The need to serve patients after surgery and people suffering from urinary incontinence has necessitated the development of a huge number of types and types of urinals that can be used in each specific situation.
The urinal itself is a urine collection device that is connected to a catheter or urocondom. Outwardly, it is a bag equipped with a drainage hole for emptying.
Urine bags are used for continuous urine collection in patients who are not able to independently control the act of urination, in bedridden patients, and in addition, for taking urine for analysis.
Varieties of urinals
There are many classifications of urinals based on different criteria.
So, according to the number of uses, urinals are divided into disposable and reusable. Depending on the gender of the patient, they are male and female. Depending on the device, the devices are divided into bedside, foot (portable) and children’s. There is also a classification according to the method of urine elimination: devices are divided into drained and non-drained. According to their structure, the devices are divided into one-, two- and three-component.
Disposable urinals are designed to be used only once. They are usually made from a material that cannot be sterilized (for example, paper). In addition, devices can be disposable if their structural features make reuse impractical (for example, PVC urinals with valves).
Reusable urinals are systems that are made from a material that can be sterilized. It can be metal, glass, latex or plastic. Most often, we are talking about bedside devices, which are usually used in hospitals. After they have undergone a sterilization procedure, they can be used on different patients. Latex and other polymer urinals can be used for multiple use by the same patient as individual reusable products.
The form factor of male urinals is dictated by the anatomical features of the reproductive system of the stronger sex. This can be either a duck-type urinal that has an elongated neck, or portable disposable systems with urocondoms that help fix them.
The shape of women’s urinals is also dictated by the need for maximum adherence to the skin. If reusable is necessary, a vessel with a wide opening, shaped like a plate, or a “duck”, the neck of which is made in the form of a “willow leaf”, is usually used. Disposable systems have a wide ring with a valve that is designed to control the backflow of urine.
One-piece urinals are a bag that is equipped with a special adhesive-based plate so that the device can be fixed on the skin.
Two-piece urinals are a removable bag for collecting urine that is attached to a catheter or urocondom.
The structure of a three-piece urinal includes a bag, a drainage tube and an anti-reflux valve equipped with a hole for collecting urine samples.
Drainable urinals have a special tube that allows you to remove the contents that have accumulated in the receiving bag. In order to remove the contents of a non-draining urinal, the bag is disconnected from the catheter or urocondom.
In stationary conditions, to ensure the comfort of patients who are bedridden, bedside urinals are used. Today, two types of this device are most widely used: standard and “lux” (improved).
The upgraded instrument kit includes mounting devices, as well as a T-shaped drain valve, with which you can quickly remove the contents without spilling it. Some of these models also have graduations on the side, which are designed to measure small volumes of urine, which may be necessary for diagnosis.
The main positive characteristic of devices of the “standard” type is their relatively low cost. In such models, a direct trigger valve. In order to remove the contents from such a urinal, it is necessary to make forward and backward movements of this mechanism again and again, which is fraught with unhygienic consequences in the form of urine spraying.
Wearable or leg-mounted urinals are intended for patients who do not spend all their time lying down. There are several basic requirements for such devices. First of all, they should guarantee freedom of movement and relative comfort, and should not stand out too much under clothing. Such devices are also divided into conventional and improved.
Upgraded models have a T-faucet that allows you to drain the contents without risking spillage.
In addition, on the side of the device that comes into contact with the skin, there is a special soft lining to avoid irritation. Also, these models come with special ties with which they are attached to the leg, or with a belt.
The indisputable advantage of standard models is their lower cost, but their faucet is straight, and both sides are made of the same material, PVC, without lining to prevent skin irritation.
Recommendations for the care of reusable urinals
Some patients have to use a urinal around the clock throughout their lives. In order to avoid complications that may arise due to the constant presence of this device on the patient’s body, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations.
- The urinal bag should always be lower than the bladder.
- Make sure that the drain tubes are not twisted.
- When you lie down, fix the accessory bag to the bed.
- Make sure that all valves and tubes are tightly closed.
- Remember personal hygiene and hand washing.
- Drink plenty of fluids to help reduce urine concentration.
Features of children’s urinals
The main purpose of children’s urinals is to provide a comfortable collection of urine from babies. This device makes life much easier for young parents, who are well aware of the problem of collecting tests and how difficult it is to “guess” the moment when their child wants to go to the toilet. To date, urinals for babies help to solve this urgent problem, with the help of which it is possible to collect the necessary amount of urine for analysis without problems and stress for babies and their parents.
Baby urinals are a simple bag with a hole that is attached to the baby’s skin with Velcro.
In use, such a device is absolutely safe and does not threaten the slightest discomfort for the baby, especially if you use models that take into account the anatomical features of babies of different sexes.
Children’s urinal bags are made of polyethylene. Using Velcro, the device is securely fixed to the skin, as a result of which all urine enters the bag. There are markings on the bag, which makes it possible to control whether a sufficient amount of material has been collected for analysis. Standard children’s models are designed to take up to 100 milliliters of liquid.
Many parents are concerned that the Velcro that attaches the device to the skin can cause pain, discomfort or irritation in the baby.
However, in fact, it is absolutely safe due to the use of a special adhesive composition, which does not contain any harmful substances. After the urinal has performed its function, it can be easily removed, and there will be no traces on the baby’s skin.
Separately, we should mention the nozzles on the opening of the package, taking into account the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of representatives of either sex.
In total, there are three types of children’s urinals:
- for boys;
- for girls;
- universal.
Universal are urinals with oval holes. They are suitable for babies of both sexes. However, the use of specialized urinals is more comfortable. For boys, the hole has an ovoid shape pointed downwards, and for girls it is more rounded, with branches on the sides.
How to use a baby urinal
No special skills are required to collect urine for analysis using a children’s urinal. However, not all parents manage to carry out this manipulation on the first attempt, therefore it is better to purchase several urinals at the pharmacy at once so that there is something to practice on.
The sequence of actions should be as follows. First of all, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. In order to ensure sterility, medical gloves can be used.
Open the bag and open the bag. Prepare your baby for the procedure. His skin should be dry and clean. Remove the protective layer from the Velcro and attach the urinal to the baby’s skin. Position it in such a way that the urethra is inside the bag. Glue the fixture.
Many kids are characterized by restless character and increased curiosity. In order to play it safe and avoid unpleasant consequences in the event that the “playful hands” of the child get to the urinal, you can put a diaper on the baby. However, this must be done very carefully so that the device does not move.
After the baby has done all his business, remove the bag, peeling it off the skin. Cut off the corner of the bag and pour the contents into a jar for analysis. You can also deliver the contents to the laboratory directly in the urinal.
Please note that the same package should not be kept glued to the skin for more than an hour. If after this time the baby has not gone to the toilet, change the urinal.