
A urologist belongs to the category of those doctors whose appointments patients prefer to postpone until better times. At the same time, some of the inhabitants do not suspect at all that this specialist is treating. The other part believes that only men who experience difficulties with sexual life should contact him.

But in fact, the range of activities of an expert in the field of urology is much wider. It helps patients in cases where a person is faced with urinary problems. Moreover, assistance extends not only to males, but also to women and even children. The latter often face the problem of frequent urge to urinate.

Elderly patients are usually asked to resolve their problems with pain and burning during a trip to the toilet, the appearance of bloody patches in the urine, or with colic in the lumbar region. There are also people who need treatment for problems with urinary incontinence, which, if delayed, threatens to develop into a huge problem.

All this and many other related symptoms indicate that a person should make an appointment with a specialist for advice, testing and prescribing a course of therapy.

What does female urology include

In medical terminology, an offshoot of the science of urology exclusively for women is called urogynecology. The doctor to whom the patient comes, after a clinical examination, will be able to diagnose and help cure inflammation of the external and internal genital organs. It also helps to deal with diagnoses related to problems with the urinary system, which covers not only the work of the urethra. We are talking about the bladder, ureters, adrenal glands, kidneys.

According to unspoken statistics, sexually transmitted diseases, as well as urethritis, urolithiasis, are leading in this field. If the local therapist suspects cystitis, the visitor will also be sent for a detailed consultation with a urologist and necologist.

It also helps to build long-term maintenance therapy if a lady has been diagnosed with destabilization of kidney function, such as pyelonephritis, kidney failure. Even if a young lady has pathological or unusual discharge, she will still be sent to a specialist for verification. There is also a direct road for those who have only recently encountered sexual disorders.

Urology for men

In order to provide assistance at a qualified level, the medical institution usually has two urological rooms, one of which is an andrologist. That is what they call a doctor who helps men cope with problems associated with the genitals, urethra, and bladder.

A good expert will be able to outline the range of possible diagnoses already at the first appointment, and a clinical study will only confirm his guesses. Separately, he works with patients who were sent by an oncologist, or during the initial examination, they have all the signs of a cancer covering the genitourinary system.

The general range of activities of a medical officer is quite wide, including:

  • infertility;
  • problems with urination, including occasional urination;
  • painful condition during intercourse;
  • male menopause and problems with potency;
  • curvature of the penis;
  • kidney failure;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Together with a venereologist, he will be able to prescribe a more effective treatment if the test results indicate the development of sexually transmitted diseases. Most often it is chlamydia or genital herpes.

It helps to cope with inflammation of an infectious nature, among which the most common are:

  • urethritis;
  • orchitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • epididymitis;
  • cystitis;
  • adenoma;
  • balanoposthitis

His work helps patients overcome even more complex, rare ailments. The most important thing is to apply at the initial stages of the development of the disease, and not hold out until the last, as often happens with people who are busy due to work.

Qualified help for the child

Special attention deserves a pediatrician who works with both babies and adolescents up to adulthood. Each city polyclinic should have at least one such expert who will come to the aid of patients from a very young age.

Usually, parents of crumbs who have not even reached school age turn to him for the following main reasons:

  1. Cystitis. A disease that is based on inflammatory processes. The disease occurs equally often in both girls and boys.
  2. Phimosis. An ailment that concerns boys, as it affects the narrowing of the foreskin area in the head of the penis.
  3. Balanitis. Another disease that affects boyish problems. It is expressed in the development of an inflammatory process of varying severity, which is localized on the head of the penis.
  4. Cryptorchidism. Male pathology affecting the not fully developed testicle. Moreover, there are several types of anomalies, including the position in the scrotum, which does not meet generally accepted anatomical standards. If you do not help the baby to cope with the problem at such a tender age, then after the completion of puberty, he may experience serious disorders in his sexual life.

The doctor is engaged in the study of the root causes, consequences and formulas for the treatment of inflammatory processes and anomalies of all those organs and systems that are within his competence.

