Urinary incontinence in women over 50
Urinary incontinence in women over 50 is largely due to the hormonal changes that occur in the body during menopause. Find out how to get rid of this delicate problem and whether it can be prevented

Urinary incontinence in women over 50 years of age can significantly reduce the quality of life. In addition, this problem has its own nuances. For example, if a woman’s pressure began to jump, signs of hormonal changes in the body appeared, she immediately turns to a doctor, confidentially tells him about her condition, and receives the necessary treatment. But about urinary incontinence, not every woman dares to tell the doctor, embarrassed by the problem1. As a result: it becomes more difficult for a woman to work, travel, play sports and just communicate with loved ones, intimate life is violated.

To correct the situation, you first need to understand the cause of the disorder.

Causes of urinary incontinence in women over 50

1. Age-related hormonal changes

With the onset of menopause, many women experience the so-called stress urinary incontinence. The fact is that the female sex hormone estrogen maintains the tone of the muscles of the pelvic organs. As we age, estrogen production decreases, causing the pelvic muscles to become flabby. This is especially true for women who do not go in for sports and intimate gymnastics.

Flabby muscles cannot hold the pelvic organs in the desired position. The bladder descends and its sphincter (the valve that holds urine in) weakens. With an increase in intra-abdominal pressure during coughing, sneezing, laughing and any physical activity, involuntary leakage of urine occurs.

2. Overactive bladder

Often this syndrome occurs in women after 50 years of age who have diabetes or thyroid disease. With an overactive bladder, an urgent urge to go to the toilet occurs even with a small accumulation of urine. And after going to the toilet, there is a feeling that the bladder has not emptied to the end, and you have to go again. There is, in fact, a vicious circle that reduces the quality of life day by day.

3. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs

Common female diseases such as chronic cystitis or fungal infections cause constant irritation of the walls of the bladder. With age, this leads to a “discoordination” of the work of the sphincters. The urge to go to the toilet becomes chaotic, urinary incontinence occurs.

4. Consequences of overvoltage

All women are ready to “stop a galloping horse”, and also, having run into the store for bread, go out with heavy bags. And so for years. Meanwhile, it has been proven that chronic stress on the muscles of the lower back and small pelvis leads to a weakening of the tone of the pelvic floor muscles that support the bladder.

Also at risk for urinary incontinence are women who have had a difficult or multiple birth. The fact is that during pregnancy, the load on the blood vessels and muscles of the pelvic organs increases.

5. Taking certain medications

After the age of 50, many women develop hypertension. Some antihypertensive drugs (that is, to reduce pressure) have a diuretic effect. And in the presence of the above age-related health problems, it is more difficult for the body to control the functioning of the bladder.

Quite often, nighttime incontinence also occurs with the appointment of hypnotics. Therefore, if you notice that frequent urination or urinary incontinence appeared after prescribing any medication, be sure to tell your doctor about it.2.


To establish the exact cause of urinary incontinence in women over 50, first you need to contact a therapist and in no case self-medicate. The doctor, based on your medical history (medical history and collection of complaints), will refer you either to a specialized specialist: a gynecologist, endocrinologist, urologist, and possibly a psychotherapist, since incontinence may indicate severe stress.

The main methods for diagnosing urinary incontinence:

  • general urine analysis – will show if there is an inflammatory process and disorders of the excretory system as a whole;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Ultrasound will help clarify the condition of the uterus and appendages;
  • Ultrasound of the bladder to exclude inflammation;
  • Cystometry. This study will help you find out how properly the bladder fills. The pressure inside the bladder is also measured, the condition of its mucous wall is assessed;
  • The pad test will help you find out how much urine a woman involuntarily releases in a few hours (the pad is weighed before and after the test).
  • Examination at the gynecologist’s chair. The doctor can determine if there is a prolapse of the walls of the vagina, assess the condition of the muscles of the pelvic floor, the position of the uterus.


Urinary incontinence can happen at the most inopportune moment. How to deal with it and improve the quality of life?

