Urea fertilizer, the use of which in the garden helps to increase yields several times, helps the successful cultivation of grapes, the lush flowering of roses, and the production of tasty and healthy vegetables, berries, fruits. All this is due to the high content of nitrogen, which is necessary for plants throughout their lives – from germination to fruit ripening.
What is urea
Urea or urea is sold in the form of white, sometimes grayish or yellowish, odorless granules no larger than 3 mm in size. The granules are easily dissolved in water, they are not scattered over the site, but always buried in the ground to avoid the loss of volatile substances. An aqueous solution is used to control pests by spraying and foliar dressing. Almost half of the composition of the substance is nitrogen, 46,2%, ammonium sulfate and sodium nitrate contain much less of it.
Carbamide is considered a universal fertilizer, because it is suitable for all plants, and it can be used on any kind of soil. It is used for all types of dressings: placed in the soil just before sowing, added when seedlings are sown or planted, fed during the growing season, and its aqueous solution does not burn the leaves. The composition of urea can slightly acidify the soil. If the soil is neutral or alkaline, it does not matter, but if the soil is initially acidic, ground limestone is added when fertilizing (800 g for every 1 kg of urea).
When to use
To the question: “When should urea be used?” most gardeners will answer “Always!”. Because it is able to literally breathe life into plants that show stunted growth, which have very thin, weak new shoots, leaves lose their rich green color, and flower buds do not form or fall off immediately. This behavior indicates a lack of nitrogen. It is urgent to take action – apply urea under the root and / or spray the ground part. If the plants quickly respond to top dressing, the crop will be saved.
As the main fertilizer, carbamide is applied to the site in the spring 10-15 days before the start of sowing. It is embedded in the soil no deeper than 7-8 cm, so that volatile ammonium compounds that are in its composition do not evaporate. If the soil is dry, it must be watered. Autumn fertilization will not give the desired effect by the time of sowing, because the decomposition process begins immediately, until spring nitrogen does not linger on the desired soil horizon, the application of the substance will have to be repeated.
Sowing fertilizer is produced directly at the time of sowing or planting seedlings. Granules can be poured into holes or grooves prepared for plants. But it is very important to prevent direct contact of the roots with fertilizers, you should always make an earthen layer between them or mix the granules with the soil in advance.
In greenhouses and in the garden, it is good to combine fertilizer with watering or even spraying the ground parts of plants with an aqueous solution of urea. The main thing is that the concentration of the solution does not exceed 5%, then it will only bring benefits, it will not burn even the most tender leaves of seedlings. Such top dressing can be done several times in spring and summer, this will help all crops grow strong in the garden, flower garden and vegetable garden.
For example, foliar top dressing of grapes is carried out 3-6 times during the season. If suddenly there is an excess of nitrogen, the plants will show this by inhibited early development, building up excess green mass with large dark green leaves. This threatens to prolong the vegetative period of plants, which may be good for ornamental flowers, but dangerous for fruit crops. Grapes may simply not have time to ripen, they will give too watery fruits. When this happens, you need to stop spraying with urea, and watering with clean water will reduce the nitrogen content near the roots and everything will return to normal.
Video “Features of the use of mineral urea”
Video description on the use of mineral fertilizers for plant nutrition and their impact on the soil.
Instructions for use
To use the fertilizer correctly, to get only benefit from it, you need to follow the instructions. The dosage usually takes into account, in addition to the plant’s need for nitrogen, also soil characteristics: structure, moisture. 130-200 g per 10 sq. m is recommended to be applied in the spring as the main soil fertilizer for tomatoes, potatoes, grapes, strawberries, roses. But for cucumbers and peas, it will be enough to add only 5-8 g, otherwise they will wait with growth, and then explode with luxurious greenery, forgetting that they need to bear fruit. Squash, zucchini, eggplant make 10-12 g per 1 sq. m.
When you apply urea to the holes and grooves at the same time as planting (sowing), then 4 g will be enough for one plant, and do not forget to separate the roots with a small layer of soil. In spring and early summer, dry matter under the roots is applied at the rate of 5-10 g per 1 sq. m. Fruit bushes, young plums and cherries require 70 g, but apple trees – at least 150 g. Fruit-bearing apple trees require 250 g each, and plums and cherries each 140 g of undissolved granules.
Feeding berry bushes and fruit trees, fertilizer is applied to tree trunks, the diameter of which is determined by the width of the crown. Dry matter is placed in special grooves, covered with soil and watered abundantly. Perennial flowers are watered in the spring with a solution of urea so that they can more easily come out of hibernation and begin to grow. Cabbage, tomatoes, strawberries, grapes are watered and sprayed with an aqueous solution. Houseplants grow well after spraying.
How to make a urea solution
An aqueous solution is prepared for spraying and watering plants. To water cabbage or tomatoes, for 1 plant take 1 liter of water, pour 2-3 g of carbamide, stir until completely dissolved. In the spring, until the buds have blossomed, currants are watered with a solution of 20 g per 10 liters of water, and grapes, gooseberries – 10 g per 10 liters of water. After the appearance of leaves – 10 g per 10 liters of water.
Spraying, they are also called foliar top dressing, is usually carried out in the morning or in the evening to exclude direct sunlight, 30-40 g of dry matter dissolve 10 liters of water. Spraying grapes and all fruit crops is best done before budding. Urea, like no other fertilizer, can increase the yield of fruit and the beauty of ornamental crops, but for this it must be used correctly, the solution must be made according to the instructions. An uncontrolled increase in top dressing can give the exact opposite result.
Pest Control
In the spring, as soon as the temperature reaches 5 degrees, suckers, weevils, and all kinds of aphids begin to wake up. The garden wakes up, buds swell on trees and shrubs. Up to this point, it is necessary to spray the trees with a solution of urea in order to protect your garden from pests.
The instruction is simple: in 10 liters of water you need to dissolve 500-700 g of carbamide and treat the crowns and trunks of trees with them. In addition, you need to shed last year’s foliage with this solution, where most pests overwinter. If the grapes were insulated with fallen leaves for the winter, it must be removed, and the ground around should also be poured with a solution.
Treatment with the same solution at the beginning of the leaf fall period will help to avoid many diseases, for example, scab, purple spot and monilial burn can bypass your garden. In late autumn or early spring, a slightly more concentrated solution (700 g per 10 liters of water) is advised to shed fallen leaves. This will help protect against diseases and pests that have found a place to winter there.
Video “Early spring garden spraying with urea»
Recommendations for spraying garden trees with urea to control pests and parasites.