Unusual ways to use nail polish: tips for housewives

Sealing the envelopes, coloring the flower pots and keeping the rings shiny.

“Are you going to throw it all away?” – Mom reproachfully looked at the shoebox filled with nail polishes.

I have not used varnishes for several years. Gel polish has forever repulsed the desire to paint nails on their own, wait for them to dry, shake so as not to scratch or transfer. But ordinary varnishes still appear in the house, sometimes in the store I simply cannot pass by “this blue one” and “that coral one”. A lot of different-colored bubbles accumulated, in the next cleaning I decided to get rid of them all at once. But it turned out that there are many ways to use all this colorful splendor for other purposes.

Violet, chestnut and a couple of cacti languish in ordinary clay pots. Hands do not reach to buy them something prettier, well, or it is “prettier” is so expensive that their hands are already giving up. But my “blue” and “that coral” ones can be so beautiful on the simplest pots that famous designers will be envious.

If you are on “you” with arts, find a suitable drawing on the Internet, download, print on a printer, cut out a stencil and transfer it to a pot. If you know how to hold a brush in your hands, so much the better, just paint the sides with flowers, stripes, monograms – whatever you like. Bright colors or options with sparkles will look especially advantageous on pots – they will shine like diamonds on the windowsill under the sun.

Fully fabric sneakers and laces for them have to be washed quite often, spring is the time of dust storms. From such a “rough” attitude, the plastic ends on the laces cracked and began to shaggy. You can’t put them through a hole, no matter how hard you try. But nail polish will solve the problem easily and naturally. You can choose a varnish tone to match the laces, you can choose the opposite shade, or use a transparent option. Twist the ends of the laces and dip them in the bottle of nail polish. Let dry and slip into your sneakers.

Of course, electric garlands in stores are not in short supply these days. You can buy them not only before the New Year, but also in the summer heat. But if suddenly colored bulbs peeled off on your favorite garland, or you even bought a colorless version, and then changed your mind and wanted everything to shine yellow-blue-red, use nail polish. It will withstand the elevated temperature and easily cover the entire surface of the light bulb.

Dedicated to all hikers. The season is about to begin. And this means: tents, songs by the fire, in fact, a fire and matches to light it. A lighter is not suitable for such a case, and matches are sometimes damp. If you dip the heads in varnish, let them dry on the edge of the table, so that the treated surface does not touch anything, then dry matches are provided for you. With the first movement, you will remove the varnish, and with the second, fire will appear. By the way, there is another life hack on how to light a match in the wind. It is already over 100 years old, but it works!

In the Soviet school there was a legend that if the Oktyabryat badge with the young Lenin shines and shines, it means that the Octobrist turned out to be excellent. The guys whose badge was dim tried to polish the image of the leader of the proletariat. And if they used transparent nail polish, then their Lenin would always look brilliant. Now there are no badges, but there are metal buttons on clothes, which do not look very good over time, cover them with varnish, and they will retain their shine for a long time.

By the way, the same method will protect your jewelry from the influence of time. Cover the surface with varnish and it will never tarnish.

One clue is enough for a wonderful silk or chiffon dress to go into a stack of clothes for home and summer cottages. Often, the “shoulders” become the culprits of the state of emergency. Especially if they are wooden. Cover the clothes hangers with nail polish and be sure: this life hack will keep your dresses and blouses made of capricious fabrics safe and sound.

This way to save a creeping arrow is quite famous. In spring and summer, a bottle of clear varnish will not be superfluous in your purse. If suddenly a treacherous hook appears on thin tights or stockings and pulls the arrow behind it, you can quickly stop it. It is enough to drop a drop of varnish on the affected area and let it dry. It’s okay that the stocking sticks to the leg, it will come off quite easily.

Rosa, my mother’s friend from America, often sends a gift along with a postcard – she puts a $ 20 bill in the letter. No matter how her mother persuades, the friend never refuses a surprise. Only the surprise often does not reach the addressee, and the traces of the opening are clearly visible on the envelope. Mom learns about a bill that has disappeared somewhere in the vastness of the globe from another telephone conversation with Rosa.

“Coat all seams and joints with clear nail polish,” Mom advised in her last conversation. “Since you are sending money anyway.”

Of course, there is no one hundred percent guarantee that no one will open the letter. But it will be much more difficult and longer to do it. We’ll have to tear the envelope.

By the way, clear nail polish will help to save the address if there is a possibility that the shipment will get damp and some letters will float. Just “laminate” the inscription, and it will remain in the heat and cold.

