This article can be a big disappointment. For some…
Blogger Andrei Lychagin, in ordinary life, a urologist and andrologist, is engaged in medical education at TikTok. He not only reveals useful doctoral life hacks to his viewers, but also shares entertaining facts. For example, the doctor told how old a “banana” grows in men.
In his usual manner, the blogger doctor explained that the growth of the penis in men begins with the formation of secondary sexual characteristics. These include the growth of a beard and mustache, a change in the timbre of the voice to a coarser one, and an increase in muscle muscles. Usually the process of puberty in boys begins at the age of 10-12. The most active phase of growth falls on the so-called transitional age – 15-16 years. At this time, not only active physical development takes place, but also the rapid production of hormones, which play an important role in the growth of the “banana”.
According to the doctor, by about the age of 21, the growth of the penis is completed. After that, its size remains unchanged.
Many viewers reacted to the video with humor and linked the age of the end of organ growth with the generally recognized age of unhindered purchase of alcohol: “So that’s why you can buy alcohol only from 21, now everything has fallen into place!”
Others thought deeply, perhaps the doctor is mistaken, and the “banana”, like the entire human body, can grow up to 24-25 years:
“Well, maybe there is still hope. The nose grows all my life! “
In any case, commentators came to a general conclusion – size matters, no matter how old it changes. And what do you think?