Therapeutic methods

The first thing that is prescribed for urinary incontinence and prolapse of the pelvic organs is therapeutic physical culture and intimate gymnastics. In the early stages of the disease, the problem can be solved in such a simple and affordable way.

The doctor may prescribe medications: for example, female sex hormones in the form of tablets and vaginal suppositories. Such medicines help if urinary incontinence is caused by estrogen deficiency. Antidepressants and drugs that increase the tone of the sphincter muscles can also be used. Sometimes combined treatment with physiotherapy is required3.

Surgical methods

For some types of urinary incontinence (for example, with stress), gymnastics and drug therapy may not help, and then the problem will have to be solved surgically.

The operation does not cause any particular difficulties: a mesh loop is attached under the urethra, which supports the pelvic organs, including the walls of the vagina and the bladder. When intraperitoneal pressure increases, the urethra is pressed against the loop, and urine does not leak. Operative methods are also used to fix the bladder and plastic surgery techniques.

It is important that only a doctor can prescribe treatment. self-medication can only exacerbate the problem.

Folk remedies

Various herbal decoctions and infusions cannot replace drug therapy, but are often used as concomitant treatment. The intake of any herbal remedies must also be agreed with the doctor.

Use of urological pessaries

Urological pessaries are used as an aid in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence. The pessary is installed in the woman’s vagina in such a way that it maintains the uterus and bladder in a physiologically correct position.

Lifestyle change

In order to maintain women’s health as long as possible, it is necessary to fight excess weight, stop smoking, drink less coffee. You also need to avoid strong physical exertion (no heavy bags and packages!), And also avoid constipation.


In order not to encounter urinary incontinence after 50 years, a woman needs to remember and follow a few simple rules.

  • Regular exercise will help strengthen your pelvic muscles. In order to keep blood circulation and the condition of the muscles of the pelvic organs in good shape, try to walk at an intense pace for at least 40 minutes a day. Of the fitness loads, swimming is good, classes on a treadmill and exercise machines, such as steppers – at least three times a week3.
  • Limit your salt intake. Excess salt causes thirst and aggravates the urge to urinate.
  • Avoid vinegar, which increases bladder spasms and makes you thirsty.
  • Organize a drinking regimen: drink up to 2 liters of water per day in small portions.

Popular questions and answers

How to strengthen the muscles of the small pelvis and other popular questions answered obstetrician-gynecologist Tatyana Zaitseva.

How to strengthen the muscles of the small pelvis with urinary incontinence?

– If incontinence is associated with the prolapse of the pelvic organs, I prescribe to my patients therapeutic physical culture and intimate gymnastics, which are aimed at working with the back, sacral region, hips, buttocks and muscles of the pelvic organs. Together, these exercises work most effectively.

Are there any signs of urinary incontinence?

— Yes, there are certain harbingers. This is vaginal dryness, increased urge to urinate, and discomfort when urinating.

What foods or herbs strengthen the bladder?

– With weakness of the muscles of the pelvic floor and the bladder, we do not prescribe herbal decoctions, since they are not able to eliminate the disease by themselves. Traditional medicine claims that herbal teas from St. John’s wort, horsetail and yarrow strengthen the bladder. Perhaps this misconception is due to the fact that these herbs complement the therapy for cystitis and pyelonephritis, diseases with similar symptoms.

Sources of:

  1.  Urinary incontinence in women in outpatient practice. Gvozdev M. Yu. “Zemsky doctor”, 2012. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/nederzhanie-mochi-u-zhenschin-v-ambulatornoy-praktike
  2. “Actual problems of urogynecology. Urinary incontinence in women. Neimark A.I., Razdorvskaya M.V. Journal “Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproduction”, 2011. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/aktualnye-problemy-uroginekologii-nederzhanie-mochi-u-zhenschin-lektsiya
  3. “Anamnestic risk factors for genital prolapse in women. Timoshkova Yu. L., Schmidt A. A., Kurmanbaev T. E. with co-authors. Journal “Vyatka Medical Bulletin”, 2021. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/anamnesticheskie-faktory-riska-prolapsa-genitaliy-u-zhenschin

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