Finally, I started making pie dough. Now it is moderately sweet, and not, as usual, cloying or absolutely bland. The success had to be filmed on a mobile phone in order to see exactly how much sugar should be added in the glasses – half and a little more. But you could just mark the glass with nail polish. Different colors can be used for different products. For example, red denote the rate of flour, white – milk, yellow – sugar, and so on. Then you can do in the kitchen and without scales, and without spoiled food.

Pepper and salt sometimes do not get enough sleep, new salt and pepper shakers have too large holes, and there are too many of them. You can adjust the intensity with nail polish. Just gently coat the extra holes. If you no longer need the stopper, carefully pierce it with a metal needle.

Have an ugly scratch on brand new shoes? The position will help fix the nail polish to match. Carefully paint over the scratch, and it will not be afraid of cold, heat, rain or snow. The varnish will help stick the piece of skin that has come off in place, just proceed carefully, apply it with a toothpick.

By the way, with multi-colored varnishes, you can create a designer coloring on boring shoes. Add a touch of red to the black boots, or cover them completely with glitter varnish to make them shimmer in the sunlight.

“Here we will have dill, and this is a carrot,” – a friend is never mistaken on which garden bed she will have. To be sure, she prepares plaques from cardboard and used plastic forks and spoons. She signs what exactly she planted, and covers the inscription with transparent varnish. For at least a month, such a plate feels great under the rays of the sun, rain and watering. The inscription does not fade. You can also sign seedlings and different varieties of flowers or vegetables, fruits, berries.

Refreshing a boring bag, making original jeans, becoming the owner of a fashionable T-shirt – it’s all simple. Take a paintbrush, dip it into a bottle of varnish, and then randomly spray it on the required surface. Use bright colors, the more the more interesting. By the way, in this way Carrie Bradshaw herself decorates her bag in “The Carrie Diaries”. She does this at a time when designer things were not yet affordable for her.

You can also paint solid beads and bracelets with nail polish.

In the toilet on a crisp white tiled floor, every week I have to wash the stains from the bottle of air freshener, the same marks were left by the can of cleaning powder before I changed the product. Metal containers in a humid room quickly rust. The same thing happens with shaving foam and deodorant cans. In order not to stain the floor and furniture, it is enough to coat the bottom with nail polish. It will protect the surface from corrosion. You can do the same with screws and bolts. For example, varnish the bolts that secure the wheels of the car. Sometimes just lubrication is not enough for them, and when “over-shoes” the craftsmen have to try to unscrew the stuck wheel.

It is not always possible to hit a needle with a thread the first time. But what can we be shy about, for some it does not work even from the hundredth time. Especially if the eye of the needle is small and the thread is quite voluminous. The grandmothers moistened the tip with saliva, but this measure is limited in time and does not give a guarantee. If you dip the end of the thread into varnish, let it dry, then it will be much easier to get into even the narrowest eyelet.

If fluorescent varnishes are idle in your collection, then they can be used to mark switches and sockets in the apartment. Put a neat mark, and it will be easier for you to navigate in space in the dark. In the same way, you can process a door in the entrance. Very often in the dark you have to try to get the key into all the locks, with such marks you will do it one-two-three.

On the router, I have four absolutely identical sockets. It was the case that during the cleaning, after an unsuccessful sweep with a mop, the wire flew out, and I had to spend a lot of time to find exactly the very nest that I needed. It would be easier to color-code the wire and on the connector where it should be connected. For older people – an excellent help with chargers for various devices, while you can also mark the right side for connection. For example, leave a mark on a USB flash drive and a computer, then you don’t have to guess where is the top and where is the bottom.

Small chips and cracks on your favorite mug or plate can be masked. The varnish is quite durable, it will even withstand the daily test of the dishwasher. You can choose tone to tone, you can wake up the artist in yourself and draw a charming flower, or a bunny, or a bear cub on the spot of the defect. The varnish will fill the space perfectly.

My husband is not a fisherman at all, but even he has a fishing rod in his trunk, but which has not yet been caught by even the smallest stupid fish. Naturally, all kinds of floats and sinkers live there in the trunk. Although the floats are bright, they are very difficult to distinguish from the shore on the water. Mom remembered how in the Soviet era of general deficit, dad quietly carried nail polish and tinted floats with it. Now there is no shortage, paint floats and sinkers as much as you like. What is not a way to attach unnecessary nail polish.

Calling a restorer to remove scratches and chips on furniture is not a cheap pleasure. If the scratches are not very big, and your favorite table or shelf is not mahogany, then you can use nail polish. It is important to be in tune here. And be sure to use a very thin brush, for example for painting on your nails. Try to ensure that the varnish fills only the crack, and does not hit the entire surface.

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