Urine tests – how much do they cost and where to do them?

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The general urine test is a test that each of us should perform prophylactically at least once a year. It is a source of information on the work of internal organs, mainly the kidneys, adrenal glands and urinary tract. However, it often turns out that this test is also useful in diagnosing other diseases that are apparently not related to these organs.

What are the indications for a urine test?

Urinalysis should be performed as a preventive measure once a year. However, there is a group of people who should do this test on a regular basis. It includes, for example, obese people who are at risk of many civilization diseases. In addition, your doctor may refer you to a urine test if he suspects:

  1. glomerulonephritis or interstitial nephritis;
  2. tumor lesions of the urinary system;
  3. urinary tract infection;
  4. urolithiasis;
  5. diabetes;
  6. systemic diseases such as lupus;
  7. hypertension.

You can now do a urine test yourself at home. Buy General Mail-Order Urine Test – 10 Urine Parameters available on Medonet Market.

Check it out: What is stress urinary incontinence?

How to interpret a urine test?

In the general examination of urine, laboratory technicians evaluate the indicators that allow to diagnose disturbances in the work of internal organs and various diseases. These indicators are:

  1. color of urine – straw or amber shade is the norm. If the urine is red, it may indicate the presence of erythrocytes in the urine, hemoglobin and myoglobin formed during muscle damage. Such a color of urine may also result from the use of certain medications and e.g. consumption of beetroot or buttermilk;
  2. clarity of urine – clear urine is the norm. If it is cloudy, this may indicate the presence of leukocytes, phosphate, or urate;
  3. Urine specific gravity – the norm is a weight between 1,005 to 1,030 or from 1,025 to 1,035 g / cm3. If the specific gravity is too low, it may mean, for example, renal failure, and too high a density of urine, dehydration (e.g. during diarrhea and vomiting, with fever or heavy physical exertion);
  4. urine pH – acidic is the norm. If the reaction is alkaline, it indicates chronic urinary tract infections and renal tubular disorders;
  5. leukocytes in the urine – the norm is up to 5 leukocytes in the field of view. If the result is higher, this indicates a urinary tract infection, inflammation of the bladder, prostate or kidney;
  6. erythrocytes in the urine – the norm is 3 erythrocytes in the field of view. If there are more red blood cells in the urine, it may indicate damage to the kidneys, urolithiasis or even cancer;
  7. urine rolls – a healthy person should have no urine rolls. Their presence may indicate kidney disease. In a healthy person, they can appear only after intense exercise or a fever;
  8. crystals in the urine – they may be present in the urine of a healthy person, they are important, for example, in the case of people suffering from urolithiasis, because the test allows to determine whether the deposits are composed of phosphates or urates.

Protein presence in the urinalysis may indicate cancer, kidney, urinary tract, circulatory system and blood diseases. In addition, a healthy person should also not have glucose in their urine. Its presence is allowed only in pregnant women, as her urine test results are always abnormal.

What is hematuria? Check what are the causes of the red-colored urine?

Ketone bodies are another indicator that should not be found in the urine of a healthy person because they indicate anorexia, diabetes or fasting. In turn, the presence of yellow pigments may suggest diseases of the bile ducts and liver. It should be remembered that they should not be in the urine of a healthy person.

Also note that the urine sample is not tested for bacteria. For this purpose, urine is cultured. Always consult your doctor about the results. Especially if the urinalysis results are abnormal.

What is urine specific gravity and what does it show?

Urine specific gravity is a very important indicator to be assessed in the urinalysis. This indicator is assessed to check the work of the kidneys. It also allows you to confirm diabetes.

The low specific gravity of urine may indicate, for example, that the tested person drinks a lot, but it may also be a signal of serious renal dysfunction leading to renal failure. It is also a parameter that indicates diabetes.

Increased specific gravity of urine is a symptom of, inter alia, dehydration, narrowing of the kidney arteries and even abnormal heart beat. It should be remembered that the norm of urine specific gravity depends on the laboratory and can be either 1,005 – 1,030 or 1,025 – 1,035 g / cm3.

