Upright marigolds: undersized flowers, giants, terry, French varieties, photos of species Mix, Spoon, Hawaii, Eskimo

Upright marigolds can be found in many suburban areas. They are also often called Tagetes or Chernobrivtsy. These flowers will allow you to easily and brightly transform any backyard area, bringing some charm and grace. Therefore, marigolds are planted in a variety of places.

Features of the plant

Marigolds form beautiful bushes on straight stems from 15 to 120 cm high. Numerous hybrid varieties are usually used in horticulture. The best part about growing these flowers is that even a novice gardener can easily plant them.

Upright marigolds: undersized flowers, giants, terry, French varieties, photos of species Mix, Spoon, Hawaii, Eskimo

Video “Rules for planting marigolds”

From this video you will learn how to plant marigolds in the garden.

Planting seedlings of marigolds in the ground


Today there are a large number of varieties of marigolds. This allows you to grow from seeds exactly those specimens that will look organic in your flower bed. Low-growing varieties can be grown even in pots on the windowsill.

Antigua Primrose is the most common variety of undersized marigolds today. Forms lush inflorescences with dense double flowers, usually lemon yellow. Great for landing on wide arrays.

Upright marigolds: undersized flowers, giants, terry, French varieties, photos of species Mix, Spoon, Hawaii, Eskimo

Eskimo is interesting for its cream color. Flowers of this variety bloom until the end of autumn. The leaves are pinnatipartite, with sharp lobes. Very popular for growing on balconies, they tolerate transplanting without problems.

Lemon drop – small compact bushes of this variety are strewn with numerous flowers of a beautiful yellow color. Looks great in flower beds and vases.

Upright marigolds: undersized flowers, giants, terry, French varieties, photos of species Mix, Spoon, Hawaii, Eskimo

It is also worth paying attention to Orange marigolds, which look good on balconies and in small flower beds. For lovers of bright colors, Dainty Mariet is perfect. This variety has beautiful dark red petals with yellow edges.


Vanilla loves the sun very much. This is a self-pollinating annual with large double flowers of rare cream colors. Ideal for flower beds and balconies. Even after cutting, they remain fresh for a long time.

Upright marigolds: undersized flowers, giants, terry, French varieties, photos of species Mix, Spoon, Hawaii, Eskimo

The spherical varieties Spoon Mix and Maksimiks are distinguished by the fact that they are collected in peculiar inflorescences-baskets of various colors. Used for flower beds, rabatok. They prefer fertile and sunny places.

Upright marigolds: undersized flowers, giants, terry, French varieties, photos of species Mix, Spoon, Hawaii, Eskimo

Taishan Yellow have dense flowers up to 10 cm in diameter on short dwarf peduncles.

Upright marigolds: undersized flowers, giants, terry, French varieties, photos of species Mix, Spoon, Hawaii, Eskimo

For lovers of dazzling white flowers, Albatross and Snow White varieties are suitable.

Tall and giants

Tall marigolds can grow up to a meter or more. They will look great with other tall plants.

Kilimanjaro is a one-year-old flower that forms not very curly bushes 40–60 cm high. The central shoot of the plant stands out from the rest. Inflorescences of bright yellow and tangerine color reach decent sizes – up to 15 cm.

Fantasy is generous in flowering and will appear before you in all its glory in early June. The flowers have a wonderful aroma and do not lose their beauty for more than three weeks. Very resistant to all weather.

Upright marigolds: undersized flowers, giants, terry, French varieties, photos of species Mix, Spoon, Hawaii, Eskimo

Yellow stone forms bushes 70-80 cm high. This variety has a wonderful dense flowering of rich lemon color. Begins to bloom at the very beginning of summer.

Upright marigolds: undersized flowers, giants, terry, French varieties, photos of species Mix, Spoon, Hawaii, Eskimo

Lemon Prince forms tall, fairly dense bushes (65–80 cm). Terry inflorescences are very similar to carnations. After they fully open, they become like yellowish balls.

Upright marigolds: undersized flowers, giants, terry, French varieties, photos of species Mix, Spoon, Hawaii, Eskimo

Hawaii – a variety with very large double blooms of bright orange colors. Looks great in any flower bed and in any vase.

Upright marigolds: undersized flowers, giants, terry, French varieties, photos of species Mix, Spoon, Hawaii, Eskimo

Variety Gilbert Stein is distinguished by a golden inflorescence, similar to chrysanthemums.

Upright marigolds: undersized flowers, giants, terry, French varieties, photos of species Mix, Spoon, Hawaii, Eskimo

Jolie Jester are French flowers of a very interesting striped color. The mixture of red and yellow on the petals is striking. Look great in any flower garden.

Upright marigolds: undersized flowers, giants, terry, French varieties, photos of species Mix, Spoon, Hawaii, Eskimo

Of the high varieties, it is worth noting Mary Helen – yellow inflorescences in the shape of a hemisphere, as well as Solar Giants – bright flowers of orange hues. Grow up to 90 cm.

Peculiarities of growing

Since these flowers are rather picky, growing them at home, for example on a balcony, will not be difficult even for a beginner.

These flowers can be sown in two ways: seedling and seedless. The second way you can plant marigolds immediately in open soil. But this method is more suitable only for residents of the southern regions. You should be aware that seedlings for upright marigolds are more expensive than seedlings for other species.

The seeds are sown in the holes, trying to leave a gap of 1,5 cm between them. The earth is covered from above and watered. It is not necessary to fill flowers.

The appearance of several pairs of petals on the seedlings means that it is time to transplant them. It is not worth planting plants very densely.


Marigolds of any variety can grow in the shade without any problems, but they will bloom much more abundantly in the sun. High humidity should still be avoided, the acceptable temperature for growing is from +21 to +25 °C. Flowers should be protected from strong gusts of wind. Watering should be moderate.


Marigolds are very popular among domestic gardeners, as evidenced by reviews on many forums.

Larisa, 38 years old (St. Petersburg): “Very beautiful flowers, pleasing to the eye. They bloom all summer and do not need special care. I grow every year. Excellent germination.”

Elena, 45 years old (Krasnoyarsk): “I sowed them for the first time in mid-May, they sprouted beautifully. I bought seeds of Gold and Antigua. Exactly the same as on the packaging. They bloom to this day in the country.

Marina, 29 years old (Armavir): “I started growing two years ago, they are very beautiful and bright flowers, and they don’t need much care.”

Evgenia, 32 years old (Togliatti): “I learned to plant them with my mother in childhood, and they still decorate my flower bed. I plant them in early May in sunny areas, they sprout with a bang!

Irina, 27 years old (Voronezh): “I bought the seeds of these charming flowers last year, but all hands did not reach. Planted in April, and at the end of May the first flowering appeared. The flowers are generally picky, sit down very easily.

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