Unusual symptoms of menopause. Women think it is “old age” or other diseases
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Women go through the menopause mostly between the ages of 45 and 55. Among the most common symptoms of menopause are amenorrhea, hot flushes, vaginal dryness and increased irritability. Sometimes, however, it is also accompanied by other disturbing symptoms that most women do not associate with menopause. What else may be evidence of menopause? What unusual symptoms are associated with it? Is it possible to get rid of them?

  1. During the menopause, a woman’s body undergoes many changes related to the functioning of the endocrine system
  2. In addition to the typical physical symptoms, the menopause may also be accompanied by: memory deterioration, depression, apathy or concentration difficulties
  3. The unusual symptoms of menopause include: tinnitus, numbness of the limbs, increased hair loss or arterial hypertension.
  4. In case of bothersome symptoms related to menopause, consult a doctor
  5. Check your health. Just answer these questions
  6. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

What Happens to the Body During Menopause?

Menopause is the period in a woman’s life that occurs most frequently between the ages of 45 and 55, when the body is undergoing many changes related to menopause. First of all, menstruation stops because the ovaries stop producing the most important sex hormones – estrogen and progesterone. Because of this, many other changes related to the functioning of the entire organism take place. That is why okres menopause it has so many troublesome ailments.

The most common symptoms of menopause

The most common symptoms of menopause are known to many women because the vast majority deal with them. It happens that all symptoms are severe, causing distinct discomfort, but sometimes the menopause is almost asymptomatic. Unfortunately, only a small number of women are in the latter group. Much more often hormonal changes in the body are associated with troublesome symptoms. Meet the most popular ones.

How to fight the symptoms of menopause? Regularly use Pemesiv ™ YANGO – a dietary supplement for women, available on Medonet Market at a promotional price.

Physical symptoms

Amenorrhea is caused by the ovaries that produce sex hormones stop working. It is very often accompanied by a decrease in libido, as well as symptoms in the area of ​​intimate parts: vaginal dryness, burning and itching, and an increased risk of infection. As a result, women complain of pain during intercourse or discomfort every day. In addition, they occur frequently objawy climacterium These include hot flashes, dizziness, urinary incontinence, and dry skin. Many women struggle with memory impairment and concentration difficulties at this time.

Mental symptoms

In addition to the characteristic physical symptoms accompanying menopause, mature women also experience disabling symptoms related to mood. Rapid hormonal changes in the body contribute to increased irritability as well as an emotional swing – within one day you may feel alternately strong anger, euphoria or exceptional tenderness and tendency to cry. Depressive states, apathy, depressed mood and reluctance to perform daily duties are also very common. You must remember to ask a specialist for help if necessary.

  1. Symptoms of premature menopause. How do you know if you are starting to bleed?

Unusual symptoms of menopause – worth knowing

Hot flashes, decreased libido or excessive irritability are characteristic symptoms of menopausealmost every woman is aware of. Unfortunately, it happens that much less common ailments go hand in hand with commonly known symptoms. Many of them may not be directly associated with menopause at first glance. If you observe them, it is worth consulting a doctor who will determine the cause and advise you on how to facilitate this difficult time in life.

Deterioration of the skin condition

With age, the skin condition of both women and men changes significantly. You can observe, first of all, its slackening and loss of firmness. As a result, it becomes much less susceptible to the effects of cosmetics and it becomes more and more difficult to keep it in good condition. Apart from that period of menopause promotes drying of the skin and the feeling of tightness. At this time, it is especially important to regularly, deeply moisturize the skin with preparations intended for the care of mature skin. Specialist treatments carried out in a professional beauty salon may also be useful.

Does your skin need hydration? You will find a diced lotion for mature skin with jasmine and green tea in Medonet Market.


Many people struggle with intermittent noises and squeaks from time to time that do not come from the environment. Most often it is associated with insufficient ear hygiene. However, in the case of mature women undergoing the menopause, these ailments may result from hormonal changes.

Tinnitus during menopause they often stem from elevated blood pressure, increased nervous tension, or neurological problems. How can I get rid of them? In addition to proper ear hygiene, it is important to consult an ENT specialist who will order the necessary tests and help determine the direct cause of the tinnitus. For many women, this persistent ailment disappears after using hormone therapy.

To support the body during menopause, order Menopause – a herbal set for women consisting of dietary supplements that alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

Pain in the bones and spine

The reduced amount of estrogen in the female body contributes to the deterioration of the absorption of vitamin D3 and calcium. As a result – bones are much more fragile and brittle, the risk of osteoporosis also increases. Although this disease does not always have serious consequences, it sometimes happens that large bone decalcification results in severe pain in the spine or hips. “Bone pain” is an arbitrary term, but it is associated with a specific feeling. The effect very often is just that osteoporosis during menopause.

  1. Menopause – how to take care of your hair?

Tingling and numbness in the extremities

Paresthesia, or numbness as well unpleasant tingling felt in the arms and legs is a little known ailment resulting from the menopause. It is directly related to the reduction in the amount of collagen in the body, as well as minor disturbances in the conductivity of the nervous system. Most often they are not a cause for concern, because they are caused by a drop in estrogen levels. Numbness in the legs can also result from painful pressure in the vertebrae or problems with the bone tissue. In the case of persistent ailments that interfere with normal functioning, you will need to see a specialist.

Swelling and sensation of swelling

Water retention is a condition that affects many people, not only menopausal women. If someone notices such a symptom, it is worth considering whether they are not getting too much salt and processed products, such as crisps, crackers, salted peanuts, alcohol or very salty dishes with their diet. If the problem is with women during menopause, it is good to ensure an adequate supply of potassium in your daily diet. It has a positive effect on the acid-base balance and allows you to get rid of excess water in the body. You should also remember to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day.


The risk of developing high blood pressure increases with age, especially in women. Hormone secretion decreased sex during menopause exposes you to diseases of the cardiovascular system. The disproportion of factors influencing normal blood pressure, caused by estrogen deficiency, unfortunately often leads to diseases that need to be treated pharmacologically. The risk of high blood pressure also increases as a result of weight gain and too high levels of bad cholesterol. Sometimes it results from an improper diet, and other times from a disturbance in the work of the thyroid gland or the entire hormonal balance. Then it is worth asking a specialist for help who will apply the appropriate treatment methods.

  1. Hot flashes don’t necessarily mean menopause. Check their cause

Brittle nails and increased hair loss

Vitamin deficiency, anemia or diseases of the thyroid gland accompanying menopause may contribute to the brittleness of the nail plates. It also results from the decreased concentration of estrogens in the body of a mature woman, which in turn disturbs the collagen structure of the nails and weakens the hair roots. For this reason, ladies often watch at home intensified hair loss, dullness and dryness. In order to work locally, it is worth using organic nail care oils and rubs that stimulate circulation in the scalp. In case of serious ailments, consultation with a doctor will be necessary.

How to deal with the atypical symptoms of menopause?

A minority of women who undergo menopause do not experience persistent symptoms. Unfortunately, many more women have to deal with numerous ailments on a daily basis, which largely affect their comfort, self-confidence, as well as health and general functioning.. Above all, it is important to take care of a healthy, wholesome diet that will provide the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

The specialist, after carrying out the necessary tests and conducting a detailed interview, will be able to provide the woman with advice on how to cope with this period. In many cases it may turn out to be appropriate hormone therapy or implementation of various types of pharmacotherapy. Remember not to ignore any symptoms as they may not necessarily be due to the menopause. The sooner he reacts to disturbing changes in the body, the faster and more effectively the doctor will be able to help.

Also read:

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  2. When menopause comes too soon
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