Do you need interpretation of test results? Are you worried about your symptoms? Contact your doctor. Make an online teleconsultation with your family doctor at haloDoctor.pl to get answers to your questions.

What does the presence of leukocytes in the urine show?

Leukocytes are physiologically present in the urine. The situation in which their number exceeds the permissible standard should be alarming. Their presence may indicate many diseases of the urinary system. The norm is max. 3-5 million leukocytes a day. If the result is higher, it may mean inflammation, urinary tract infections, bladder, prostate, kidney, kidney stones, and other serious diseases.

Check: What is nocturia? What are its causes?

How should you prepare for the test?

The examination is a simple and safe preventive examination. It does not require special preparation, but it is worth remembering a few things so as not to falsify its result by accident:

  1. before the test, do not eat, for example, rhubarb, currants, beets and blueberries;
  2. you should consult on certain medications that may affect the result of a general urine test;
  3. remember to wash the perineum thoroughly with soap and water;
  4. a urine sample should be collected from the morning urine from the so-called middle stream;
  5. a urine sample should be caught in a sterile container purchased at a pharmacy;
  6. the sample must be submitted to the laboratory within 2 hours of collection;
  7. it is best not to take a sample for testing during the period and right after its end.

How much urine should I collect for a urinalysis?

Only 20 ml of fluid is needed to perform a thorough analysis of the sample during the urinalysis.

Collecting a baby’s urine sample is quite a complicated task if we do not have the appropriate equipment. For this purpose, it is worth ordering Mocuś – a set for collecting urine for infants.

Find out more: What changes in the body are indicated by the color of urine?

What is the difference between a urinalysis and a urine culture test?

Urine culture is performed to confirm urinary tract infection and to select an appropriate antibiotic. On the other hand, a general urine test is performed to monitor the work of the urinary system and other internal organs. If bacteria are to be found, urine culture should be performed. The doctor orders a urine culture when a patient complains of:

  1. difficulty urinating;
  2. pain when urinating;
  3. frequent urination;
  4. hematuria;
  5. signs of infection (fever, chills, diarrhea, nausea).

Urine culture should be performed in indwelling catheterized patients and in pregnant women suspected of having a urinary tract infection. The culture indicates a specific bacterium and antibiotic profile, which allows for the selection of an effective antibiotic.

How often should a urinalysis be performed in pregnant women?

A urinalysis should be performed regularly during pregnancy, preferably monthly. It should be remembered that its results may indicate serious diseases. In addition, the test allows you to assess the work of the kidneys and assess the presence of urinary tract infections, as well as gestosis and diabetes, which are dangerous for a pregnant woman. There should be no bacteria, bilirubin, ketones and protein in the urine of a pregnant woman.

How much does a general urine test cost and where can it be done?

The general urine test is a test performed under the National Health Fund (NFZ) insurance. This means that if we have received a referral from a doctor, we will perform the examination free of charge at every health care clinic.

Urinalysis is also often requested in hospital wards as part of a patient’s stay. It is then also a free survey. Urinalysis can also be done privately. Today, the test can be performed for a fee in almost any laboratory, both in the clinic and in the hospital laboratory.

Urine test prices may vary by lab:

  1. general urine test about PLN 7;
  2. urine culture approx. PLN 35;
  3. acetone in urine about PLN 4;
  4. microalbumin in urine about PLN 7;
  5. daily protein loss in urine approx. 5 PLN;
  6. chlorides in urine about PLN 6;
  7. glucose in urine about PLN 6;
  8. creatinine in urine about PLN 7;
  9. urea, potassium and sodium in urine about PLN 7 for the test.

Urinalysis can be performed in any clinic operating under the National Health Fund and private facilities where the test can be performed for a fee.

Blood counts and a general urine test are basic tests that everyone should do at least once a year. They allow you to detect serious diseases at an early stage. Take care of your health and buy a research package on Medonet Market.

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