Unusual symptoms of endometriosis

Although it is being talked about more and more often, years still pass from the first symptoms to the moment of an accurate diagnosis. Unfortunately for women with endometriosis, these are years filled with suffering and a constant search for the causes of pain. The stereotypes that patients are treated to even in gynecologists’ offices do not help. Endometriosis remains one of the most difficult diseases to diagnose and very often causes non-specific symptoms.

What is endometriosis?

Endometriosis is an inflammatory disease. It occurs when the same type of cells that make up the lining of the uterus, the endometrium, appears outside the womb. Such an abnormal place of the uterine epithelium leads to many ailments. Endometriosis outbreaks may appear not only on the surface of the ovaries. Very often, foci are spread throughout the abdominal cavity: on the intestinal surface, around the bladder and ureters. Occasionally, infiltrates appear outside the abdominal cavity, in the brain or lungs.

Endometriosis deeply infiltrating is a form of the disease reaching a depth of more than 5 mm, most often located in the vaginal-rectal space or on the urinary bladder. Due to their nature, endometrial foci, like normal epithelium, are sensitive to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle. They build up and then peel off, causing bleeding.

Unusual symptoms of endometriosis

When we think about symptoms of endometriosis, immediately our associations go towards painful and heavy periods. This is the most common symptom because endometrial hyperplasia is most often located in the uterus, causing severe contractions and bleeding during menstruation. However, these aren’t the only symptoms you should look out for.

Endometriosis can be very unusual, and the changes can be scattered throughout the body.

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Bladder problems

If you have bladder problems, feel the need to go to the toilet more often during your period, or experience urinary incontinence, this could be due to an endometriosis focus on your bladder. In this case, you may even feel pain during the micturition and bladder contractions. Symptoms usually worsen during menstruation.

Gastrointestinal problems

Americans call this symptom “endo belly”. In fact, it is the bloating that occurs during menstruation. Women often describe their condition by comparing the size of the abdomen to the beginning of pregnancy. It is not the only gastrointestinal symptom. Very often endometriosis is misdiagnosed as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), because its symptoms may be similar. In addition to flatulence, you can suffer for diarrhea, constipation and nausea. Endometriosis that focuses on the surface of the intestines and stomach can also cause vomiting during menstruation.

Back pain

Although women often hear that the period must hurt, and the miraculous healing will be giving birth to a child, it’s time to put these stories into fairy tales. Back pain radiating to the legs (or one leg) may also be a symptom of endometriosis.

An outbreak of endometriosis developing in the pelvic area it can infiltrate the nerves there. This causes pain in the lower back, very much like sciatica.

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Chest and shoulder pain

Although it may seem impossible, endometriosis is extremely insidious. Some women may feel it severe pain in the chest, arms or shoulder area. It happens so, when endometriosis affects the diaphragm. Such a location of the outbreaks of the disease can even cause breathing difficulties.

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If endometriosis affects the intestines and peritoneum it can manifest itself in the form of heartburn and acid reflux. Often this symptom occurs along with other gastrointestinal ailments. This is an extremely often underestimated symptom. Unfortunately, treatment with agents that lower the pH and soothe the effects of heartburn is not effective because it does not eliminate their cause. Changing your diet may help relieve the symptoms of endometriosis, but it is not a substitute for treating the underlying cause of your stomach problems.


One of symptoms of endometriosis there may be severe headaches, especially occurring during menstruation. This is due to a hormonal imbalance. You may find it helpful oral contraception to prevent sudden fluctuations in your hormones in the body and regulate their level.

If you suspect you have endometriosis and are suffering from any of the above symptoms, talk to your gynecologist and tell him or her about your suspicions. According to statistics, most women are diagnosed from a different angle for years. If your periods have always been very painful, there’s a good chance you have endometriosis. Let’s not be afraid to consult not one, but two or three specialists when it comes to our health and quality of life. Endometriosis must be treated.

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