Children of kindergarten age are often diagnosed with bruises and other types of damage to the genital organs, which are inflicted unconsciously during games. There are also crumbs who are faced with urinary incontinence, although parents may initially believe that the child does not want to learn to go to the potty.

Regardless of what served as the source of the disease and at what particular age the child began to show various deviations, do not hesitate to seek qualified help. If you delay this issue now, after spending a couple of months on treatment, then in ten years a person may face more serious problems, up to sexual dysfunction. This is confirmed by numerous medical reviews, which tell the horrific cases of neglected diseases, when almost nothing could be done.

You should also always remember that any infection that initially settled in the genitourinary tract, in the absence of proper control, becomes a potential threat to the whole organism. The inflammatory process begins to grow, affecting more and more organs and tissues, which gradually develops into chronic diseases. In such a scenario, even the most recognized paid specialist will not be able to restore their former health.

When to sound the alarm

A huge percentage of those who want to make an appointment are already at the stage of the disease, when treatment requires increased costs and time. There are also such neglected cases when, in childhood, parents did not pay due attention to their children in terms of sexual education. Due to embarrassment or their own ignorance, people did not visit the “doctor of delicate problems.” It is not uncommon for adult men to complain of sexual impotence, and the examination showed that the patient had cryptorchidism, which had to be diagnosed in early childhood.

Because of this, health workers have developed a kind of list of signs that it is worth registering for an appointment. The list of common symptoms includes:

  • pain or just discomfort when urinating;
  • a prolonged feeling of fullness in the bladder, even when taking into account the absence of accumulation of a large amount of fluid in it;
  • delays in urination;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • change in the color of urine, as well as its consistency and the appearance of various inclusions.

Separately, situations are considered when the victim has suspicions of prostatitis. In addition to pain in the lower abdomen, the patient will be haunted by fever, loss of appetite with constant thirst and general depression.

Such a scenario provides for a mandatory visit to a medical institution, where a consultation is first carried out, and then tests are prescribed, which are designed to clarify a possible diagnosis.

Also, a person who has encountered some visible changes in the state of the genital organs should know where the urologist takes. The same rule applies to those who experience erectile dysfunction. Do not hesitate if you need to circumcise the foreskin. Moreover, almost any hospital will be able to carry out the procedure, and the recovery period is usually not delayed for a long time.

But trusting people who call themselves the highest category specialists in the field of urology, and at the same time offer to solve the problem online, is a bad idea. And although today a private clinic practices such an innovation, it always provides evidence of the competence of its employee. But even in this case, the expert will not be able to prescribe a full-fledged treatment, since it will be necessary to conduct a personal examination and pass related tests. In some cases, going to the doctor in general can end up with a referral to another specialist. So, sometimes the surgeon becomes the next authority. In order not to fall short of such drastic measures, it is better to take care of your own health in advance.

How is the reception

Regardless of which hospital the doctor conducts the examination from, he will be obliged to provide patients with mandatory medical services. This rule applies even if the appointment is conducted by a free doctor from a state clinic.

The list of mandatory medical services includes:

  • studying the history of the disease;
  • collection of complaints regarding the problem state;
  • body temperature measurements;
  • visual examination of the genitals;
  • palpation, which involves feeling the alleged problem areas;
  • tapping if renal instability is suspected.

Moreover, if we are talking about a state medical institution, you need to stock up on a referral issued by a therapist in advance. Some narrow specialists put patients out the door without a preliminary opinion of the therapist or a referral from him.

If a male representative got to the reception, then he necessarily undergoes a procedure for examining the lymph nodes in the groin area. Also, the doctor is obliged to study the condition of the penis, prostate gland, scrotum.

If a woman needs help, then she will have to use a gynecological chair. But when examining a baby, the presence of one of the parents or another close relative is a mandatory item.

