Update on infant formula 1 age

Baby is there, but you are already worried about not wanting / being able to breastfeed your child. Even if the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding of infants up to 6 months, rest assured: infant formulas for the first age are also suitable for your infant.

When to start 1st age milk and when to change to 2nd age?

Infant milk can be given to baby since birth and up to six months. As soon as you start the food diversification, between 4 and 6 months, and that it goes well, you can opt for a 2nd age milk. After the first year, we can switch to growth milk. These infant milks are recommended for children up to their third year.

Which milk to choose in case of mixed breastfeeding?

If you are breastfeeding and formula feeding your baby at the same time, ask your pediatrician for advice to choose your infant milk. On average, it is possible to follow the evolution of 1st age milk before food diversification, 2nd age milk of diversification up to 1 year, then growth milk up to 3 years. Pediatricians generally recommend replacing the less abundant feeds with industrial milk, and therefore avoid bottle-feeding in the morning, evening or night, so as not to clog the breasts.

Which infant milk to choose according to its composition?

Infant milk, sold in powder or liquid form, perfectly cover the nutritional needs of babies, from birth until the beginning of food diversification, around 4-6 months. Their composition is getting closer and closer to mother’s milk. ” There has been enormous progress over the past 30 years! », Insists Professor Tounian, head of the pediatric nutrition and gastroenterology department at Trousseau hospital.

Infant milk is differentiated from breast milk, however, by theabsence of antibodies (protective in case of infections) present in mother’s milk.

The composition of infant formula is subject to regulation. These milks contain proteins from cow’s milk. They also contain essential fatty acids (omega 3 and 6), carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins (C and D) and around 80% water.

Namely: vitamin D supplementation, prescribed by the doctor, is necessary in the first years of children.

In video: Which milks from birth to 3 years old?

How much early infant milk should you give your baby?

Most pediatricians tell parents a “standard” amount to give the baby. The most important thing is to make proposals to your child, it will regulate itself the quantity that it really needs. If your baby drinks all of his 180 ml bottle, you can try to give him a 210 ml bottle for example. However, always discuss this with your pediatrician.

How to choose infant formula for the first age of baby?

« All standard milks are the same! », Insists Professor Tounian. When it comes to powdered or liquid milks, there is no difference except from a practical point of view. ” There are very few liquid 1st age milks anyway. », Specifies the pediatrician.

The purchase of infant milk can be done in pharmacies or in stores. In general, changing brands will not affect the health of the baby. However, it is best to discuss this with your doctor beforehand. ” I specify that this information is only valid for standard milk and if the baby has no pathologies particular like regurgitation», Adds Professor Tounian.

There is a whole panoply of specific 1st age milks to alleviate certain small disorders: anti-reflux milk, against regurgitation, against constipation, against colic… The doctor will advise you on the usefulness, or not, of changing milk.

Should you take formula that contains prebiotics or probiotics?

Probiotics are living organisms that have a beneficial effect on the health of the person who eats them. For milks containing prebiotics, these are substances that promote the growth of “good” bacteria in the intestinal flora. The purpose of milks enriched with prebiotics or probiotics is to balance the intestinal flora, which would protect babies from infections in particular.

The European regulatory framework for infant formula

Infant foods must meet the requirements of a double regulation that takes into account the nutritional needs of children up to 3 years old. And it imposes very strict health safety standards. The composition criteria set by European directives are adopted on the basis of scientific reports drawn up by the European Scientific Committee for Food.


Can you give your child vegetable drinks and which vegetable milk to choose?

Vegetable drinks made from soya, chestnuts, hazelnuts or almonds cannot replace infant milk and should not be used to feed your baby. For toddlers, only products bearing the designation “infant formula” are guaranteed to be suitable and beneficial. What is called vegetable milk but which in its preparation corresponds more to a puree or a juice, therefore does not fit into the diet of the newborn.

If your child has food allergy to cow’s milk or that you do not wish to give products of animal origin to your baby, you can turn to preparations whose proteins have been hydrolyzed, this decreases the allergic power of the product, or to infant formulas based on soy proteins or rice. In all cases, opt for preparations that comply with European regulations and be cautious about the appearance of any deficiencies, infants do not have the same nutritional needs as adults. 

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