Unwanted “ornaments”

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Small spots, balls or lumps that appear on the skin are rather harmless. We would like to get rid of these “ornaments”, but we do not always know how to do it.

Warts (warts)

The warts come in different shapes, they can be flat and convex, large and small, the color of the skin. There are several types of them: normal warts, warts on the feet (single and mosaic, i.e. clusters of tiny warts) and flat warts. Most often they are located on the hands and feet, but also on the back and abdomen.

Why are they appearing?

Warts are caused by viruses. Infection can occur through direct contact with an infected person or through infected objects. In practice, warts are most common in children and adolescents. Swimming pool can be a common source of infection. The course of infection cannot be predicted. It happens that they disappear on their own. Usually they are not painful, unless they stick to the nail, for example, and lift it as it grows, causing pain and discomfort. They can also penetrate deep into the skin and cause inflammation.

How to heal?

The wart is not only a cosmetic problem. It is a skin disease – its appearance should always be consulted with a dermatologist. You absolutely must not remove them yourself, e.g. by piercing or squeezing, because it may spread the virus to other parts of the body.

There are many treatments for warts, but not all are effective for everyone. For example, external pharmacological preparations, keratolytic (exfoliating) or antiproliferative (inhibiting the development of viruses in cells) of various strengths are used. Usually, the therapy is long and requires regularity. Treatment methods are more effective and radical: freezing, curettage or laser therapy. Due to the availability and effectiveness of the method, cryotherapy is most often used. However, for children it is a painful and stressful treatment, often requiring repetition. Therefore, in the youngest, an effective method of topical treatment with imiquimod 5% (Aldara cream) is used, which works by stimulating local immune (skin defense) and inflammatory reactions. Treatment usually lasts from seven days to several weeks.

Self-treatment with preparations in the form of varnishes (available over the counter – Duofilm, Brodacid or prescription – stronger Verrumal) can be equally effective, but it requires regularity and time.

Are they relapsing?

Papillary skin lesions can spread over a larger area of ​​the body, and can infect others. Therefore, they should always be treated.

Are they dangerous?

Warts are usually not dangerous. However, what we consider a wart is not always so. There are moles very similar to them, the violation or irritation of which may cause a neoplastic process.


They are single, flesh-colored or slightly brownish bumps that often appear on the neck, abdominal wall, or folds such as the groin or armpits. These are usually pediculated lesions hanging next to the skin.

Why are they appearing?

Fibromas are benign tumors. They appear as a result of hypertrophy of the subcutaneous tissue and the dermis. It is not yet known why this is so.

How to heal?

Usually, fibroids do not require treatment. However, if they cause discomfort (large fibroma or in an area where it is constantly irritated), they can be surgically removed. This procedure is only performed by a surgeon or dermatologist. You can also use electrocoagulation (electric burnout), cryotherapy (freezing) or “evaporation” of the fibroma with a laser.

Are they relapsing?

Deleted generally do not renew.

Are they dangerous?

These are benign neoplastic changes, they are not dangerous to your health.


These are stains of different sizes. They can be flat (flat) or convex (cavernous). Cavernous hemangiomas are congenital changes, usually appearing in the 1st – 2nd week of life (until the 3rd – 4th year, in most cases they are completely absorbed, as opposed to flat ones which remain). They can range in color from red to brown or bluish red. Sometimes hemangiomas are shaped like a nodule with capillaries protruding from it. These are stellate hemangiomas, which are acquired, e.g. post-traumatic changes. Tiny, red and slightly convex spots are ruby ​​angiomas.

Why are they appearing?

Hemangiomas are benign tumors of the vascular tissue. They appear as a result of abnormal growth of blood vessels. Today, more and more people have ruby ​​angiomas caused by sun damage to the skin.

How to heal?

The only effective way is to use a laser. You can also cut the hemangiomas, but then you have to take into account that a scar will remain.

Are they relapsing?


Are they dangerous?



Kaszaki are round, soft cysts, the size of a pea, and sometimes even… eggs. They are filled with a gritty mass (hence the name). There is usually a large blackhead on the top of the atheroma. Kaszaki are available individually or in groups. They most often appear on the scalp, face, neck, behind the ears, on the trunk or in the genital area.

Why are they appearing?

They appear when the sebaceous gland or hair follicle becomes clogged and the secretion collects in it.

How to heal?

Kaszaki does not require any treatment. However, it happens that secondary infection occurs (atheromas often festering), so it is worth visiting a dermatologist and removing them under local anesthesia. If the atheroma is large, there will be a visit to the surgery office.

Are they relapsing?

The kashaki recurs when it is not removed completely, along with the purse.

Are they dangerous?



Piglets are tiny, whitish balls the size of a poppy seed or millet. They appear just below the epidermis, most often around the eyelids, on the cheeks, around the temples.

Why are they appearing?

Their appearance is a result of excessive accumulation of sebaceous secretion at the sebaceous gland.

How to heal?

They do not require treatment. They can – for aesthetic reasons – be removed. A beautician or dermatologist will do this.

Are they relapsing?

Yes. Even after the treatment, milia will renew themselves. It is related to the construction of the sebaceous gland. You can try to prevent their recurrence by lubricating sensitive areas with preparations with fruit acids that will dissolve the excess sebum, or use stronger peels.

Are they dangerous?


Text: Maria Bazańska

Consultation: Dr. Beata Nalewajek, dermatologist – venereologist from Centrum Medyczne ENEL MED.

Source: Let’s live longer

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