Having studied the main indicators, based on the results obtained, the physician further prescribes additional services. Some of them are still free, but most require an additional payment. The list looks like this:

  1. Biopsy. The study of tissues previously taken from the patient.
  2. Pieloscopy. It is necessary to check the condition of the renal pelvis and cups with the involvement of x-rays. A feature of the method is the filling of the alleged problem areas with a contrast agent, which is then clearly visible in the picture.
  3. Cystoscopy. With the help of a special apparatus, a health worker examines the bladder from the inside.
  4. Urethroscopy. Another option for examining the condition of the bladder.

But the most common methods of confirming or refuting the diagnosis are ultrasound. Also, to obtain a reliable picture, tests are prescribed with samples from the vagina or prostate gland. And it’s not even worth mentioning the usual blood and urine tests, because this is a mandatory item of the plan.

If necessary, suprapubic catheterization of the bladder is additionally performed.

Features of treatment

After the diagnosis is confirmed, the specialist can offer several options for the development of events, if the disease allows it. Moreover, the solution does not always provide for some radical measures such as surgical intervention.

Sometimes everything is limited to drug treatment, which is either the only item in the healing program, or in combination with:

  • photodynamic therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • mistletoe therapy;
  • ozone therapy;
  • petidotherapy;
  • enzyme therapy.

Auxiliary means are immunotherapy and vitamin therapy. They are aimed at making up for the percentage of vitamins, minerals, trace elements that the body lacks. After the cells begin to receive the components necessary for their normal functioning, the body will begin to help itself.

Phytotherapy can become a secondary assistant on the path to recovery. But it is prescribed only after consultation with the attending physician.

Upon completion of the course with a successful outcome, the expert will definitely recommend that you follow simple rules so as not to return to his office for repeated help.

The first and most important point of the plan is getting rid of bad habits. If you want to live a long and happy life, giving life to strong descendants, you will have to work hard for this. You should also exclude dishes from the daily diet that adversely affect the general condition of the body. For problematic dishes they wrote:

  • sharp;
  • fatty;
  • too salty;
  • smoked;
  • promoting inflammatory processes.

The last point concerns semi-finished products and foodstuffs rich in chemical additives.

It is equally important to adhere to at least the basics of a healthy lifestyle in the form of regular physical activity. If you ignore such a simple testament, then soon, due to circulatory disorders, a person will face problems with the functioning of the kidneys.

Additionally, care should be taken to provide the cells with enough clean water to protect themselves from dehydration. And the final link from the list of mandatory “needs” is following the rules of personal hygiene.

How to choose a urologist

Patients today have many alternatives to visiting a public health facility. Private clinics can boast the presence of high-class specialists and many years of experience behind them.

Experts advise patients to try to find a doctor who has been working in this field for at least ten years and has positive feedback from numerous clients. Now, in order to check the reputation of a doctor, one does not have to go far. You can read reviews on thematic city forums. But you should not trust too much those reviews that are published on the websites of private clinics from potential visitors. There is a high probability that this is just a publicity stunt, as some dishonest organizations are doing this. It is better to look for information on third-party neutral resources.

There is another important nuance, which for some reason some bypass. In addition to the fact that the doctor must already have basic experience, he must also improve his qualifications on a regular basis. This includes travel to thematic conferences and seminars, improving professional skills through participation in research teams, and many other ways.

If the doctor has already worked for thirty years, but at the same time continues to treat according to the old methods, inherited “inherited” from Soviet teachings, then one can hardly hope for a high productivity of therapy.

Do not be afraid of the offer from the urologist to visit the oncology department of the hospital, or simply to pass related tests. This is a common practice used by the pros. It is believed that the inclusion of cancer prevention in the list of clinical trials is a sign of a highly qualified expert.

Not the last role is played by the doctor’s focus on knowledge from the field of sexopathology. Often the primary source of deviation from the norm is explained by the fact that the victim is experiencing some kind of embarrassment or any other psychological problems in intimate life. In this case, the help of psychologists or related specialists will be required.

But the most important point that will reveal the skills of the attending physician to the fullest is the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment. Convinced by his own experience of the benefits of the prescribed therapy, the patient will be able to recommend the services of his savior to others without a twinge of conscience.

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