Carrots remain one of the most common and useful vegetable crops. Today there are many hybrids. They differ in size, maturity, taste and even color. In addition to the usual orange carrots, you can grow yellow, red, white and purple root crops on your site.

What determines the color of vegetables

Unusual varieties of colorful carrots

As already noted, vegetables can have a wide range of shades. Colored carrots differ in the content of other plant pigments. These substances not only give the fruits color, but also have a positive effect on the body. The following shows which pigments form the color of carrots and other vegetables.

  1. Carotene (provitamin A) gives fruits Orange color.
  2. Lutein is responsible for yellow coloration.
  3. Anthocyanin forms purple, magenta and black colors.
  4. Lycopene gives rich red tint.
  5. Betaine causes staining in burgundy color.

These substances are beneficial to the human body. They improve the condition of blood vessels, stimulate the immune system, improve vision and act as antioxidants.

Varieties of yellow, white and red carrots have stable colors. But purple root crops lose their color during heat treatment. Therefore, they are often used for salads and cold dishes. It is worth considering that the purple carrot stains all the products with which it comes into contact.

Some varieties of purple

Colorful vegetables decorate dishes and salads. There are many varieties of purple carrots. Some varieties have an orange core, others are evenly colored. The following is an overview of the most common names.


Unusual varieties of colorful carrots

This purple carrot has an orange core. Refers to early ripening varieties. The length of the root crop is 20-25 cm, the diameter is up to 3 cm. The shape is elongated, cone-shaped. It has a pleasant, spicy taste. It has an unusual aroma that disappears during cooking.

Purple Haze F1

Unusual varieties of colorful carrots

This hybrid is characterized by the same color: a purple surface and an orange core. As a result of heat treatment, the color is lost. Therefore, the fruits are recommended for fresh consumption.

Purple Sun F1

Unusual varieties of colorful carrots

The hybrid produces fruits that are entirely purple. The plant is disease resistant. Carrots are high in antioxidants. Excellent taste, often used for making juice.

Cosmic Purple

Unusual varieties of colorful carrots

The plant bears fruits that are purple on the outside with an orange core. One of the most common varieties. It has a short maturation period.

Variety of yellow carrots

Yellow carrots taste sweeter than orange ones. Homemade dishes will look more elegant if they contain solar rings or bars. Such an additive will make the vitamin salad more appetizing for kids. To grow yellow carrots, you need to stock up on the seeds of the following varieties.


Unusual varieties of colorful carrots

These root crops have a yellow canary color. Carrots are consumed both fresh and stewed. Refers to late varieties. Root crops are large – about 20-25 cm, weight averages 200 g. They grow in the form of a spindle. Differ in high productivity.

Solar Yellow

Unusual varieties of colorful carrots

The variety bears fruits of bright yellow color. Carrot grows 16-19 cm in length. It has juicy and crispy flesh.

Doubs Yellow

Unusual varieties of colorful carrots

This variety of carrot originated from France and has a long history. The fruits are yellow, evenly colored. They grow in the form of a cone, quite large – about 15-30 cm. They have an excellent taste – sweet and juicy. Carrots are well stored, they are used both fresh and for cooking.


Unusual varieties of colorful carrots

A variety of carrots of intense yellow color. Root crops are evenly colored. A great addition to summer vitamin salads. Fruits grow from 12 to 17 cm long. They have juicy and crispy pulp. Well preserved.


Unusual varieties of colorful carrots

Another variety of bright yellow carrots. Colored evenly, has a slightly sweet taste. Root crops grow about 15 cm long. They ripen within 80 days. It is used for preparing salads, pilaf and other dishes. Suitable for children’s kitchen.

White varieties and their differences

White varieties of carrots may vary in shade. Their flesh is in any case sweet and crispy. These vegetables will be a good addition to summer salads and other dishes.

White Satin F1

Unusual varieties of colorful carrots

This white variety of carrots is considered one of the best. The root crop has a snow-white color, a flat surface. The pulp is juicy, has a sweet taste, pleasantly crackles.

Lunar White

Unusual varieties of colorful carrots

One of the recently bred varieties. It brings fairly large root crops, they reach a length of 30 cm. The surface is almost white, the pulp is tender, pleasant to the taste. Harvest can be harvested both ripe and very young.

Important! The Lunar White root crop should be completely in the ground, this will help prevent greening of the top.

Crème de Lite (“Pure Cream”)

The variety produces uniformly colored fruits of a creamy hue. They have sweet, juicy flesh. The variety is early maturing. Carrots grow 25 cm long, while it takes no more than 70 days. The plant resists many diseases. Root crops are elongated, narrowing closer to the roots. Used for salads and other dishes.

Characteristics of the red carrot

If you want to grow red carrots on your site, surprise friends and relatives, you should pay attention to the varieties listed below.

Red Samurai

Unusual varieties of colorful carrots

This variety of carrot comes from Japan. It has a rich red color, it is colored evenly. The core and outer surface practically do not differ in tone. It has a pleasant, sweet taste, not too crispy flesh. The fruits ripen within 100-110 days. The size of a carrot is up to 20 cm. The variety is widely used in the kitchen. It is used for salads, pilaf, juices, soups. It is also used in folk medicine.

Atomic Red

Unusual varieties of colorful carrots

The variety continues the parade of varieties of red carrots. It has a coral hue, which becomes even more intense after heat treatment. The root crop grows up to 25-27 cm in length. The carrot is fragrant and crispy. Grows well when the weather is cool.

How to diversify the garden: unusual varieties

In addition to red, purple and yellow carrots, you can plant varieties that produce black or multi-colored fruits.

Black Jack

Unusual varieties of colorful carrots

This variety of carrots is distinguished by a rich black color, the roots are evenly colored. Taste with a sweetish tint. Carrots grow up to 30 cm in length, it takes 120 days to ripen. The pulp is not very dense. Root crops can be used for juices and second courses.


Unusual varieties of colorful carrots

In fact, this is not a separate variety, but a mixture of carrot seeds of different colors. The kit includes white roots Lunar White, red Atomic Red, yellow Solar Yellow and purple Cosmic Purple. As a result, a real carrot rainbow grows in the garden.

Comment! History shows that varieties with purple and yellow fruits were cultivated at first, and the now familiar orange, as well as white and red, were bred later.

Useful tips for growing colored carrots

Popular cultivars include Cosmic Purple, which bears purple-skinned, orange-fleshed fruit. It belongs to early maturing varieties, grows better when the air is cool. This is not only useful, but also an original vegetable. It is recommended to use it fresh so that the fruits do not lose their color and vitamins.

Seeds are pre-soaked, then planted in open ground. Given the characteristics of this variety, they can be sown in early spring. After 70 days, the first harvest ripens.

These plants need:

  • moderate moisture;
  • loosening of the soil;
  • cool air (with strong heat, the root crop is deformed);
  • before planting, digging the soil to a depth of 30 cm (important for the growth of straight carrots);
  • sowing seeds in rows with an interval of 5 mm, spreading about 35 cm between rows;
  • thinning seedlings;
  • powdering root crops with earth, when the top is shown above the soil as it grows (it will help to avoid greening).

To make your summer salads colorful and original, it is worth sowing carrots of different colors in the garden. In addition to the traditional orange, you can grow yellow, red or purple root vegetables. For interest, seeds of varieties of different colors are sometimes mixed in equal proportions. Then each extracted root crop will be a surprise for the gardener.

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