Ureaplasma in women: symptoms and treatment

Ureaplasma is a sexual infection, which in many women has a latent course. Some scientists are of the opinion that ureaplasmas are representatives of the female conditionally pathogenic flora, which is always present in their body. They begin to become more active and multiply when immunity decreases. Ureaplasmas cause an inflammatory reaction in the organs of the genitourinary system.

What does ureaplasma mean?

Ureaplasma in women: symptoms and treatment

Ureaplasma is a bacterium that is a cross between protozoa and viruses. According to its characteristics and dimensions, it seems to occupy an intermediate link. Bacteria are able to easily penetrate the organs of the genitourinary system of a woman. There are ideal conditions for their reproduction and development.

As mentioned above, ureaplasma is perceived by many scientists as an opportunistic pathogen. It is found in a vaginal smear in 60% of women who do not have any symptoms of the disease. In this case, the patient is not prescribed therapy.

[Video] Urologist Nizami Amirseidov – To treat or not Ureaplasma? All the truth:

How to treat ureaplasmosis in women?

Ureaplasmosis requires long-term therapy. The patient will need to strictly adhere to all medical recommendations, follow a diet.

Treatment is carried out in the following areas:

  • Taking antibiotics.

  • Taking immunostimulants.

  • Taking enzyme preparations.

  • Reception of probiotics, which allow to stabilize the microflora. Drugs are prescribed both inside and locally.

  • Taking vitamins.

  • Passage of physiotherapy treatment. The patient may be referred for magnetotherapy or electrophoresis. Also, laser blood irradiation, mud therapy and gynecological massage can speed up recovery.

Antibiotics are prescribed to a woman based on which flora the isolated microorganism is sensitive to. In this case, agents from the group of macrolides, tetracyclines, or fluoroquinolones can be used.

If the disease has an uncomplicated course, then a drug from one group is used. When inflammation is difficult to correct, it is necessary to prescribe drugs from two groups.

A prerequisite for therapy is the sanitation of the vagina. To do this, use drugs in the form of vaginal suppositories. They should contain an antibiotic and an antifungal component.

Probiotics are prescribed not only orally, but also intervaginally. The therapy regimen can be supplemented with vitamin and mineral complexes.

Treatment is phased and selected by the doctor on an individual basis. If you violate his recommendations, then it will not be possible to cope with the infection.

Power and mode

In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, a woman will need to adhere to the following regime moments:

  • Refuse to drink alcohol.

  • Remove fatty, sweet, spicy and smoked dishes from the menu.

  • Refuse intimacy throughout the entire period of treatment.

Complications of ureaplasmosis

Ureaplasma in women: symptoms and treatment

If you ignore the symptoms of ureaplasmas, this can lead to serious complications, such as:

  • Inflammation of the ovaries.

  • Menstrual disorders.

  • Inflammation of the fallopian tubes.

  • Inflammation of the kidneys and bladder.

  • Vaginosis.

  • Infertility. Moreover, not only female eggs are affected, but also male spermatozoa.

Prevention of ureaplasmosis

Ureaplasma in women: symptoms and treatment

In order not to become infected with ureaplasmosis, a woman must follow the following recommendations:

  • Refuse frequent change of sexual partners.

  • Use a condom during intimacy.

  • Regularly examined by a gynecologist.

  • Get tested for genital infections if signs of inflammation appear.

  • Maintain normal immunity.

  • Try to preserve the natural microflora of the vagina. To do this, you need to follow the rules of intimate hygiene, get rid of thrush in time.

    In general, you need to eat right, exercise and adhere to a healthy lifestyle. If a woman’s body is healthy, then he will be able to independently suppress the activity of opportunistic microflora.

[Video] Gynecologist Tamilla Mammadova – Is it necessary to treat ureaplasma, gardnerella and other infections in a smear?

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