis of the ureters with the end of the intestine. Open urostomy also includes vesicocutaneous fistula, which is usually a temporary solution, often performed in children.
  2. Tight or continental adolescents – they ensure urinary continence.

Possible complications after urostomy surgery

Emergence urostomii is associated with the risk of numerous complications. The most common complications include: swelling urostomii, falling out or being caught urostomii, stenosis urostomii, hernia at the site of emergence urostomii, contact eczema, and ischemia and necrosis or allergic skin reactions at the site of emergence urostomii. Normal urostomy is pink-red in color, round in shape and protrudes 1-3 cm above the abdominal surface. It should be moist and excrete urine and mucus, while the skin around it should look unchanged.

Hygiene rules and diet for urostomy

After the urostomy surgery, it is necessary to maintain special hygiene in the place where the fistula is located. It is also necessary to change the eating habits, as long as the patient did not eat healthy before. A diet for people with urostomy should contain a minimum amount of salt (sodium) and be rich in healthy foods with a wide variety of nutrients. The best is easily digestible diet, prepared from fresh products.

People with urostomy should constantly check the color and appearance of their urine. They should also remember to drink the right amount of fluids – too little fluid causes the urine to become thick and dark in color. Patients with urostomy are recommended to drink at least 2 liters of drinks a day, preferably in the form of pure, still water. They should also exclude oxalates (found in green vegetables) from their diet where possible, control their calcium intake, eat less or no red meat, and limit alkaline foods such as white meat and egg white. Alcohol can be consumed by patients with urostomy only in small amounts and occasionally, however, it is better for the patient to eliminate it from the diet as well.

After an urostomy is established, special hygiene is essential. The fistula site should be kept clean and its appearance and urine collected in the fistula should be monitored regularly. If your urostomy or the collection of urine in it change appearance (the urostomy gets bigger, changes shape and color, your urine becomes darker or noticeably thicker), you should contact your doctor immediately.

Anusir Rectal & Stoma Cleansing Foam can facilitate proper urostomy hygiene.

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