The Tibetan doctor imagines the patient as an integral system and influences the deep pathological processes occurring in his body. The so-called individual diseases in European medicine are only symptoms, that is, a consequence of an imbalance in the physiological balance at a deeper level. Tibetan medicine restores the balance, as a result of which the symptoms of diseases disappear.
A doctor with a Tibetan medical education prescribes treatment using special diagnostic methods (pulse diagnostics, survey, examination), as well as laboratory and instrumental studies. Based on the data received, he prescribes Tibetan medicines.
It is impossible to sell Tibetan medicines in pharmacies or distribute them through network marketing, since they are all prescribed by a doctor for each patient individually.
For clarity, we will explain the approach of Tibetan medicine to the treatment of several diseases that are difficult to treat by means of European medicine or have only surgical methods of treatment.
Gallstones (gallstones)
The only possible method, which is offered in traditional medicine, is the removal of the gallbladder together with the stone by surgery. It must be understood that stones in the gallbladder are not a disease, but a symptom. The essence of the disease is in the disruption of the liver, the entire system of bile secretion and the violation of metabolic processes. Therefore, removing the gallbladder does not solve all problems, but leads to the formation of new ones, which, unfortunately, surgeons do not warn about.
A Tibetan doctor prescribes medicines to eliminate the cause of the disease, and also affects the stones themselves.
The treatment is complicated and lasts several months, but as a result, we restore the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, dissolve stones, and also remove the pathological base for the appearance of stones in the future.
With consistent treatment, a successful solution to the problem in 80-90% of cases.
Kidney stones (urolithiasis)
Urolithiasis is a symptom of a malfunction of the kidneys, liver and metabolic processes. The methods used in traditional medicine are symptomatic. Lithotripsy, that is, crushing stones with ultrasound, destroys stones, but has a very negative effect on organ tissue and, moreover, does not eliminate the cause of stones. By means of Tibetan medicine, we “dissolve” stones, remove the base of their occurrence and achieve a lasting positive effect.
The duration of treatment is about three months. Stones are removed in more than 90% of cases.
For example, we cite only two diseases, but Tibetan medicine is a universal medical system, therefore, with a large number of chronic diseases, it achieves more significant results than traditional medicine.