Unusual ways to deal with the heat. This is what they do in Arab countries

How to deal with heat when the temperature exceeds 30 degrees C? Here are some unusual ways that hardly anyone has heard of. Some come from Arab countries.

  1. In Poland, the temperature already exceeds 30 degrees Celsius
  2. In Arab countries, the inhabitants cope with even higher temperatures, e.g. by eating hot and often slightly spicy food
  3. A little known, but effective way to deal with the heat is also soaking the curtains
  4. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

How to deal with the heat?

Our body regulates the temperature by itself, which is why we sweat much more during a hot day than when the temperature is at the optimal level. However, in order to better tolerate high temperature, it is worth supporting the body, which at that time does everything to make us survive the unfavorable conditions for it. We can do it not only by cooling ourselves with the air set in motion by a windmill or by taking a cold bath. As it turns out, even the meals you eat have an effect on body temperature.

On hot days, it’s best to avoid salty foods, as well as foods that are rich in protein. Instead, it’s best to eat vegetables and fruits, and eat more often but small portions of your food.

Why? Salty foods cause more water to escape from our body, incl. with urine causing dehydration, meanwhile it must be well hydrated to be able to sweat. In contrast, protein-rich foods increase the body’s heat due to the metabolism of this macronutrient. Dr. JM Strang and Dr. G. Booth proved at the beginning of the 2th century that eating a protein-rich meal (in the study, ground beef steak was eaten) causes the body temperature to increase by XNUMX degrees C within one hour of eating a meal as reported by CBC.

In the heat, drink warm drinks, eat hot and spicy food

Another way to deal with the heat is to drink hot drinks and eat hot meals. It has been the norm in Arab countries since antiquity. By providing the body with fluid or food at high temperature, it receives a signal that it should cool down. This way more sweat is released. However, researchers from the University of Ottawa’s Thermal Ergonomics Laboratory have shown that this type of action works best in dry climates.

Don’t forget about the water!

During a heat wave, the supply of fluids is of utmost importance. In Medonet Market you can buy, among others water bottles and water bottles, thanks to which you will not forget about hydration.

Another piece of advice: eat spicy foods. These will cause your body to sweat more than usual, cooling it down faster. The effect will therefore be exactly the same as when we eat hot food. However, it’s worth adding that you shouldn’t overdo it, because eating a lot of spicy food, such as chillies, which contain capsaicin, can eventually make you feel worse. So pay attention to the appropriate dose of this type of food.

Wet curtains in the room will lower the temperature

A less known, although returning to favors, way is wet curtains. Our grandmothers already used it. It only works when air is circulating around the room. This has to happen either naturally, due to the wind blowing into him through an open window, causing a draft, or by a fan running in the room.

How it’s working? The air that gets inside first passes through a wet or damp curtain, which causes it to cool down by a few degrees. It is a simple and effective method that you can feel almost immediately.

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