Upper body workouts

Upper body – training system for the upper back, chest and arms. This direction combines elements of aerobics and strength training. Upper body will help increase strength and endurance, as well as gain a slim figure and self-confidence.

Difficulty level: For beginners

Upper body – power aerobics, which is aimed at developing the muscles of the upper body: chest, biceps and triceps, deltas, latissimus dorsi and abs. The load during training falls mainly on the arms and upper back. Thanks to this, the Upper body is very popular among men.

Upper body is used to strengthen muscles, restore the motor activity of the upper limbs. A high pace of training contributes to the rapid burning of calories. Also Read: Lower Body Workouts

This means that with the right construction of classes, you can simultaneously build muscle tissue and get rid of body fat. The upper body will help you gain physical strength and endurance.

How to start upper body workouts

Training in the style of the Upper body begins with a warm-up, after which comes the main power load. The duration of the workout is 45-50 minutes. The lesson ends with pumping the abdominal muscles and restoring breathing.

For training, an additional load is used, which implies that the athlete has weights:

  • dumbbells;
  • rods:
  • bye bye

You may also need a step platform and a mat for the lesson. When choosing the weight of a dumbbell or bodybar, you should start with the smallest weights and increase them in parallel with muscle development. In particular, this applies to those who do not have sports training. See also: strength training

Top Reasons to Start Upper Body Workouts

  1. Efficiency – The high pace and intensity of the workout make it especially effective. In addition, the athlete can choose the weight of the weights himself in order to regulate the load.
  2. Strength and endurance – Physical strength and endurance are the main tasks of training in the Upper body. The development of the strength of the arms, back muscles and abs contributes to the overall strengthening of the body.
  3. No overload – Pumping muscles in the gym, athletes tend to use as much weight as possible. As a result, there is a risk of sprains or other injuries, and the load on the cardiovascular system also increases. Working with light weight at an active pace, you can reduce physical stress on the body without reducing the effectiveness of training.
  4. Weight reduction – A fast paced workout helps burn calories. To make weight loss even more effective, classes are recommended to be combined with proper nutrition. The optimal weight loss without stress for the body is from 1 to 3 kg per month.

Training in the style of Upper body is chosen by both professional and novice athletes. They have many benefits, combining elements of aerobics, cardio and strength training. See also: barbell workout

Basic upper body exercises

Upper body exercises are selected individually by the coach, depending on the gender, physical fitness and endurance of the group members. Most often, training includes the following basic exercises:

  • Overhead barbell pull – Army bench press, or overhead push from a standing position.
  • Belt pull – Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, body tilted forward. A barbell, bodybar or dumbbell is raised from the floor to the level of the lower back.
  • Push ups – For women, push-ups from a bench or platform can be carried out, for men – from the floor.
  • Pulling a barbell or bodybar to the shoulders from a standing position – Starting position: standing, arms released. The projectile is raised parallel to the body to the shoulders, then lowered.

Each exercise takes 1-2 minutes to complete. Breaks are kept to a minimum to achieve maximum training intensity. Also Read: Core Workouts

Recommendations for Upper body workouts

Upper body is perfect for those who are looking for an alternative to working out in the gym. The program gives the same results as working with heavy weights in the “rocking chair”, but takes place in a group form and under the supervision of a coach.

Upper body workouts have virtually no contraindications. An exception will be people for whom physical activity is prohibited in principle. For example, in the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular or respiratory system. Also Read: Full Body Workouts

It is worth postponing training for athletes who have recently received injuries and injuries to the back, neck or upper limbs. Also, girls should not be engaged during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

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